3,941 research outputs found

    Evolution of the spherical cavity radius generated around a subsurface drip emitter

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    The emitter discharge in subsurface drip irrigation can be affected by soil properties. A positive pressure develops at the emitter outlet where a spherical cavity is assumed to form. In steady-state conditions, the pressure in the soil relates to soil hydraulic properties, the emitter discharge, and the cavity radius. This pressure in the soil is very sensitive to the cavity radius. In this paper, the development of the cavity around the emitter outlet was measured for various emitter discharges in laboratory tests carried out in containers with uniform loamy soils. A trend between soil pressure and emitter discharge was established that illustrates the performance of buried emitters in the field. Its application to the prediction of water distribution in subsurface drip irrigation units and its effect on the estimation of irrigation performance are also shown

    Broadband telecom transparency of semiconductor-coated metal nanowires: more transparent than glass

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    Metallic nanowires (NW) coated with a high permittivity dielectric are proposed as means to strongly reduce the light scattering of the conducting NW, rendering them transparent at infrared wavelengths of interest in telecommunications. Based on a simple, universal law derived from electrostatics arguments, we find appropriate parameters to reduce the scattering efficiency of hybrid metal-dielectric NW by up to three orders of magnitude as compared with the scattering efficiency of the homogeneous metallic NW. We show that metal@dielectric structures are much more robust against fabrication imperfections than analogous dielectric@metal ones. The bandwidth of the transparent region entirely covers the near IR telecommunications range. Although this effect is optimum at normal incidence and for a given polarization, rigorous theoretical and numerical calculations reveal that transparency is robust against changes in polarization and angle of incidence, and also holds for relatively dense periodic or random arrangements. A wealth of applications based on metal-NWs may benefit from such invisibility

    Wildlife and Antibiotic Resistance

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    Antibiotic resistance is a major human health problem. While health care facilities are main contributors to the emergence, evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance, other ecosystems are involved in such dissemination. Wastewater, farm animals and pets have been considered important contributors to the development of antibiotic resistance. Herein, we review the impact of wildlife in such problem. Current evidence supports that the presence of antibiotic resistance genes and/or antibiotic resistant bacteria in wild animals is a sign of anthropic pollution more than of selection of resistance. However, once antibiotic resistance is present in the wild, wildlife can contribute to its transmission across different ecosystems. Further, the finding that antibiotic resistance genes, currently causing problems at hospitals, might spread through horizontal gene transfer among the bacteria present in the microbiomes of ubiquitous animals as cockroaches, fleas or rats, supports the possibility that these organisms might be bioreactors for the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among human pathogens. The contribution of wildlife in the spread of antibiotic resistance among different hosts and ecosystems occurs at two levels. Firstly, in the case of non-migrating animals, the transfer will take place locally; a One Health problem. Paradigmatic examples are the above mentioned animals that cohabit with humans and can be reservoirs and vehicles for antibiotic resistance dissemination. Secondly, migrating animals, such as gulls, fishes or turtles may participate in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance across different geographic areas, even between different continents, which constitutes a Global Health issue. Copyright © 2022 Laborda, Sanz-García, Ochoa-Sánchez, Gil-Gil, Hernando-Amado and Martínez

    Contenido de aminoácidos libres en frutos de chirimoyo durante la maduración

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    El chirimoyo es un fruto tropical que crece en algunos países de América y en una serie de selectivas áreas del sur de España, siendo una fuente rica de aminoácidos libres. Los efectos de las temperaturas después de la postrecolección de este fruto han sido estudiadas. La firmeza del fruto se ha determinado con un medidor de textura y los aminoácidos libres se determinaron por cromatografía en columna de intercambio iónico, utilizando un autoanalizador de aminoácidos. El chirimoyo se caracterizó por un alto contenido en prolina y citrulina. El ácido glutámico y la glutamina estaban también presentes pero en pequeñas cantidades. La citrulina y la prolina se incrementaron durante la maduración; el aumento dependió de la temperatura de almacenamiento

    Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. as a promising source of pullulan and Mn(II)-pullulan complexes for Mn-deficiency remediation in winter cereals

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    Pullulan, a water-soluble polysaccharide consisting of maltotriose units used in the preparation of edible films and drug delivery, is generally produced from starch by Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Löwenthal) G.Arnaud fungus. In this article, the characterisation of an alternative pullulan source - the stromata of Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. fungus - by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis techniques is reported. With a view to a possible valorisation of this pullulan and its derivatives as bioactive formulations in agriculture, low-molecular-weight pullulan (<7 kDa) complexes with Mn(II), suitable for the remediation of Mn-deficiencies in winter cereal by foliar application, were synthesised and characterised by mass spectrometry

