438 research outputs found

    Large magnetic field-induced spectral weight enhancement of high-energy spin excitations in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4La_{1.88}Sr_{0.12}CuO_{4}

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    We report electronic Raman scattering experiments on a superconducting La1.88Sr0.12CuO4{\rm La_{1.88}Sr_{0.12}CuO_{4}} single crystal in a magnetic field. At low temperatures, the spectral weight of the high-energy two-magnon peak increases linearly with field and is amplified by a factor of more than two at 14 T. The effect disappears at elevated temperatures and is not present in undoped La2CuO4{\rm La_{2}CuO_{4}}. This observation is discussed in terms of an electronically inhomogeneous state in which the field enhances the volume fraction of a phase with local antiferromagnetic order at the expense of the superconducting phase.Comment: to appear in PR

    Phonon anomalies in pure and underdoped R{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (R = Ba, Sr) investigated by Raman light scattering

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    We present a detailed temperature dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in Ba{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.28, superconducting Tc ~ 29 K), Sr{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.15, Tc ~ 29 K) and non-superconducting BaFe{2}As{2} single crystals. In all samples we observe a strong continuous narrowing of the Raman-active Fe and As vibrations upon cooling below the spin-density-wave transition Ts. We attribute this effect to the opening of the spin-density-wave gap. The electron-phonon linewidths inferred from these data greatly exceed the predictions of ab-initio density functional calculations without spin polarization, which may imply that local magnetic moments survive well above Ts. A first-order structural transition accompanying the spin-density-wave transition induces discontinuous jumps in the phonon frequencies. These anomalies are increasingly suppressed for higher potassium concentrations. We also observe subtle phonon anomalies at the superconducting transition temperature Tc, with a behavior qualitatively similar to that in the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted versio

    Magnetic Resonant excitations in High-{Tc\rm T_c} superconductors

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    The observation of an unusual spin resonant excitation in the superconducting state of various High-Tc ~copper oxides by inelastic neutron scattering measurements is reviewed. This magnetic mode % (that does not exist in conventional superconductors) is discussed in light of a few theoretical models and likely corresponds to a spin-1 collective mode.Comment: 4 figures, Proceedings conference MSM'03 (september 2003) in Monastir (Tunisia) to be published in Phys. Stat. Solid

    Incommensurate spin density modulation in a copper-oxide chain compound with commensurate charge order

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    Neutron diffraction has been used to determine the magnetic structure of Na8_8Cu5_5O10_{10}, a stoichiometric compound containing chains based on edge-sharing CuO4_4 plaquettes. The chains are doped with 2/5 hole per Cu site and exhibit long-range commensurate charge order with an onset well above room temperature. Below TN=23T_N = 23 K, the neutron data indicate long-range collinear magnetic order with a spin density modulation whose propagation vector is commensurate along and incommensurate perpendicular to the chains. Competing interchain exchange interactions are discussed as a possible origin of the incommensurate magnetic order

    Magnetic structure of the edge-sharing copper oxide chain compound NaCu2O2

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    Single-crystal neutron diffraction has been used to determine the incommensurate magnetic structure of NaCu2O2, a compound built up of chains of edge-sharing CuO4 plaquettes. Magnetic structures compatible with the lattice symmetry were identified by a group-theoretical analysis, and their magnetic structure factors were compared to the experimentally observed Bragg intensities. In conjunction with other experimental data, this analysis yields an elliptical helix structure in which both the helicity and the polarization plane alternate among copper-oxide chains. This magnetic ground state is discussed in the context of the recently reported multiferroic properties of other copper-oxide chain compounds

    Superconductivity in epitaxial thin films of NaxCoO2 y D2O

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    The observation of superconductivity in the layered transition metal oxide NaxCoO2 y H2O (K. Takada et al., Nature 422, 53 (2003)) has caused a tremendous upsurge of scientific interest due to its similarities and its differences to the copper based high-temperature superconductors. Two years after the discovery, we report the fabrication of single-phase superconducting epitaxial thin films of Na0.3CoO2 x 1.3 D2O grown by pulsed laser deposition technique. This opens additional roads for experimental research exploring the superconducting state and the phase diagram of this unconventional material.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Energy Gaps and Kohn Anomalies in Elemental Superconductors

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    The momentum and temperature dependence of the lifetimes of acoustic phonons in the elemental superconductors Pb and Nb was determined by resonant spin-echo spectroscopy with neutrons. In both elements, the superconducting energy gap extracted from these measurements was found to converge with sharp anomalies originating from Fermi-surface nesting (Kohn anomalies) at low temperatures. The results indicate electron many-body correlations beyond the standard theoretical framework for conventional superconductivity. A possible mechanism is the interplay between superconductivity and spin- or charge-density-wave fluctuations, which may induce dynamical nesting of the Fermi surface

    Magnon Heat Transport in doped La2CuO4\rm La_2CuO_4

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    We present results of the thermal conductivity of La2CuO4\rm La_2CuO_4 and La1.8Eu0.2CuO4\rm La_{1.8}Eu_{0.2}CuO_4 single-crystals which represent model systems for the two-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice. We find large anisotropies of the thermal conductivity, which are explained in terms of two-dimensional heat conduction by magnons within the CuO2_2 planes. Non-magnetic Zn substituted for Cu gradually suppresses this magnon thermal conductivity κmag\kappa_{\mathrm{mag}}. A semiclassical analysis of κmag\kappa_{\mathrm{mag}} is shown to yield a magnon mean free path which scales linearly with the reciprocal concentration of Zn-ions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant magnetic excitations at high energy in superconducting YBa2Cu3O6.85\bf YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.85}

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    A detailed inelastic neutron scattering study of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.85\rm YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.85} provides evidence of new resonant magnetic features, in addition to the well known resonant mode at 41 meV: (i) a commensurate magnetic resonance peak at 53 meV with an even symmetry under exchange of two adjacent CuO2\rm CuO_2 layers; and (ii) high energy incommensurate resonant spin excitations whose spectral weight is around 54 meV. The locus and the spectral weight of these modes can be understood by considering the momentum shape of the electron-hole spin-flip continuum of d-wave superconductors. This provides new insight into the interplay between collective spin excitations and the continuum of electron-hole excitations.Comment: 5 figure