210 research outputs found

    Effects of confinement on the permanent electric-dipole moment of Xe atoms in liquid Xe

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    Searches for permanent electric-dipole moments (EDM) of atoms provide important constraints on competing extensions to the standard model of elementary particles. Recently proposed experiment with liquid 129^{129}Xe [M.V. Romalis and M.P. Ledbetter, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{87}, 067601 (2001)] may significantly improve present limits on the EDMs. To interpret experimental data in terms of CP-violating sources, one must relate measured atomic EDM to various model interactions via electronic-structure calculations. Here we study density dependence of atomic EDMs. The analysis is carried out in the framework of the cell model of the liquid coupled with relativistic atomic-structure calculations. We find that compared to an isolated atom, the EDM of an atom of liquid Xe is suppressed by about 40%

    Post-Wick theorems for symbolic manipulation of second-quantized expressions in atomic many-body perturbation theory

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    Manipulating expressions in many-body perturbation theory becomes unwieldily with increasing order of the perturbation theory. Here I derive a set of theorems for efficient simplification of such expressions. The derived rules are specifically designed for implementing with symbolic algebra tools. As an illustration, we count the numbers of Brueckner-Goldstone diagrams in the first several orders of many-body perturbation theory for matrix elements between two states of a mono-valent system.Comment: J. Phys. B. (in press); Mathematica packages available from http://wolfweb.unr.edu/homepage/andrei/WWW-tap/mathematica.htm

    Співвідносні прийменниково-іменникові конструкції зі значенням одночасності як реалізатори зовнішньої семантико-синтаксичної кореляції (Relative prepositional and noun structures with simultaneity meanings as the implementer of the external semantic and syntactic correlation)

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню співвідносних темпоральних прийменниково-субстантивних структур з непохідними й похідними часовими прийменниками; проаналізовано чинні в сучасній українській мові парадигми прийменниково-іменникових корелятивів зі значенням одночасності, вирізнено їхні диференційні ознаки. (The research article is devoted to the study of relative temporal prepositional and substantive structures with non-derivative and derivative temporal prepositions, representing the external semantic and syntactic correlation, which is based on the mutual dependence of its components. Special attention is focused on two main aspects: the first one – formal structure of temporal prepositional-nominal structures with the obligatory consideration of the origin of constituents prepositions of the researched models; the second one – semantic gradations that form non-derivative and derivative prepositions. Secondary prepositions convey semantic gradations instead of primary ones because they are monosemantic. External correlation can be realized in the prepositional and substantive structures formed with the various prepositions in relation to the origin. The detailed analysis of the modern Ukrainian paradigms of prepositional and noun correlatives with the meaning of partial simultaneity, fully covered time by the action, as well as a designated / indefinite duration within the category of simultaneity was carried out. Differential features of comparable temporatives with the primary and secondary pretexts were highlighted. The attention is focused on the features of combining the temporal non-derivative and derivative prepositions with nouns of temporal and non-temporal meanings. It has been found that it is primary and secondary prepositions that cause the appearance of differential features in the semantics and functional sphere of temporary prepositional and noun structures, due to which the latter enter into external correlative relations. The semantics of simultaneity is manifested with temporatives of two- and four-component paradigms of the correlatives. Specific semantic gradations, stylistic marking and scope of application are the main features that make possible correlation in the analyzed prepositional and substantive structures with non-derivative and derivative temporal pretexts.

    Molecular CP-violating magnetic moment

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    A concept of CP-violating (T,P-odd) permanent molecular magnetic moments μCP\mu^{CP} is introduced. We relate the moments to the electric dipole moment of electron (eEDM) and estimate μCP\mu^{CP} for several diamagnetic polar molecules. The moments exhibit a steep, Z^5, scaling with the nuclear charge Z of the heavier molecular constituent. A measurement of the CP-violating magnetization of a polarized sample of heavy molecules may improve the present limit on eEDM by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, submitted to PR

    AC Stark shift of the Cs microwave atomic clock transitions

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    We analyze the AC Stark shift of the Cs microwave atomic clock transition theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical and experimental data are in a good agreement with each other. Results indicate the absence of a magic wavelength at which there would be no differential shift of the clock states having zero projections of the total angular momentum

    Проект реконструкції та озеленення прилеглої території обласної бібліотеки імені М. Горького (Запоріжжя)