    Petrography and geochemistry of late- to post-Variscan vaugnerite series rocks and calc-alkaline lamprophyres within a cordierite-bearing monzogranite (Sierra Bermeja Pluton, southern Iberian Massif)

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    The Sierra Bermeja Pluton (southern Central Iberian Zone, Iberian Massif) is a late-Variscan intrusive constituted by cordierite-bearing peraluminous monzogranites. Detailed field mapping has allowed to disclose the presence of several NE–SW trending longitudinal composite bodies, formed by either aphanitic or phaneritic mesocratic rocks. According to their petrography and geochemistry these rocks are categorized as calc-alkaline lamprophyres and vaugnerite series rocks. Their primary mineralogy is characterized by variable amounts of plagioclase, amphibole, clinopyroxene, biotite, K-feldspar, quartz and apatite. Broadly, they show low SiO2 content (49–56wt.%), and high MgO+FeOt (10–17wt.%), K2O (3–5wt.%), Ba (963–2095ppm), Sr (401–1149ppm) and Cr (87–330ppm) contents. Field scale observations suggest that vaugneritic rocks and lamprophyres would constitute two independent magma pulses. Vaugneritic dioritoids intruded as syn-plutonic dykes, whereas lamprophyres were emplaced after the almost complete consolidation of the host monzogranites. In this way, vaugnerite series rocks would be an evidence for the contemporaneity of crustal- and mantle-melting processes during a late-Variscan stage, while lamprophyres would represent the ending of this stage

    Development of sandwich and competitive ELISA formats to determine ß-conglycinin: Evaluation of their performance to detect soy in processed food

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    Two ELISA formats (sandwich and indirect competitive) were developed to quantify ß-conglycinin, a major soy allergen. Their performance was evaluated using three model foods incurred with soy proteins. The sandwich format detects the addition of 0.005% and 0.05% soy proteins in pasteurized sausages and baked bread. However, the competitive format detects only 0.1 and 0.5%, respectively. ß-conglycinin was not detected in sterilized pâtè with any format. An industrial prototype of the sandwich ELISA was in-house validated, showing acceptable results of repeatability, reproducibility and robustness. Model foods spiked with ß-conglycinin after processing showed recoveries between 93.3 and 138.7%. However, in model foods incurred with soy proteins before processing the recovery decreased with the increase of the severity of heat treatment applied. The sandwich format could differentiate most of the retail foods with soy declared or not as ingredient. The ELISA format and processing conditions greatly influence the determination of ß-conglycinin in food

    Physicochemical characterization and antimicrobial activity against Erwinia amylovora, Erwinia vitivora, and Diplodia seriata of a light purple Hibiscus syriacus L. Cultivar

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    Phytochemicals are essential raw materials for the production of formulations that can be helpful in crop protection. In particular, Hibiscus spp., which are often used in traditional medicine, are rich in potential bioactive molecules. This study presents an analysis of the thermal, vibrational, and phytochemical characteristics of a light purple variety of Hibiscus syriacus, using thermal gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy techniques. Further, with a view to its valorization, the antimicrobial activity of its extracts has been investigated in vitro against Erwinia amylovora (the phytopathogen responsible for fire blight in apples, pears, and some other members of the family Rosaceae), Erwinia vitivora (the causal agent of the “maladie d’Oléron” in grapevines), and Diplodia seriata (responsible for “Bot canker”). Higher heating values and thermal features showed similarities with kenaf biomass. The main compounds identified in the hydro-methanolic extracts were: in flowers, 1-heptacosanol, heptacosane, 1-tetracosanol, hexadecenoic acid, 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid; and in leaves, the coumarin derivative 4,4,6,8-tetramethyl-2-chromanone, vitamin E, phytol, and sitosterol. MIC values of 500 and 375 μg·mL−1 were obtained against E. amylovora for flower and leaf extracts, respectively, upon conjugation with chitosan oligomers (to improve solubility and bioavailability). In the case of E. vitivora, MIC values of 250 and 500 μg·mL−1, respectively, were registered. Regarding the antifungal activity, EC90 values of 975.8 and 603.5 μg·mL−1, respectively, were found. These findings suggest that H. syriacus (cv. ‘Mathilde’) may be a promising source of antimicrobials for agriculture