13 research outputs found

    ORCID for Wikidata. Data enrichment for scientometric applications

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    Due to its numerous bibliometric entries of scholarly articles and connected information Wikidata can serve as an open and rich source for deep scientometrical analyses. However, there are currently certain limitations: While 31.5% of all Wikidata entries represent scientific articles, only 8.9% are entries describing a person and the number of entries researcher is accordingly even lower. Another issue is the frequent absence of established relations between the scholarly article item and the author item although the author is already listed in Wikidata. To fill this gap and to improve the content of Wikidata in general, we established a workflow for matching authors and scholarly publications by integrating data from the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) database. By this approach we were able to extend Wikidata by more than 12k author-publication relations and the method can be transferred to other enrichments based on ORCID data. This is extension is beneficial for Wikidata users performing bibliometrical analyses or using such metadata for other purposes

    Homozygosity mapping of the Achromatopsia locus in the Pingelapese.

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    Achromatopsia, or total color blindness (also referred to as "rod monochromacy"), is a severe retinal disorder characterized clinically by an inability to distinguish colors, impaired visual acuity in daylight, photophobia, and nystagmus. Inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, achromatopsia is rare in the general population (1:20,000-1:50,000). Among the Pingelapese people of the Eastern Caroline Islands, however, the disorder occurs at an extremely high frequency, as recounted in Oliver Sacks's popular book The Island of the Colorblind: 4%-10% of this island population have the disorder and approximately 30% carry the gene. This extraordinary enrichment of the disease allele most likely resulted from a sharp reduction in population in the late 18th century, in the aftermath of a typhoon and subsequent geographic and cultural isolation. To obtain insights into the genetic basis of achromatopsia, as well as into the genetic history of this region of Micronesia, a genomewide search for linkage was performed in three Pingelapese kindreds with achromatopsia. A two-step search was used with a DNA pooling strategy, followed by genotyping of individual family members. Genetic markers that displayed a shift toward homozygosity in the affected DNA pool were used to genotype individual members of the kindreds, and an achromatopsia locus was identified on 8q21-q22. A maximal multipoint LOD score of 9.5 was observed with marker D8S1707. Homozygosity was seen for three adjacent markers (D8S275, D8S1119, and D8S1707), whereas recombination was observed with the flanking markers D8S1757 and D8S270, defining the outer boundaries of the disease-gene locus that spans a distance of <6.5cM

    Identification of sequence variants and analysis of the role of the catechol-O-methyl-transferase gene in schizophrenia susceptibility

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    BACKGROUND: Deletions of 1.5-2 MB of chromosome 22q11 have been previously associated with schizophrenia. The deleted region includes proximally the region harboring genes involved in DiGeorge and velocardiofacial syndromes. Distally, it includes the gene for catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT), an enzyme that catalyzes the O-methylation of catecholamine neurotransmitters, including dopamine, and which therefore is considered a candidate gene for schizophrenia. METHODS: We address the issue of a direct involvement of the COMT gene in the development of schizophrenia by employing the first extensive mutational analysis of this gene in a sample of 157 schizophrenia patients and 129 healthy controls, using single-strand conformation polymorphism and chemical cleavage methodologies. RESULTS: No mutations were found, but several sequence variants were identified, including the genetic polymorphism that underlies the high/low activity of the enzyme (a Val158-->Met change, which results in the creation of an NlaIII restriction site in the low-activity allele). The distribution of the NlaIII genotypes among subsets of schizophrenia patients was analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented here argue against a major role of COMT in schizophrenia in general (although a minor effect could not be excluded) and represent a first step toward a more refined delineation of the phenotype/genotype relationship between 22q11 microdeletions and schizophrenia susceptibility

    Genetic variation at the 22q11 PRODH2/DGCR6 locus presents an unusual pattern and increases susceptibility to schizophrenia

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    The location of a schizophrenia susceptibility locus at chromosome 22q11 has been suggested by genome-wide linkage studies. Additional support was provided by the observation of a higher-than-expected frequency of 22q11 microdeletions in patients with schizophrenia and the demonstration that ≈20–30% of individuals with 22q11 microdeletions develop schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in adolescence and adulthood. Analysis of the extent of these microdeletions by using polymorphic markers afforded further refinement of this locus to a region of ≈1.5 Mb. Recently, a high rate of 22q11 microdeletions was also reported for a cohort of 47 patients with Childhood Onset Schizophrenia, a rare and severe form of schizophrenia with onset by age 13. It is therefore likely that this 1.5-Mb region contains one or more genes that predispose to schizophrenia. In three independent samples, we provide evidence for a contribution of the PRODH2/DGCR6 locus in 22q11-associated schizophrenia. We also uncover an unusual pattern of PRODH2 gene variation that mimics the sequence of a linked pseudogene. Several of the pseudogene-like variants we identified result in missense changes at conserved residues and may prevent synthesis of a fully functional enzyme. Our results have implications for understanding the genetic basis of the 22q11-associated psychiatric phenotypes and provide further insights into the genomic instability of this region

    Improving cost-effectiveness of epidemiological studies via designed missingness strategies

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    Modern epidemiological studies face opportunities and challenges posed by an ever-expanding capacity to measure a wide range of environmental exposures, along with sophisticated biomarkers of exposure and response at the individual level. The challenge of deciding what to measure is further complicated for longitudinal studies, where logistical and cost constraints preclude the collection of all possible measurements on all participants at every follow-up time. This is true for the National Children's Study (NCS), a large-scale longitudinal study that will enroll women both prior to conception and during pregnancy and collect information on their environment, their pregnancies, and their children's development through early adulthood - with a goal of assessing key exposure/outcome relationships among a cohort of approximately 100 000 children. The success of the NCS will significantly depend on the accurate, yet cost-effective, characterization of environmental exposures thought to be related to the health outcomes of interest. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of cost saving, yet valid and adequately powered statistical approaches for gathering exposure information within epidemiological cohort studies. The proposed approach involves the collection of detailed exposure assessment information on a specially selected subset of the study population, and collection of less-costly, and presumably less-detailed and less-burdensome, surrogate measures across the entire cohort. We show that large-scale efficiency in costs and burden may be achieved without making substantive sacrifices on the ability to draw reliable inferences concerning the relationship between exposure and health outcome. Several detailed scenarios are provided that document how the targeted sub-sampling design strategy can benefit large cohort studies like the NCS, as well as other more focused environmental epidemiologic studies