42 research outputs found

    Hyper-IgG4 disease: report and characterisation of a new disease

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    BACKGROUND: We highlight a chronic inflammatory disease we call 'hyper-IgG4 disease', which has many synonyms depending on the organ involved, the country of origin and the year of the report. It is characterized histologically by a lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with IgG4-positive cells and exuberant fibrosis, which leaves dense fibrosis on resolution. A typical example is idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, but the initial report in 2001 was of sclerosing pancreatitis. METHODS: We report an index case with fever and severe systemic disease. We have also reviewed the histology of 11 further patients with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis for evidence of IgG4-expressing plasma cells, and examined a wide range of other inflammatory conditions and fibrotic diseases as organ-specific controls. We have reviewed the published literature for disease associations with idiopathic, systemic fibrosing conditions and the synonyms: pseudotumour, myofibroblastic tumour, plasma cell granuloma, systemic fibrosis, xanthofibrogranulomatosis, and multifocal fibrosclerosis. RESULTS: Histology from all 12 patients showed, to varying degrees, fibrosis, intense inflammatory cell infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells, scattered neutrophils, and sometimes eosinophilic aggregates, with venulitis and obliterative arteritis. The majority of lymphocytes were T cells that expressed CD8 and CD4, with scattered B-cell-rich small lymphoid follicles. In all cases, there was a significant increase in IgG4-positive plasma cells compared with controls. In two cases, biopsies before and after steroid treatment were available, and only scattered plasma cells were seen after treatment, none of them expressing IgG4. Review of the literature shows that although pathology commonly appears confined to one organ, patients can have systemic symptoms and fever. In the active period, there is an acute phase response with a high serum concentration of IgG, and during this phase, there is a rapid clinical response to glucocorticoid steroid treatment. CONCLUSION: We believe that hyper-IgG4 disease is an important condition to recognise, as the diagnosis can be readily verified and the outcome with treatment is very good

    Unambiguous determination of farnesol and tyrosol in vaginal fluid using fast and sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method

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    The new ultra-high performance liquid chromatography method with tandem mass spectrometry detection (UHPLC-MS/MS) has been optimized to allow fast, selective, and high-throughput analysis of two Candida albicans quorum sensing molecules (QSM), farnesol and tyrosol. The problem of the presence of the interference in the samples and system was successfully solved by careful optimization of chromatographic conditions. Charged hybrid stationary phase modified with pentafluorophenyl group and optimized gradient elution provided adequate separation selectivity and peak shapes. The impurity was identified as dibutyl phthalate and had the same m/z ions as farnesol leading to an important interference on selected reaction monitoring channel. Two different types of biological matrices originating from vaginal fluid, supernatant and sediment, were analysed. Micro-solid phase extraction in pipette tips was optimized for the selective isolation of QSM from the supernatant. The insufficient retention of farnesol on the extraction sorbent was improved when 1% of organic solvent was added prior to extraction, while the retention of tyrosol was only possible when using combined C8 and polymer sorbent type. Strong retention of farnesol had to be solved by increasing elution solvent strength and volume up to 600 \u3bcL. However, this approach did not allow the pretreatment of sediment samples due to the sorbent clogging. Therefore, our previously developed protein precipitation method was modified and validated to analyse the sediments. New developed UHPLC-MS/MS method provided suitable accuracy and precision for the determination of QSM in vaginal fluid while using only 50 \u3bcL sample volume and two different sample preparation methods

    Association of IL-1ra and adiponectin with C-peptide and remission in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: We investigated the association of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), adiponectin, proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 beta, IL-6, and CCL2, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha with beta-cell function, metabolic status, and clinical remission in patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Serum was obtained from 256 newly diagnosed patients (122 males and 134 females, median age 9.6 years). Stimulated C-peptide, blood glucose, and A1C were determined in addition to circulating concentration of cytokines at 1, 6, and 12 months after diagnosis. Analyses were adjusted for sex, age, and BMI percentile. RESULTS: Anti-inflammatory IL-1ra was positively associated with C-peptide after 6 (P = 0.0009) and 12 (P = 0.009) months. The beneficial association of IL-1ra on beta-cell function was complemented by the negative association of IL-1 beta with C-peptide after 1 month (P = 0.009). In contrast, anti-inflammatory adiponectin was elevated in patients with poor metabolic control after 6 and 12 months (P < 0.05) and positively correlated with A1C after 1 month (P = 0.0004). Proinflammatory IL-6 was elevated in patients with good metabolic control after 1 month (P = 0.009) and showed a positive association with blood glucose disposal after 12 months (P = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS: IL-1ra is associated with preserved beta-cell capacity in type 1 diabetes. This novel finding indicates that administration of IL-1ra, successfully improving beta-cell function in type 2 diabetes, may also be a new therapeutic approach in type 1 diabetes. The relation of adiponectin and IL-6 with remission and metabolic status transfers observations from in vitro and animal models into the human situation in vivo

    Disease progression and search for monogenic diabetes among children with new onset type 1 diabetes negative for ICA, GAD- and IA-2 Antibodies

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    Background: To investigate disease progression the first 12 months after diagnosis in children with type 1 diabetes negative (AAB negative) for pancreatic autoantibodies [islet cell autoantibodies(ICA), glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA) and insulinoma-associated antigen-2 antibodies (IA-2A)]. Furthermore the study aimed at determining whether mutations in KCNJ11, ABCC8, HNF1A, HNF4A or INS are common in AAB negative diabetes. Materials and methods: In 261 newly diagnosed children with type 1 diabetes, we measured residual β-cell function, ICA, GADA, and IA-2A at 1, 6 and 12 months after diagnosis. The genes KCNJ11, ABCC8, HNF1A, HNF4A and INS were sequenced in subjects AAB negative at diagnosis. We expressed recombinant K-ATP channels in Xenopus oocytes to analyse the functional effects of an ABCC8 mutation. Results: Twenty-four patients (9.1%) tested AAB negative after one month. Patients, who were AAB-negative throughout the 12-month period, had higher residual β-cell function (P = 0.002), lower blood glucose (P = 0.004), received less insulin (P = 0.05) and had lower HbA1c (P = 0.02) 12 months after diagnosis. One patient had a heterozygous mutation leading to the substitution of arginine at residue 1530 of SUR1 (ABCC8) by cysteine. Functional analyses of recombinant K-ATP channels showed that R1530C markedly reduced the sensitivity of the K-ATP channel to inhibition by MgATP. Morover, the channel was highly sensitive to sulphonylureas. However, there was no effect of sulfonylurea treatment after four weeks on 1.0-1.2 mg/kg/24 h glibenclamide. Conclusion: GAD, IA-2A, and ICA negative children with new onset type 1 diabetes have slower disease progression as assessed by residual beta-cell function and improved glycemic control 12 months after diagnosis. One out of 24 had a mutation in ABCC8, suggesting that screening of ABCC8 should be considered in patients with AAB negative type 1 diabetes. </p