197 research outputs found


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    SrFe12O19 coatings, intended as electromagnetic wave absorbers, were produced by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) using two different kindsof feedstock powders: spray-dried agglomerates of micrometric SrFe12O19 particles (type-A) or spray-dried agglomerates of raw materials (SrCO3,Fe2O3), reactively sintered at 1100 ◦C (type-B).During spraying, type-A agglomerates either remain unmelted, producing porous coating regions where crystalline hexaferrite is retained, orare disrupted into smaller granules which melt completely, resulting in dense coating regions with no crystalline hexaferrite.The sintered type-B agglomerates possess higher cohesive strength and do not fall apart: the finer ones melt completely, whereas, in the largerones, the outer region melts and infiltrates the porous unmelted core which retains crystalline hexaferrite. Dense coatings can therefore be obtainedwhile preserving high amounts of crystalline hexaferrite even inside the dense areas. Such coatings show magnetic properties that are promisingfor electromagnetic wave absorption applications

    Link Level Analysis of NR V2X Sidelink Communications

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    The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) will interconnect vehicles, vulnerable road users, and infrastructure nodes for a safer, more efficient, and digitalized mobility. In the IoV vision, traditional network-based communications will be complemented with direct Sidelink (SL) Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. To this aim, 3GPP introduced in Release 16 the New Radio (NR) V2X SL technology. The NR V2X SL standard includes important Physical (PHY) layer novelties with respect to LTE V2X SL and NR Uplink/Downlink, and is characterized by a large set of configurable parameters. However, existing NR V2X SL link level studies focus on a confined set of configurations. This limits a thorough understanding of the NR V2X SL link level performance and impacts the accuracy of system level evaluations, which typically leverage link level models to accurately represent the PHY layer performance. These models are based on Look-Up Tables (LUTs) that map the link level performance, e.g., BLock Error Rate (BLER), as a function of the link quality, e.g., Signalto-Noise Ratio (SNR). This study presents an exhaustive NR V2X SL link level evaluation that analyzes the impact of relevant PHY layer aspects, e.g., modulation and coding scheme, channel model, and transmitter-receiver relative speed, considering the wide set of configurations recommended by 3GPP and ETSI. The obtained standard-compliant LUTs are openly released, representing the largest NR V2X SL link level dataset available. The released dataset represents a valuable asset for the community, as it allows exhaustive NR V2X SL system level investigations under a broad range of settings and configurations

    Development of matte finishes in electrostatic (EFB) and conventional hot dipping (CHDFB) fluidized bed coating process

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    This study focuses on the correlation between the thermo-rheological properties of a thermosetting powder coating system with its surface structure build-up. Epoxy powder coating systems, which displayed surface matting and surface wrinkling, were examined. Firstly, the evolution of the complex viscosity was correlated with the cure kinetic. Secondly, the structure build-up on the surface of the coatings was investigated with a combined SEM-CLA profilometry analysis at different stages of curing process for both EFB and CHDFB coating processes. Different finishes were found to characterize the films applied by using EFB and CHDFB coating processes as a result of the different way the film is heated by. Finally, a strict relationship of film morphology to the degree of conversion and to the evolution of the complex viscosity was found out for both EFB and CHDFB coating processes. The surface structure is built up after gelation point and continues to evolve after gelation with a full development of the film fine structure. Differences were observed in the surface structure build-up when different curing temperature was used, thereby indicating an influence of minimum viscosity on achievable finishing. These experimental results lead to further advances in a better understanding of the formation of surface topography and morphology of polymeric films. They also provide important indications for the settings of curing parameters in both EFB and CHDFB coating processes as well as for the development of new powder coating formulations. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    On the Impact of Re-Evaluation in 5G NR V2X Mode 2

