265 research outputs found

    Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Growth, Feed Consumption, and Conformation Traits for Double-Muscled Belgian Blue Bulls Performance-Tested in Belgium

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    For 1,442 Belgian Blue bulls performance- tested at the Centre de Selection de la Race Blanc-Bleue Belge, nine traits were observed: height at withers at 7 mo, height at withers at 13 mo, weight at 7 mo, weight at 13 mo, average feed consumption of concentrates, average daily gain, average feed consumption of concentrates per average daily gain, average feed consumption of concentrates per mean metabolic weight, and price per kilogram of live weight. This price is based on muscle conformation and is therefore used as muscle conformation score. Restricted maximum likelihood with a derivative-free algorithm was used to estimate (co)variance components because there were different models and missing values per trait. Estimates of heritabilities were above .50 except for average feed consumption per average daily gain (.16) and average feed consumption per mean metabolic weight (.33). Estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations between height at withers and weight traits were positive and moderate to high. Average daily gain showed a negative genetic correlation with weight at 7 mo ( -.68) but had positive correlations with height at withers at 13 mo and weight at 13 mo (.22 and .43). Muscle conformation expressed as price per kilogram of live weight was related to low average feed consumption per average daily gain. Average feed consumption showed high correlations with weight at 7 mo and weight at 13 mo. Average feed consumption per average daily gain had a high negative genetic correlation with average daily gain ( -.89)

    Accounting for heterogeneous variances in multitrait evaluation of Jersey type traits

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    peer reviewedThe multitrait genetic evaluation system for type traits was modified to estimate adjustments for heterogeneous variance (HV) simultaneously with estimated breeding values (EBV) for final score and 14 linear traits. Each variance within herd, year, and parity was regressed toward a predicted variance, which was determined by fitting a model with fixed effects of the mean final score for herd, size of the contemporary group, appraisal month, and year-season and a random effect for herd-appraisal date. Herd-appraisal date was included as a random effect to regress the observed heterogeneity for a given herd-appraisal date toward the fixed effects. Method R was used to estimate variances for the heterogeneity model in each EBV iteration. To evaluate the effect of the adjustment, parent averages were calculated from evaluations with recent appraisals removed. The adjustment slightly improved correlations within birth year between those parent averages and EBV from current data on bulls for most traits, but did not improve correlations for final score, strength, dairy form, teat length, or foot angle. Annual trends for EBV were lower with HV adjustment than for unadjusted EBV for all traits except final score and rump angle for cows and rump width for bulls, which were essentially unchanged. Standard deviations of Mendelian sampling (evaluation minus mean of parent evaluations) declined less over time for HV-adjusted than for unadjusted evaluations. The slope at year 2000 of Mendelian-sampling standard deviations from HV-adjusted evaluations ranged from 10.0% for udder depth to 42.7% for teat length compared with the slope for unadjusted evaluations. This HV adjustment, which was implemented for USDA evaluations in May 2001 for Jerseys and in 2002 for other breeds, improves the accuracy of evaluations, particularly comparisons over time, by accounting for the change in variation

    Estimation of dominance variance in purebred Yorkshire swine

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    peer reviewedWe used 179,485 Yorkshire reproductive and 239,354 Yorkshire growth records to estimate additive and dominance variances by Method Fraktur R. Estimates were obtained for number born alive (NBA), 21-d litter weight (LWT), days to 104.5 kg (DAYS), and backfat at 104.5 kg (BF). The single-trait models for NBA and LWT included the fixed effects of contemporary group and regression on inbreeding percentage and the random effects mate within contemporary group, animal permanent environment, animal additive, and parental dominance. The single-trait models for DAYS and BF included the fixed effects of contemporary group, sex, and regression on inbreeding percentage and the random effects litter of birth, dam permanent environment, animal additive, and parental dominance. Final estimates were obtained from six samples for each trait. Regression coefficients for 10% inbreeding were found to be -.23 for NBA, -.52 kg for LWT, 2.1 d for DAYS, and 0 mm for BF. Estimates of additive and dominance variances expressed as a percentage of phenotypic variances were, respectively, 8.8 +/- .5 and 2.2 +/- .7 for NBA, 8.1 +/- 1.1 and 6.3 +/- .9 for LWT, 33.2 +/- .4 and 10.3 +/- 1.5 for DAYS, and 43.6 +/- .9 and 4.8 +/- .7 for BF. The ratio of dominance to additive variances ranged from .78 to .11

    Studies on the Value of Incorporating Effect of Dominance in Genetic Evaluations of Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, and Swine