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    Planting large municipal objects of cities, such as buildings of libraries, city councils, hospitals, and universities is one of the main principles of urban construction in general. Typically, the territories adjacent to these objects are highly decorative; they are open to visitors and often become the business card of the city, and sometimes of the whole region. They are located in the central parts of cities and on main streets, so that they attract a large number of people every day. Such territories in large cities of Ukraine has mostly been brought to a proper state, however, the territory adjacent to the regional library is still in an abandoned state. The area of designing is situated near the regional library named after M. Gorky and it is in the central part of the city of Zaporizhzhya. This territory requires a complete reconstruction both in terms of construction work and landscape design. The project of reconstruction and greening of the territory adjacent to the library has been developed. With the help of the inventory, such indicators as the balance of the territory, species composition, and composition of trees and shrubs, their number, their condition and features, which significantly alter the appearance, modernize the object of landscaping and improve access to the site, were established. The factors influencing the style of the project of landscaping are as follows: the general style of planting the central squares of the city, the presence of a pronounced parterre zone, the appearance of the library building. A regular style was chosen with the help of which it is proposed to implement the original ideas of gardening and landscaping of the library territory. The laying of the summer theatre will functionally link the parterre area of the site with the library itself, thus allowing the possibility of conducting certain outdoor activities, which will promote the promotion of this place, as well as the institution itself among the towns. Quite a large area is offered and left free, laying on it only a sports lawn, for the direct free use of the visitors (for rest, reading books, etc.).Озеленення великих муніципальних об'єктів міст, зокрема будівель бібліотек, міських рад, лікарень, університетів – це один з основних принципів міського будівництва загалом. Зазвичай території, прилеглі до цих об'єктів – високодекоративні, вони відкриті для відвідувачів і нерідко стають візитівкою міста, а подекуди і всього регіону. Вони розташовані у центральних районах міст та на головних вулицях, тому щодня потрапляють у поле зору великої кількості людей. Такого плану території у великих містах України переважно вже приведено до належного стану, проте територія, прилегла до обласної бібліотеки, й досі перебуває у занедбаному стані. Територія проектування обласної бібліотеки імені М. Горького розташована у центральній частині Запоріжжя та потребує повної реконструкції як з погляду будівельних робіт, так і з ландшафтного дизайну. Розроблено проект реконструкції та озеленення території, прилеглої до бібліотеки. За допомогою інвентаризації встановлено такі показники, як баланс території, видовий та породний склад дерев і чагарників, їх кількість, їх стан і особливості, що значно змінить зовнішній вигляд та усучаснить об'єкт озеленення, а також покращить доступ до об'єкта. На вибір стилю проекту благоустрою та озеленення вплинули такі чинники, як: загальний стиль озеленення центральних майданів міста, наявність яскраво вираженої партерної зони, зовнішній вигляд будівлі бібліотеки. Було обрано регулярний стиль, за допомогою якого пропонуємо втілити оригінальні ідеї озеленення та благоустрою території бібліотеки

    Long-range forces between two excited mercury atoms and associative ionization

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    The long-range quadrupole-quadrupole (R5\sim R^{-5}) and leading dispersion (R6\sim R^{-6}) interactions between all pairs of excited Hg(6s6p6s6p) 3P0^3P_0, 3P1^3P_1, 3P2^3P_2, and 1P1^1P_1 atoms are determined. The quadrupole moments are calculated using the {\it ab initio} relativistic configuration-interaction method coupled with many-body perturbation theory. The van der Waals coefficients are approximated using previously calculated static polarizabilities and expressions for the dispersion energy that are validated with similar systems. The long-range interactions are critical for associative ionization in thermal and cold collisions, and are found to be quite different for different pairs of interacting states. Based on this knowledge and the short-range parts of previously calculated potential curves, improved estimates of the chemi-ionization cross sections are obtained.Comment: accepted in Phys Rev

    High-precision determination of transition amplitudes of principal transitions in Cs from van der Waals coefficient C_6

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    A method for determination of atomic dipole matrix elements of principal transitions from the value of dispersion coefficient C_6 of molecular potentials correlating to two ground-state atoms is proposed. The method is illustrated on atomic Cs using C_6 deduced from high-resolution Feshbach spectroscopy. The following reduced matrix elements are determined < 6S_{1/2} || D || 6P_{1/2} > =4.5028(60) |e| a0 and =6.3373(84) |e| a0 (a0= 0.529177 \times 10^{-8} cm.) These matrix elements are consistent with the results of the most accurate direct lifetime measurements and have a similar uncertainty. It is argued that the uncertainty can be considerably reduced as the coefficient C_6 is constrained further.Comment: 4 pages; 3 fig

    Field-linked States of Ultracold Polar Molecules

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    We explore the character of a novel set of ``field-linked'' states that were predicted in [A. V. Avdeenkov and J. L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 043006 (2003)]. These states exist at ultralow temperatures in the presence of an electrostatic field, and their properties are strongly dependent on the field's strength. We clarify the nature of these quasi-bound states by constructing their wave functions and determining their approximate quantum numbers. As the properties of field-linked states are strongly defined by anisotropic dipolar and Stark interactions, we construct adiabatic surfaces as functions of both the intermolecular distance and the angle that the intermolecular axis makes with the electric field. Within an adiabatic approximation we solve the 2-D Schrodinger equation to find bound states, whose energies correlate well with resonance features found in fully-converged multichannel scattering calculations