381 research outputs found

    Effect of season on characteristics of pecorino cheese and ricotta of Pistoiese Appennine: first results

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    The "Pecorino pistoiese" is made from milk of Massese Sheep. The flocks are reared by grazing on natural pastures of Pistoiese Appennine. The farms product cheeses by milk without pasteurization. The handmade cheeses are characterized by a remarkable variability due to farm and to season. The aim of this work is to study the effect of season on characteristics of the pecorino e ricotta pistoiese with particular attention for the determination of the yield. One trial was run in each season (4 trials) and in 3 farms. Every phases of the cheesemaking were controlled and milk, cheese and ricotta were weighed and analysed. The season showed some significant effects on the chemical composition of milk: lactose and SNF showed lower values in summer. The pecorino cheese showed 18.5% of fat and 24.7% of protein on average. In spring and in summer the yield in pecorino cheese (15.8%) was significantly worse than in winter (19.3%). The ricotta cheese was fatter in summer (27.6%) than in winter (17.5%). The yield of ricotta at 24 hours was 13.5% on average

    Direct Measurement of the X-ray Time-Delay Transfer Function in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    The origin of the observed time lags, in nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN), between hard and soft X-ray photons is investigated using new XMM-Newton data for the narrow-line Seyfert I galaxy Ark 564 and existing data for 1H0707-495 and NGC 4051. These AGN have highly variable X-ray light curves that contain frequent, high peaks of emission. The averaged light curve of the peaks is directly measured from the time series, and it is shown that (i) peaks occur at the same time, within the measurement uncertainties, at all X-ray energies, and (ii) there exists a substantial tail of excess emission at hard X-ray energies, which is delayed with respect to the time of the main peak, and is particularly prominent in Ark 564. Observation (i) rules out that the observed lags are caused by Comptonization time delays and disfavors a simple model of propagating fluctuations on the accretion disk. Observation (ii) is consistent with time lags caused by Compton-scattering reverberation from material a few thousand light-seconds from the primary X-ray source. The power spectral density and the frequency-dependent phase lags of the peak light curves are consistent with those of the full time series. There is evidence for non-stationarity in the Ark 564 time series in both the Fourier and peaks analyses. A sharp `negative' lag (variations at hard photon energies lead soft photon energies) observed in Ark 564 appears to be generated by the shape of the hard-band transfer function and does not arise from soft-band reflection of X-rays. These results reinforce the evidence for the existence of X-ray reverberation in type I AGN, which requires that these AGN are significantly affected by scattering from circumnuclear material a few tens or hundreds of gravitational radii in extent.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Seasonal effect on the technological and chemical traits of sheep "ricotta Pistoiese" cheese

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    The "ricotta di pecora pistoiese" is comprised in the list of the traditional agrofood products of Tuscany and the relative PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) has be required. This research, analysing the making process, aimed to evaluate its chemical and nutritive traits as influenced by some factors, with particular attention to the season. During the four seasons of two consecutive years, the making process of ricotta cheese was monitored in four farms for a total of 32 control-days. Yields, chemical composition and fatty acid profile of fat were determined. The amount of milk added to whey influenced the fat and protein content and the yields at 0 and 24 hours. Season affected only the protein content, higher in winter and spring. Fatty acid composition was influenced strongly by the season being the ricotta cheese of summer richer of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FA than that of autumn and winter, probably due to the feeding regimen based mainly on fresh grass

    Hyperpigmented spots at fundus examination: a new ocular sign in neurofibromatosis type I

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    Background: Neurofibromatosis Type I (NF1), also termed von Recklinghausen disease, is a rare genetic disorder that is transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance, with complete penetrance and variable expressivity. It is caused by mutation in the NF1 gene on chromosome 17 encoding for neurofibromin, a protein with oncosuppressive activity, and it is 50% sporadic or inherited. The disease is characterized by a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, mainly involving the nervous system, the eye and skin, and a predisposition to develop multiple benign and malignant neoplasms. Ocular diagnostic hallmarks of NF1 include optic gliomas, iris Lisch nodules, orbital and eyelid neurofibromas, eyelid café-au-lait spots. Choroidal nodules and microvascular abnormalities have recently been identified as additional NF1-related ocular manifestations. The present study was designed to describe the features and clinical significance of a new sign related to the visual apparatus in NF-1, represented by hyperpigmented spots (HSs) of the fundus oculi. Results: HSs were detected in 60 (24.1%) out of 249 patients with NF1, with a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 44.2%. None of the healthy subjects (150 subjects) showed the presence of HSs. HSs were visible under indirect ophthalmoscopy, ultra-wide field (UWF) pseudocolor imaging and red-only laser image, near-infrared reflectance (NIR)-OCT, but they were not appreciable on UWF green reflectance. The location and features of pigmentary lesions matched with the already studied NF1-related choroidal nodules. No significant difference was found between the group of patients (n = 60) with ocular HSs and the group of patients (n = 189) without ocular pigmented spots in terms of age, gender or severity grading of the disease. A statistically significant association was demonstrated between the presence of HSs and neurofibromas (p = 0.047), and between the presence of HSs and NF1-related retinal microvascular abnormalities (p = 0.017). Conclusions: We described a new ocular sign represented by HSs of the fundus in NF1. The presence of HSs was not a negative prognostic factor of the disease. Following multimodal imaging, we demonstrated that HSs and choroidal nodules were consistent with the same type of lesion, and simple indirect ophthalmoscopy allowed for screening of HSs in NF1

