51 research outputs found

    The McKean-Vlasov Equation in Finite Volume

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    We study the McKean--Vlasov equation on the finite tori of length scale LL in dd--dimensions. We derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a phase transition, which are based on the criteria first uncovered in \cite{GP} and \cite{KM}. Therein and in subsequent works, one finds indications pointing to critical transitions at a particular model dependent value, θ♯\theta^{\sharp} of the interaction parameter. We show that the uniform density (which may be interpreted as the liquid phase) is dynamically stable for θ<θ♯\theta < \theta^{\sharp} and prove, abstractly, that a {\it critical} transition must occur at θ=θ♯\theta = \theta^{\sharp}. However for this system we show that under generic conditions -- LL large, d≥2d \geq 2 and isotropic interactions -- the phase transition is in fact discontinuous and occurs at some \theta\t < \theta^{\sharp}. Finally, for H--stable, bounded interactions with discontinuous transitions we show that, with suitable scaling, the \theta\t(L) tend to a definitive non--trivial limit as L→∞L\to\infty

    Singular Cucker-Smale Dynamics

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    The existing state of the art for singular models of flocking is overviewed, starting from microscopic model of Cucker and Smale with singular communication weight, through its mesoscopic mean-filed limit, up to the corresponding macroscopic regime. For the microscopic Cucker-Smale (CS) model, the collision-avoidance phenomenon is discussed, also in the presence of bonding forces and the decentralized control. For the kinetic mean-field model, the existence of global-in-time measure-valued solutions, with a special emphasis on a weak atomic uniqueness of solutions is sketched. Ultimately, for the macroscopic singular model, the summary of the existence results for the Euler-type alignment system is provided, including existence of strong solutions on one-dimensional torus, and the extension of this result to higher dimensions upon restriction on the smallness of initial data. Additionally, the pressureless Navier-Stokes-type system corresponding to particular choice of alignment kernel is presented, and compared - analytically and numerically - to the porous medium equation
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