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    5G NR V2X has been designed to support advanced connected and automated driving V2X services. These services are characterized by variable traffic patterns that can generate packet collisions in decentralized systems where vehicles autonomously select their radio resources like 5G NR V2X mode 2. 5G NR V2X introduces a re-evaluation mechanism at the MAC layer to detect and avoid possible packet collisions before a vehicle transmits in selected resources. Most of the studies conducted to date on 5G NR V2X do not consider the re-evaluation mechanism despite being a mandatory MAC feature. This article advances the state of the art with an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the operation and performance of re-evaluation in 5G NR V2X mode 2 under different traffic patterns and mode 2 configurations. The study shows that re-evaluation is effective in avoiding collisions with periodic traffic but its effectiveness decreases with aperiodic traffic and of variable size. The study also shows that re-evaluation is effective in avoiding collisions generated by the retransmission of packets. However, its overall impact on the performance of 5G NR V2X mode 2 is small, while it can have a relevant implementation cost due to the frequent re-evaluation checks and resource reselections. This raises questions on the current design of the re-evaluation mechanism that is a mandatory feature in 5G NR V2X mode 2

    Microstructural and tribological comparison of HVOF-sprayed and post-treated M-Mo-Cr-Si (M = Co, Ni) alloy coatings

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    High velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF)-sprayed wear resistant Co-28%Mo-17%Cr-3%Si and Ni-32%Mo-15%Cr-3%Si coatings, both as-sprayed and after heat treatments at 600 degrees C for 1 h, have been studied. Particularly, their dry sliding wear behaviour has been compared by ball-on-disk tests against different counterbodies (100Cr6 steel and sintered alumina), and differences were discussed based on microstructural characteristics and micromechanical properties (Vickers microindentation and scratch test responses). As-sprayed coatings contain oxide stringers, are mostly amorphous and display rather low Vickers microhardness (about 7.4 GPa for the Co-based and 6.2 GPa for the Ni-based), toughness and elastic modulus. Heat-treated ones display sub-micrometric crystalline intermetallics, improving hardness (9.6 GPa and 7.4 GPa, respectively) and elastic modulus. Scratch tests indicate greater brittleness of the Ni-based alloy (higher tendency to cracking). Due to low hardness and toughness, both as-sprayed coatings undergo wear loss against steel and alumina counterparts. The more plastic Co-based alloy undergoes higher adhesive wear against steel and lower abrasive wear against alumina; the situation is reversed for the Ni-based alloy. After heat treatment, the wear loss against steel is very low for both coatings; abrasive wear still occurs against alumina. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Profile of deglutition speech evaluation in an intensive care unit

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    The combination of an increase in long-term survival and the availability of a relatively sensitive parathyroid hormone (PTH) assay has led to an increasing incidence of hyperparathyroidism (HPT) diagnosis in patients on regular dialysis treatment (RDT). Hitherto the diagnosis has been based on biochemical data and clinical grounds, as parathyroid (PT) imaging is limited in accuracy, reproducibility, safety and invasiveness [1, 2]. Today, 201TI and 99mTc subtraction imaging (sq, high resolution ultrasonography (US) and up-to-date computed tomography (CT) have been proposed as sensitive and specific tests for primary HPT imaging [4-7]. The aim of the present study was to assess on a group of patients on RDT the accuracy of these methods in relation to the degree of HP