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    Potential gains from including the dominance effect in genetic evaluations include “purification” of additive values and availability of specific combining abilities for each pair of prospective parents. The magnitude of such gains was tested for dairy and beef cattle and for swine by estimating variance components for several traits and by analyzing changes in additive evaluations when the parental dominance effect was added to the model. Estimates of dominance variance for dairy and beef cattle and for swine were up to 10% of phenotypic variance; estimates were larger for growth traits. As a percentage of additive variance, the estimate of dominance variance reached 78% for 21-day litter weight of swine and 47% for postweaning weight of beef cattle. Changes in additive evaluations after considering dominance are largest for dams of a single large family. These changes were found to be important for dairy cattle especially for dams of full-sibs, but less important for swin

    Studies on the value of incorporating the effect of dominance in genetic evaluations of dairy cattle, beef cattle and swine

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    Nonadditive genetic effects are currently ignored in national genetic evaluations of farm animals because of ignorance of thelevel of dominance variance for traits of interest and the difficult computational problems involved. Potential gains fromincluding the effects of dominance in genetic evaluations include “purification” of additive values and availability ofpredictions of specific combining abilities for each pair of prospective parents. This study focused on making evaluation withdominance effects feasible computationally and on ascertaining benefits of such an evaluation for dairy cattle, beef cattle,and swine. Using iteration on data, computing costs for evaluation with dominance effects included costs could be less thantwice expensive as with only an additive model. With Method Â, variance components could be estimated for problemsinvolving up to 10 millions equations. Dominance effects accounted for up to 10% of phenotypic variance; estimates werelarger for growth traits. As a percentage of additive variance, the estimate of dominance variance reached 78% for 21-d litterweight of swine and 47% for post weaning weight of beef cattle. When dominance effects are ignored, additive evaluationsare “contaminated”; effects are greatest for evaluations of dams in a single large family. These changes in ranking wereimportant for dairy cattle, especially for dams of full-sibs, but were less important for swine. Specific combining abilitiescannot be included in sire evaluations and need to be computed separately for each set of parents. The predictions of specificcombining abilities could be used in computerized mating programs via the Internet. Gains from including the dominanceeffect in genetic evaluations would be moderate but would outweigh expenditures to produce those evaluations

    Primary clear cell sarcoma of the ileum: an uncommon and misleading site

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    A clear cell sarcoma, arising primarily in the ileum of a 35-year-old man, is reported. Histologically, the neoplasm infiltrated the full thickness of the intestinal wall. It consisted of strands and sheets of round to spindle-shaped cells with clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Vascular invasion was present at diagnosis. Tumour cells expressed S-100 protein, melan-A and tyrosinase. They were negative for HMB45, CD117, cytokeratins, epithelial membrane antigen, smooth muscle actin, desmin, CD31, CD34, chromogranin and synaptophysin. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis performed on paraffin-embedded tissue showed EWS-ATF1 fusion transcripts representative of the t(12;22) (q13;q12) clear cell sarcoma reciprocal translocation. The patient, who developed liver metastases 2 months after diagnosis, died of disease at 15 months. This case demonstrates that the gastrointestinal tract is a potential site for primary clear cell sarcoma of soft tissues, and, furthermore, that cytogenetics and/or molecular techniques play a central role in the diagnosi

    Between and within-herd variation in blood and milk biomarkers in Holstein cows in early lactation

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    Both blood- and milk-based biomarkers have been analysed for decades in research settings, although often only in one herd, and without focus on the variation in the biomarkers that are specifically related to herd or diet. Biomarkers can be used to detect physiological imbalance and disease risk and may have a role in precision livestock farming (PLF). For use in PLF, it is important to quantify normal variation in specific biomarkers and the source of this variation. The objective of this study was to estimate the between- and within-herd variation in a number of blood metabolites (β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids, glucose and serum IGF-1), milk metabolites (free glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, urea, isocitrate, BHB and uric acid), milk enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase)) and composite indicators for metabolic imbalances (Physiological Imbalance-index and energy balance), to help facilitate their adoption within PLF. Blood and milk were sampled from 234 Holstein dairy cows from 6 experimental herds, each in a different European country, and offered a total of 10 different diets. Blood was sampled on 2 occasions at approximately 14 days-in-milk (DIM) and 35 DIM. Milk samples were collected twice weekly (in total 2750 samples) from DIM 1 to 50. Multilevel random regression models were used to estimate the variance components and to calculate the intraclass correlations (ICCs). The ICCs for the milk metabolites, when adjusted for parity and DIM at sampling, demonstrated that between 12% (glucose-6-phosphate) and 46% (urea) of the variation in the metabolites’ levels could be associated with the herd-diet combination. Intraclass Correlations related to the herd-diet combination were generally higher for blood metabolites, from 17% (cholesterol) to approximately 46% (BHB and urea). The high ICCs for urea suggest that this biomarker can be used for monitoring on herd level. The low variance within cow for NAGase indicates that few samples would be needed to describe the status and potentially a general reference value could be used. The low ICC for most of the biomarkers and larger within cow variation emphasises that multiple samples would be needed - most likely on the individual cows - for making the biomarkers useful for monitoring. The majority of biomarkers were influenced by parity and DIM which indicate that these should be accounted for if the biomarker should be used for monitoring

