56 research outputs found

    Overcoming the Poverty Trap Through Education: an Intergenerational Study on Indonesia

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    Poverty has an inter-generational dimension. Individuals born into poor families are constrained to obtain education. Low education leads to low productivity which then leads to low income. The purpose of this study is to present a case study of Indonesia's experience with public expenditures on education and its effect on inter-generational poverty alleviation and medium term impact on individual income. This study uses Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data consisting of families' income, level of education, and health data over a ten year period. The results suggest that education explains the income variation. Parents' income plays a bigger role in predicting children's income than parents' income. It suggests the importance of education in breaking the inter-generational poverty trap

    Computer Modeling of Electronic Properties in Thin Film Silicon Hydrogen-Alloy and Its Application to Solar Cells

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    A self-consistent numerical model for hydrogenated amorphous silicon(a-Si:H) has been developed to aid in the understanding of the details of the electronic behavior of silicon-hydrogen alloy material and the characteristic features of devices made from it. A gap state model incorporating exponential tail state s and Gaussian distributed dangling bond states and doping states based on the experimental results and theoretical background is proposed. Detailed transport equations including charge trapping and recombination processes are formulated, and solved numerically in one-dimension. Since a large number of material and geometrical parameters are involved, it is possible to fit experimental data with more than one parameter set. Therefore the consistency pf the proposed model was tested by fitting diverse experiments with the same material parameters. The detailed model calculations are compared with published experimental results for the dependence of dark conductivity on doping and temperature, and dependence of sweep-out charge on doping. It is also used to evaluate a one-to-one relationship between four-fold coordinated doping atoms and dangling bonds, as well as the dangling bond energy levels and distribution. The dependence of the photoconductivity on light-intensity, temperature, and spin density was investigated to understand the recombination processes and transport mechanism in a-Si:H material. The capture cross-sections for tail states and dangling bonds are determined by comparing the model calculated photoconductivity results with corresponding experimental results. An example of the use of the program TFSSP (Thin Film Semiconductor Simulation Program) for the analysis of solar cell parameters, (open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, fill factor, collection efficiency, and conversion efficiency) as function of cell thicknesses for an a-SiC:H p-/a-Si:H i-n structure is presented and compared with corresponding experimental results. The model program is also implemented to design optimum solar cells. In conclusion, a self-consistent numerical model for thin film silicon hydrogen alloy materials and devices has been developed which includes the one-to-one relationship between doping and dangling bonds. The model turns out to be an excellent tool for the analysis of dark conductivity, photoconductivity, and the characteristics of a-SiC:11 p-/a-Si:ll i-n solar cells, and for cell design as well

    Apartemen Di Manado (Bioclimatic Architecture)

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    Kota Manado memiliki perkembangan dan kemajuan yang pesat di berbagai bidang, sehingga Kota Manado diserbu oleh pendatang dari berbagai daerah untuk mencari kerja. Kebutuhan dan permintaan tempat tinggal semakin meningkat akan tetapi lahan untuk membangun Perumahan hanya tersisa di pinggiran Kota saja. Apartemen menjadi jawaban akan kebutuhan tempat tinggal bagi warga Kota Manado dan sekitar, karena apartemen di Kota Manado masih sedikit,Penerapan konsep Bioclimatic Architecture pada apartemen diharapkan dapat menghemat energi dalam operasional dan Kenyamanan penghuni dapat tercapai.Dengan menggunakan metode perancangan yang meliputi 3 aspek pendekatan dan proses desain generasi II. Unit yang tersedia pada apartemen ini ada 3 jenis, yaitu tipe studio, tipe 2 bedroom dan tipe 3 bedroom. Terdapat juga fasilitas penunjang seperti restaurant, café, fitness center, ATM gallery, swimming pool dan juga tempat parkir. Beberapa analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa klimatologi, sirkulasi, finansial dan juga analisa terhadap bentuk. Secara keseluruhan perancangan Apartemen di Manado dengan tema Bioclimatic Architecture ini merupakan sebuah perancangan skala besar. Dalam konsep apartemen ini memiliki sekitar 20 lantai dan berlokasi di pusat kota, sehingga memiliki beberapa dampak terhadap lingkungan sekitar, baik segi ekonomi, social maupun lingkungan

    Functional consequences of cell type-restricted expression of laminin alpha-5 in mouse placental labyrinth and kidney glomerular capillaries

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    The labyrinth is the highly vascularized part of the rodent placenta that allows efficient transfer of gases, nutrients, wastes, and other molecules between the maternal and embryonic circulations. These two blood compartments are separated by blastocyst-derived trophoblasts and endothelial cells with an intervening basement membrane that contains laminin and other typical basement membrane components. Previously we reported that the labyrinth of laminin α5 knockout (LMα5−/−) embryos exhibits reduced vascularization and detachment of endothelial cells from the basement membrane, which normally contains LMα5. As very little is known about the origin of this vascular basement membrane, we investigated the cellular requirements for LMα5 expression in the mouse placental labyrinth. By fluorescence-activated cell sorting and RT-PCR we confirmed that both endothelial cells and trophoblasts normally express LMα5. Using Cre-loxP technology and doxycycline-mediated gene expression, we generated genetically mosaic placentas in which either the trophoblasts or the endothelial cells, but not both, expressed LMα5. We found that the overall architecture of the labyrinth was normal as long as one of these two cell types expressed LMα5, even if it was transgene-derived human laminin α5. These results suggest that laminin trimers containing α5 that are synthesized and secreted by endothelium or by trophoblasts are capable of integrating into the basement membrane and promoting normal vascularization of the placenta. Additional studies showed that endothelium-expressed human LMα5 can support vascularization of the kidney glomerulus, consistent with previous studies using a tissue grafting approach


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    Tahura H. V. Worang Gunung Tumpa merupakan salah satu infrastruktur hijau yang harus dilestarikan fungsinya guna meredam suhu panas perkotaan (urban heat island) akibat berkurangnya fungsi vegetasi dan konservasi air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi zona resapan air, menganalisis tingkat kekritisan zona - zona resapan air dan menghasilkan rekomendasi sebagai input pada dokumen perencanaan desain tapak Tahura H. V. Worang Gunung Tumpa . Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan spasial (spatial approach). Analisis spasial menggunakan metode tumpangsusun (overlay) pada perangkat lunak sistem informasi geografis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan distribusi kelas kekritisan resapan air yang baik dan tersebar pada blok – blok pengelolaan. Blok perlindungan memiliki luasan kelas kekritisan resapan air baik sebesar 27,60 Ha, blok pemanfaatan dengan luasan 113,22 Ha, blok koleksi dengan luasan 6,76 Ha, blok rehabilitasi dengan luasan 47,22 Ha, blok religi, budaya dan sejarah dengan luasan sebesar 0.30 Ha dan blok tradisional dengan luasan 11,40 Ha.Kata Kunci: Resapan Air, Desain Tapak, Tahura H.V. Worang, Gunung Tump
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