451 research outputs found

    High precision Monte Carlo study of the 3D XY-universality class

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    We present a Monte Carlo study of the two-component ϕ4\phi^4 model on the simple cubic lattice in three dimensions. By suitable tuning of the coupling constant λ\lambda we eliminate leading order corrections to scaling. High statistics simulations using finite size scaling techniques yield Îœ=0.6723(3)[8]\nu=0.6723(3)[8] and η=0.0381(2)[2]\eta=0.0381(2)[2], where the statistical and systematical errors are given in the first and second bracket, respectively. These results are more precise than any previous theoretical estimate of the critical exponents for the 3D XY universality class.Comment: 13 page

    The XY Model and the Three-state Antiferromagnetic Potts model in Three Dimensions: Critical Properties from Fluctuating Boundary Conditions

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    We present the results of a Monte Carlo study of the three-dimensional XY model and the three-dimensional antiferromagnetic three-state Potts model. In both cases we compute the difference in the free energies of a system with periodic and a system with antiperiodic boundary conditions in the neighbourhood of the critical coupling. From the finite-size scaling behaviour of this quantity we extract values for the critical temperature and the critical exponent nu that are compatible with recent high statistics Monte Carlo studies of the models. The results for the free energy difference at the critical temperature and for the exponent nu confirm that both models belong to the same universality class.Comment: 13 pages, latex-file+2 ps-files KL-TH-94/8 and CERN-TH.7290/9

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    Structurally Tractable Uncertain Data

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    Many data management applications must deal with data which is uncertain, incomplete, or noisy. However, on existing uncertain data representations, we cannot tractably perform the important query evaluation tasks of determining query possibility, certainty, or probability: these problems are hard on arbitrary uncertain input instances. We thus ask whether we could restrict the structure of uncertain data so as to guarantee the tractability of exact query evaluation. We present our tractability results for tree and tree-like uncertain data, and a vision for probabilistic rule reasoning. We also study uncertainty about order, proposing a suitable representation, and study uncertain data conditioned by additional observations.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. To appear in SIGMOD/PODS PhD Symposium 201

    Solving order constraints in logarithmic space.

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    We combine methods of order theory, finite model theory, and universal algebra to study, within the constraint satisfaction framework, the complexity of some well-known combinatorial problems connected with a finite poset. We identify some conditions on a poset which guarantee solvability of the problems in (deterministic, symmetric, or non-deterministic) logarithmic space. On the example of order constraints we study how a certain algebraic invariance property is related to solvability of a constraint satisfaction problem in non-deterministic logarithmic space

    Redundancy, Deduction Schemes, and Minimum-Size Bases for Association Rules

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    Association rules are among the most widely employed data analysis methods in the field of Data Mining. An association rule is a form of partial implication between two sets of binary variables. In the most common approach, association rules are parameterized by a lower bound on their confidence, which is the empirical conditional probability of their consequent given the antecedent, and/or by some other parameter bounds such as "support" or deviation from independence. We study here notions of redundancy among association rules from a fundamental perspective. We see each transaction in a dataset as an interpretation (or model) in the propositional logic sense, and consider existing notions of redundancy, that is, of logical entailment, among association rules, of the form "any dataset in which this first rule holds must obey also that second rule, therefore the second is redundant". We discuss several existing alternative definitions of redundancy between association rules and provide new characterizations and relationships among them. We show that the main alternatives we discuss correspond actually to just two variants, which differ in the treatment of full-confidence implications. For each of these two notions of redundancy, we provide a sound and complete deduction calculus, and we show how to construct complete bases (that is, axiomatizations) of absolutely minimum size in terms of the number of rules. We explore finally an approach to redundancy with respect to several association rules, and fully characterize its simplest case of two partial premises.Comment: LMCS accepted pape

    Effective lattice theories for Polyakov loops

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    We derive effective actions for SU(2) Polyakov loops using inverse Monte Carlo techniques. In a first approach, we determine the effective couplings by requiring that the effective ensemble reproduces the single-site distribution of the Polyakov loops. The latter is flat below the critical temperature implying that the (untraced) Polyakov loop is distributed uniformly over its target space, the SU(2) group manifold. This allows for an analytic determination of the Binder cumulant and the distribution of the mean-field, which turns out to be approximately Gaussian. In a second approach, we employ novel lattice Schwinger-Dyson equations which reflect the SU(2) x SU(2) invariance of the functional Haar measure. Expanding the effective action in terms of SU(2) group characters makes the numerics sufficiently stable so that we are able to extract a total number of 14 couplings. The resulting action is short-ranged and reproduces the Yang-Mills correlators very well.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, v2: method refined, chapter and references adde

    Observable Signature of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in a Planar Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the possibility that Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), loaded on a 2D optical lattice, undergo - at finite temperature - a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition. We show that - in an experimentally attainable range of parameters - a planar lattice of BECs is described by the XY model at finite temperature. We demonstrate that the interference pattern of the expanding condensates provides the experimental signature of the BKT transition by showing that, near the critical temperature, the k=0 component of the momentum distribution and the central peak of the atomic density profile sharply decrease. The finite-temperature transition for a 3D optical lattice is also discussed, and the analogies with superconducting Josephson junction networks are stressed through the text

    Universal amplitudes in the FSS of three-dimensional spin models

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    In a MC study using a cluster update algorithm we investigate the finite-size scaling (FSS) of the correlation lengths of several representatives of the class of three-dimensional classical O(n) symmetric spin models on a column geometry. For all considered models we find strong evidence for a linear relation between FSS amplitudes and scaling dimensions when applying antiperiodic instead of periodic boundary conditions across the torus. The considered type of scaling relation can be proven analytically for systems on two-dimensional strips with periodic bc using conformal field theoryComment: 4 pages, RevTex, uses amsfonts.sty, 3 Figure