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    Si sono esaminati gli effetti dello spessore e della presenza/assenza di un sottile bond coat in Ni sulla resistenza ad usura e a corrosione di rivestimenti in materiale cermet WC-CoCr, depositati tramite termospruzzatura HVOF su piastre in lega di alluminio AA 6082T6. Riporti con quattro diversi spessori, compresi nell’intervallo 50 ?m – 150 ?m, sono stati prodotti eseguendo, rispettivamente, un totale di 2, 3, 4 e 5 scansioni consecutive della torcia davanti al substrato. All’aumentare del numero di scansioni, la porosità del rivestimento cermet (sia con, sia senza bond coat) diminuisce; il cambiamento più sensibile si verifica fra i riporti depositati con 2 e 3 passaggi della torcia. Per spiegare questo fenomeno, si sono analizzati i meccanismi di deposizione di singole lamelle di WC-CoCr, esaminandole con tecnica Focused Ion Beam (FIB). All’aumento di densità del rivestimento corrispondono un incremento di microdurezza, un miglioramento della resistenza all’usura per strisciamento (misurata mediante test ball-on-disk) ed una maggior protezione del substrato contro la corrosione (valutata mediante spettroscopia di impedenza elettrochimica e monitoraggio del potenziale di libera corrosione). Rispetto a strati anodizzati, prodotti sulle stesse piastre, tutti riporti WC-CoCr (indipendentemente dallo spessore) sono molto più resistenti ad usura ma meno protettivi contro la corrosione del substrato

    Influence of MAX-Phase Deformability on Coating Formation by Cold Spraying

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    As solid-state deposition technique avoiding oxidation, cold gas spraying is capable of retaining feedstock material properties in the coatings, but typically fails to build up coatings of brittle materials. Ceramic MAX phases show partial deformability in particular lattice directions and may thus successfully deposit in cold spraying. However, deformation mechanisms under high strain rate, as necessary for cohesion and adhesion, are not fully clear yet. A MAX-phase deposit only builds up, if the specific mechanical properties of the MAX phase allow for, and if suitable spray parameter sets get realized. To investigate the influence of material properties and deposition conditions on coating microstructure and quality, three MAX phases, Ti3SiC2, Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC, were selected. Up to ten passes under different spray parameters yielded Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC coatings with thicknesses of about 200-500 \ub5m. In contrast, Ti3SiC2 only forms a monolayer, exhibiting brittle laminar failure of the impacting particles. In all cases, the crystallographic structure of the MAX-phase powders was retained in the coatings. Thicker coatings show rather low porosities (< 2%), but some laminar cracks. The deposition behavior is correlated with individual mechanical properties of the different MAX-phase compositions and is discussed regarding the particular, highly anisotropic deformation mechanisms

    The effect of ceramic YSZ powder morphology on coating performance for industrial TBCs

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    The increasing turbine inlet temperatures in modern gas turbines have raised concerns about the corrosion of ceramic thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) caused by molten silicate deposits, commonly referred to as “CMAS” due to their main constituents (CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2). The objective of this study was to investigate the combined influence of powder morphology and chemical composition on the CMAS resistance and thermal cycling resistance of ceramic monolayer and bi-layer coatings created through Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS). Three powder morphologies were examined: porous Agglomerated and Sintered (A&S) granules, Hollow Spherical (HOSP) powders, and dense, irregular Fused and Crushed (F&C) particles. Monolayer 7-8YSZ coatings with both porous and dense vertically cracked (DVC) microstructures, and bi-layer coatings consisting of a bottom layer of porous standard 7-8YSZ and a top layer composed of a porous high‑yttrium ZrO2–55 wt% Y2O3 were obtained using all three powder types (A&S, HOSP, or F&C). Furthermore, the bi-layer systems were deposited with different ratios between the individual layer thicknesses and/or different total thickness. FEG-SEM, EDX, and micro-Raman analyses, were conducted to assess the coatings' performance. Nanoindentation high-speed mapping and pillar splitting test were performed to evaluate the mechanical behaviour. The study on 8YSZ monolayers shows that coatings from a F&C feedstock exhibit higher density, reducing the CMAS penetration. However, these coatings demonstrate poorer thermal cycling performance due to increased stiffness and thermal stresses. Coatings from HOSP and A&S powders allow CMAS penetration but offer stress relief pathways, enhancing the coating's ability to withstand thermal stresses. Bi-layer coatings with a 55YSZ top coat show superior CMAS resistance compared to 7-8YSZ monolayer coatings, with limited penetration causing top coat peeling. The thickness ratio between the layers also affects thermal cycling resistance, where a thinner 55YSZ layer extends the TBC lifetime