    Immunoglobulin free light chains and GAGs mediate multiple myeloma extracellular vesicles uptake and secondary NfkB nuclear traslocation

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    Multiplemyeloma(MM) is a hematological malignancy caused by a microenviromentally aided persistence of plasmacells in the bone marrow. Monoclonal plasmacells often secrete high amounts of immunoglobulin free light chains(FLCs)that could induce tissue damage. Recently, we showed that FLCs are internalized in endothelial and myocardial cell lines and secreted in extracellular vesicles(EVs). MM serum derived EVs presented phenotypic differences if compared with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)serum derived EVs suggesting their involvement in MM pathogenesis or progression. To investigate the effect of circulating EVs on endothelial and myocardial cells, we purified MM and MGUS serum derived EVs with differential ultracentrifugation protocols and tested their biological activity. We found that MM and MGUS EVs induced different proliferation and internalization rates in endothelial and myocardial cells, thus we tried to find specific targets in MM EVs docking and processing. Pre-treatment of EVs withanti-FLCs antibodies or heparin blocked the MM EVs uptake, highlighting that FLCs and glycosaminoglycans are involved. Indeed, only MM EVs exposure induced a strong nuclear factor kappa B nuclear translocation that was completely abolished afteranti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatment. The protein tyrosine kinase c-src is present on MM circulating EVs and redistributes to the cell plasma membrane after MM EVs exposure.The anti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatments were able to block the intracellular redistribution of the c-src kinase and the subsequent c-src kinase containing EVs production. Our results open new insights in EVs cellular biology and in MM therapeutic and diagnostic approaches

    Immunoglobulin free light chains and GAGs mediate multiple myeloma extracellular vesicles uptake and secondary NfkB nuclear traslocation

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    Multiplemyeloma(MM) is a hematological malignancy caused by a microenviromentally aided persistence of plasmacells in the bone marrow. Monoclonal plasmacells often secrete high amounts of immunoglobulin free light chains(FLCs)that could induce tissue damage. Recently, we showed that FLCs are internalized in endothelial and myocardial cell lines and secreted in extracellular vesicles(EVs). MM serum derived EVs presented phenotypic differences if compared with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)serum derived EVs suggesting their involvement in MM pathogenesis or progression. To investigate the effect of circulating EVs on endothelial and myocardial cells, we purified MM and MGUS serum derived EVs with differential ultracentrifugation protocols and tested their biological activity. We found that MM and MGUS EVs induced different proliferation and internalization rates in endothelial and myocardial cells, thus we tried to find specific targets in MM EVs docking and processing. Pre-treatment of EVs withanti-FLCs antibodies or heparin blocked the MM EVs uptake, highlighting that FLCs and glycosaminoglycans are involved. Indeed, only MM EVs exposure induced a strong nuclear factor kappa B nuclear translocation that was completely abolished afteranti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatment. The protein tyrosine kinase c-src is present on MM circulating EVs and redistributes to the cell plasma membrane after MM EVs exposure.The anti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatments were able to block the intracellular redistribution of the c-src kinase and the subsequent c-src kinase containing EVs production. Our results open new insights in EVs cellular biology and in MM therapeutic and diagnostic approaches

