35 research outputs found

    Determinants of job satisfaction: a European comparison of self-employed and paid employees

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    The job satisfaction of self-employed and paid-employed workers is analyzed using the European Community Household Panel for the EU-15 covering the years 1994-2001. We distinguish between two types of job satisfaction: job satisfaction in terms of type of work and job satisfaction in terms of job security. Findings from our generalized ordered logit regressions indicate that self-employed individuals as compared to paid employees are more likely to be satisfied with their present jobs in terms of type of work and less likely to be satisfied in terms of job security. The findings also provide many insights into the determinants of the two types of job satisfaction for both self-employed and paid-employed workers

    Validating a behavioral implicit attitude measure in consumer behavior research

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    Republika Hrvatska dugi je niz godina bila suočena sa rastućim inozemnim dugom. Izlaskom iz recesije negativni trendovi polako su se počeli zaustavljati, te je otplata inozemnog duga uslijed povoljnijih kamata, smanjenog proračunskog deficita i jasnijih politika poboljšana. U radu je analizirano razdoblje od 2014. do 2018. godine uz pomoć 7 odabranih pokazatelja koji su ujedno i najčešće korišteni u analizama inozemne zaduženosti određene zemlje. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti kako je Republika Hrvatska izašla iz zone visoke zaduženosti, te prema metodologiji Svjetske banke pripada među umjereno zadužene države. Visoka razina međunarodnih rezervi, rast bruto domaćeg proizvoda, te povećanje izvoza pozitivno su utjecali na poboljšanje pozicije države kada je u pitanju inozemni dug. Utjecaj koji inozemni dug može imati na razvoj države, pozitivan ili negativan, ukazuje na nužnost što boljeg shvaćanja problematike upravljanja inozemnim dugom i njegovom održivošću. U radu je zaključeno da je za održivost inozemnog duga ključna namjena posuđenih sredstava i jasna ekonomska politika države kako bi se moglo kvalitetno i sustavno razvijati sve sektore gospodarstva. Povoljne makroekonomske projekcije za buduća razdoblja idu u prilog tezi da je pred Republikom Hrvatskom razdoblje ekonomskog oporavka i povećanja održivosti inozemne zaduženosti.The Republic of Croatia has been facing growing foreign debt for many years. With the end of the recession, the negative trends slowly began to stop, and the repayment of the foreign debt was improved due to more favorable interest rates, a reduced budget deficit, and clearer policies. This graduate paper analyzes the period from 2014. to 2018. with the help of 7 selected indicators that are also most often used in the analysis of foreign indebtedness of a particular country. According to the given results, it can be concluded that the Republic of Croatia has come out of the zone of high indebtedness, and according to the methodology of the World Bank, it is one of the moderately indebted countries. The high level of international reserves, gross domestic product growth, and increased exports have had a positive effect on improving the country's position when it comes to external debt. The impact that external debt can have on the development of the country, positive or negative, indicates the need for a better understanding of the issue of external debt management and its sustainability. The paper concludes that the purpose of borrowed funds and a clear economic policy of the state are crucial for the sustainability of external debt in order to be able to develop all sectors of the economy in a quality and systematic manner. Favorable macroeconomic projections for future periods support the thesis that the Republic of Croatia is facing a period of economic recovery and increasing the sustainability of foreign indebtedness

    A microeconometric study of theatre demand

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    We develop a model of theatre demand with learning by consuming, and test some of its implications on a large random sample of theatregoers and non-theatregoers. This seems to be the most comprehensive econometric study of demand for the theatre from individual data. We hypothesize that each time the consumer watches a play, he experiences a degree of pleasant or unpleasant surprise on the basis of which he will revise his future expectations of his own taste. The learning phase is likely to be unusually long for highly differentiated cultural goods. Our set of data contains unique information about the full price and the fixed cost of theatre, the objective quality of the outing, past experience of and taste for the theatre, and consumption of substitute leisure activities such as reading, television and cinema. Our methodology and data enable us to infer price elasticity on survey data from knowledge of theatregoing experience and taste. After controlling for many variables, we conclude that demand for the theatre is price-elastic, which contradicts previous estimates on aggregate time-series data. Moreover, we estimate demand conditional on past attendance after controlling for selectivity bias. Satisfaction reported by consumers after the last play is also estimated and interpreted as an ordinal conditional choice. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996theatre demand, learning by consuming, individual data, conditional choice and satisfaction (JEL: Z1, L82),


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    While much has been made of the value of employment relative to unemployment, much less is known about the value of work relative to retirement. We here use two European panel datasets to first show that psychological well-being (measured on the EURO-D and GHQ scales) barely changes on average when individuals retire. However, there is a great deal of heterogeneity in the size of the change between job type and between individuals. Some gain on leaving work, while others experience substantial falls in well-being on retiring, suggesting that they may have preferred to carry on working. We suggest that the results of these analyses can help to inform policy aiming to encourage labour supply by older workers