    The impact of frozen sections on final surgical margins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and lips: a retrospective analysis over an 11 years period

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    Taking intraoperative frozen sections (FS) is a widely used procedure in oncologic surgery. However so far no evidence of an association of FS analysis and premalignant changes in the surgical margin exists. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of FS on different categories of the final margins of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and lips

    Estimation of self-exchange electron transfer rate constants for organic compounds from stopped-flow studies

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    Second-order rate constants k12(obsd) measured at 25 °C in acetonitrile by stopped-flow for 47 electron transfer (ET) reactions among ten tetraalkylhydrazines, four ferrocene derivatives, and three p-phenylenediamine derivatives are discussed. Marcus's adiabatic cross rate formula k12(calcd) = (k11 k22 k12 f12)1/2, ln f12 = (ln K12)2/4 ln(k11k22/Z2) works well to correlate these data. When all k12(obsd) values are simultaneously fitted to this relationship, best-fit self-exchange rate constants, kii(fit), are obtained that allow remarkably accurate calculation of k12(obsd); k12(obsd)/k12‘(calcd) is in the range of 0.55−1.94 for all 47 reactions. The average ΔΔGij between observed activation free energy and that calculated using kii(fit) is 0.13 kcal/mol. Simulations using Jortner vibronic coupling theory to calculate k12 using parameters which produce the wide range of kii values observed predict that Marcus's formula should be followed even when V is as low as 0.1 kcal/mol, in the weakly nonadiabatic region. Tetracyclohexylhydrazine has a higher kii than tetraisopropylhydrazine by a factor of ca. 10. Replacing the dimethylamino groups of tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine by 9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonyl groups has little effect on kii, demonstrating that conformations which have high intermolecular aromatic ring overlap are not necessary for large ET rate constants. Replacing a γ CH2 group of a 9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonyl group by a carbonyl group lowers kii by a factor of 17 for the doubly substituted hydrazine and by considerably less for the doubly substituted p-phenylenediamine

    Longitudinal assessment of daily activity patterns on weight change after involuntary job loss: the ADAPT study protocol

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    Background: The World Health Organization has identified obesity as one of the most visible and neglected public health problems worldwide. Meta-analytic studies suggest that insufficient sleep increases the risk of developing obesity and related serious medical conditions. Unfortunately, the nationwide average sleep duration has steadily declined over the last two decades with 25% of U.S. adults reporting insufficient sleep. Stress is also an important indirect factor in obesity, and chronic stress and laboratory-induced stress negatively impact sleep. Despite what we know from basic sciences about (a) stress and sleep and (b) sleep and obesity, we know very little about how these factors actually manifest in a natural environment. The Assessing Daily Activity Patterns Through Occupational Transitions (ADAPT) study tests whether sleep disruption plays a key role in the development of obesity for individuals exposed to involuntary job loss, a life event that is often stressful and disrupting to an individual’s daily routine. Methods: This is an 18-month closed, cohort research design examining social rhythms, sleep, dietary intake, energy expenditure, waist circumference, and weight gain over 18 months in individuals who have sustained involuntary job loss. Approximately 332 participants who lost their job within the last 3 months are recruited from flyers within the Arizona Department of Economic Security (AZDES) Unemployment Insurance Administration application packets and other related postings. Multivariate growth curve modeling will be used to investigate the temporal precedence of changes in social rhythms, sleep, and weight gain. Discussion It is hypothesized that: (1) unemployed individuals with less consistent social rhythms and worse sleep will have steeper weight gain trajectories over 18 months than unemployed individuals with stable social rhythms and better sleep; (2) disrupted sleep will mediate the relationship between social rhythm disruption and weight gain; and (3) reemployment will be associated with a reversal in the negative trajectories outlined above. Positive findings will provide support for the development of obesity prevention campaigns targeting sleep and social rhythms in an accessible subgroup of vulnerable individuals