    Immigration Cyber Prisons: Ending the Use of Electronic Ankle Shackles

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    The call to end immigration detention has garnered strong support in recent years due to a growing public awareness of its devastating impact on the individuals locked away, their families, and entire communities. Throughout the nation, communities, organizers, advocates, and public officials have demanded the shutdown of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers, particularly those operated by private prison companies. However, less attention has been paid to another form of detention that has been insidiously expanding alongside ICE’s brick-and-mortar jails: the Intensive Supervision Assistance Program (ISAP), the primary component of ICE’s so-called “Alternatives to Detention” program. ISAP surveils, monitors, and restricts immigrants by using invasive and evolving forms of technology. Like much of ICE’s sprawling detention system, ISAP is fueled by a multi-billion-dollar contract with the subsidiary of a private prison corporation that profits from detaining and surveilling immigrants. One of the most common and dehumanizing forms of surveillance in ISAP is a GPS enabled ankle monitor that shackles individuals both visibly and invisibly. This report recommends that ICE immediately wind down ISAP and cease its use of electronic ankle shackles, first by removing them from all individuals currently subject to ISAP. To the extent that ankle shackles continue being used while phasing out ISAP, the administration should mandate ICE to track the data needed to prevent discriminatory practices; provide both a clear written justification and review process when deciding to subject an individual to ankle shackles; and allow those subject to ankle shackles to secure employment, participate in family and community activities, and seek medical treatment. This report also recommends a severance of the link between immigration enforcement and service provision through community-based programs, as well as allocation of government funding for community support and legal representation services. As the harms of electronic ankle shackling demonstrate, ISAP is by no means an acceptable reform to the existing detention apparatus; rather it is another form of confinement that must be dismantled alongside physical detention. While the coercive and dehumanizing shackling of humans is unacceptable in any form, the data demonstrating the comparable or superior efficacy of more holistic intervention also lay bare the animus and profit motives at the heart of ICE’s shackling regime. Ending shackling is not just good policy; it is an issue of racial, economic, and health justice

    A phase II randomised trial of 5-fluorouracil with or without interferon alpha-2a in advanced colorectal cancer.

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    With the association of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and alpha-interferon (IFN), objective responses as high as 26 63% have been reported in untreated patients with advanced colorectal cancer. However, grade 3-4 toxicity has also been reported. We have conducted a prospective phase II randomised study comparing 5-FU to 5-FU + IFN, to investigate whether the addition of IFN to a weekly 5-FU regimen devoid of significant toxicity used at our institutions could improve the effectiveness of 5-FU while maintaining acceptable toxicity. Patients with histologically proven advanced colorectal carcinoma were randomised to receive 5-FU 500 mg m-2 intravenous (i.v.) bolus on days 1-5 followed by 5-FU 500 mg m-2 i.v. bolus weekly from day 15, with or without IFN alpha-2a intramuscularly (i.m.) 1.5 mU daily on days 6-12 and 3 mU i.m. daily thereafter. The treatment was administered on an outpatient basis. Response was evaluated every 3 months, and treatment continued until progression or after two consecutive judgements of stable disease. Response rate was the main end point of the study. Of 141 patients eligible, 72 were randomised to 5-FU alone (arm A) and 69 to 5-FU + IFN (arm B). Responses were 9/72 (12.5%) in arm A and 6/69 (8.7%) in arm B; complete responses were three in arm A and two in arm B. Progression-free survival (median 4 months) and survival (median 12 months) were identical in the two arms. Toxicity was almost absent in arm A and moderate in arm B, represented mainly by haematological toxicity (usually leucopenia). In conclusion, overall survival was good in both arms of treatment and toxicity was moderate. While the response rate with 5-FU alone was in accord with the literature data, response to 5-FU + IFN was lower than expected. At least at this dosage and schedule, the association of 5-FU and IFN is no better than 5-FU alone and is of no clinical interest

    Observations of a radio-bright, X-ray obscured GRS 1915+105

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    The Galactic black hole transient GRS1915+105 is famous for its markedly variable X-ray and radio behaviour, and for being the archetypal galactic source of relativistic jets. It entered an X-ray outburst in 1992 and has been active ever since. Since 2018 GRS1915+105 has declined into an extended low-flux X-ray plateau, occasionally interrupted by multi-wavelength flares. Here we report the radio and X-ray properties of GRS1915+105 collected in this new phase, and compare the recent data to historic observations. We find that while the X-ray emission remained unprecedentedly low for most of the time following the decline in 2018, the radio emission shows a clear mode change half way through the extended X-ray plateau in 2019 June: from low flux (~3mJy) and limited variability, to marked flaring with fluxes two orders of magnitude larger. GRS1915+105 appears to have entered a low-luminosity canonical hard state, and then transitioned to an unusual accretion phase, characterised by heavy X-ray absorption/obscuration. Hence, we argue that a local absorber hides from the observer the accretion processes feeding the variable jet responsible for the radio flaring. The radio-X-ray correlation suggests that the current low X-ray flux state may be a signature of a super-Eddington state akin to the X-ray binaries SS433 or V404 Cyg