31 research outputs found

    The Role of Practitioner Resilience and Mindfulness in Effective Practice: A Practice-Based Feasibility Study.

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    A growing body of literature attests to the existence of therapist effects with little explanation of this phenomenon. This study therefore investigated the role of resilience and mindfulness as factors related to practitioner wellbeing and associated effective practice. Data comprised practitioners (n = 37) and their patient outcome data (n = 4980) conducted within a stepped care model of service delivery. Analyses employed benchmarking and multilevel modeling to identify more and less effective practitioners via yoking of therapist factors and nested patient outcomes. A therapist effect of 6.7 % was identified based on patient depression (PHQ-9) outcome scores. More effective practitioners compared to less effective practitioners displayed significantly higher levels of mindfulness as well as resilience and mindfulness combined. Implications for policy, research and practice are discussed

    Mindfulness and Mantra Training for Disaster Mental Health Workers in the Philippines

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    Disaster mental health training programs have begun to include mindfulness instruction, though better understanding of providers’ mindfulness training expectancies and the differences that disaster exposure might make in their personal practice and clinical utilization of mindfulness is needed to support the feasibility and acceptability of this training in challenging disaster settings. This study examined training expectancies and utilization of a manualized mindfulness meditation and mantra program (Inner Resources for Stress) among N = 68 counselors and psychologists living in the Philippines beginning 12 weeks after Typhoon Haiyan. They attended a 4-h workshop conducted in Manila, Philippines, followed by an 8-week home study program. Following the workshop, a majority had high expectancies that the training would help with survivor and self-care. Higher disaster exposure (β = 0.32) and training expectancies (β = 0.25), but not baseline stress symptoms, were associated with higher perceived usefulness of the training for disaster work. Growth curve analyses demonstrated significantly different trajectories of weekly mindfulness practice for disaster-exposed versus nonexposed participants, with a flatter slope for disaster-exposed participants, though both groups had significant increases in practice time across the 8 weeks (d = 1.71). Higher total number of minutes of mindfulness practice was associated with lower depression severity (β = − 0.34), but not anxiety, at 8 weeks post-training. Participants perceived the training as credible and useful for disaster work and self-care and reported active personal and professional use of the techniques, suggesting that mindfulness training shows promise as a disaster intervention component

    Mindfulness: ¿proceso, habilidad o estrategia? Un análisis desde el análisis del comportamiento y del contextualismo funcional

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    Los efectos positivos del mindfulness en el tratamiento de múltiples problemas psicológicos en diversas poblaciones han popularizado su uso dentro de la psicología clínica en los últimos años. No obstante, las investigaciones empíricas y revisiones teóricas sobre el mindfulness muestran tres usos diferentes del mindfulness dentro de las aproximaciones conductuales: como proceso, como habilidad y como estrategia. Las discrepancias en las definiciones de mindfulness han generado ambigüedad con respecto a qué y cómo se investiga este fenómeno. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis conceptual de las definiciones del mindfulness de acuerdo con los supuestos filosóficos analíticos-conductuales y contextualistas-funcionales. Finalmente, se discutió la importancia de contar con una definición precisa y unánime con el fin de desarrollar una agenda coordinada de investigación en esse campo.Mindfulness has been widely disseminated in clinical psychology in recent years, due to the positive effects on treating several psychological issues in diverse population. Nonetheless, empirical research and theoretical reviews show three different meanings of mindfulness within behavioral approaches: as a process, as skill, and as a strategy. Discrepancies about mindfulness definitions have brought ambiguity to what and how this phenomenon is studied. A conceptual analysis of mindfulness according to behavioral-analytic and functional-contextualistic philosophical traditions is presented. Finally, it was discussed the relevance of employing a precise and consensual definition of mindfulness to develop a coordinated research agenda in this field.Os efeitos positivos do mindfulness no tratamento de vários problemas psicológicos em diferentes populações incentivaram a psicologia clínica a utilizá-lo nos últimos anos. No entanto, pesquisas empíricas e revisões teóricas sobre o mindfulness mostraram três usos diferentes desse termo segundo perspectivas comportamentais: como processo, como habilidade e como estratégia. As discrepâncias nas definições do mindfulness geraram ambiguidade em relação àquilo que é pesquisado e como é pesquisado. Neste texto, realizou-se uma análise conceitual das definições do mindfulness tendo como bases filosóficas a análise do comportamento e o contextualismo funcional. Por último, discutiu-se a importância de ter uma definição precisa e unânime com o objetivo de desenvolver uma agenda coordenada de pesquisa nesse campo.Les effets positifs du mindfulness dans le traitement de plusieurs problèmes psychologiques dans différentes populations ont encouragé la psychologie clinique à l’utiliser au cours des dernières années. Cependant, la recherche théorique et empirique sur les examens de pleine conscience montrent trois utilisations différentes de l’attention dans les approches comportementales: comme un processus, comme une compétance et en tant que stratégie. Les divergences dans les définitions de la pleine conscience ont créé une ambiguïté quant à pourquoi et comment ce phénomène est étudié. Cet article est une analyse conceptuelle de la pleine conscience ayant comme paramètres philosophiques l’analyse du comportement et le contextualisme fonctionnel. La discussion finale tourne autour de l’importance d’avoir une définition précise et unanime en vue d’élaborer un programme coordonné de recherche dans ce domaine