14 research outputs found

    Social pacts on the road to EMU: A comparison of the Italian and Polish experiences

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    In the new EU member states, tripartite national-level social pacts have been promoted as a preferred and effective instrument for a rapid and relatively painless fulfilment of the Maastricht criteria, following the example of many of the old member states in the 1990s, and notably Italy. But such policy advice is not based on careful comparisons. By comparing Poland and Italy, this article undermines the dominant view that the failure of concertation attempts in Poland is mostly due to trade union politicization. The comparative test with Italy, a country with equally politicized trade unions, and where, by contrast, important social pacts have been signed, suggests that divergent employer strategies and organization are at least an equally important factor. Additionally, the study provides a more mixed assessment of the Italian social pacts

    O continente cético: a Europa e os valores da modernidade The sceptical continent: Europe and the values of modernity

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    As grandes mudanças na Europa contemporânea exigem para a sua compreensão um exame das trajetórias históricas dos seus fundamentos valorativos e do modo como eles se manifestam nas condições atuais. O autor examina, de uma perspectiva "iluminista", os sinais de erosão de certas crenças e de emergência de novas orientações valorativas.<br>The great changes in contemporary Europe must be understood taking into acount the historical paths of its basic values and the way they manifest themselves in the present conditions. The author examines, from an "enlightened" point of view, the signs of erosion of some beliefs as well as of the emergence of new value orientations