1,378 research outputs found

    Proposal for a Topological Plasmon Spin Rectifier

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    We propose a device in which the spin-polarized AC plasmon mode in the surface state of a topological insulator nanostructure induces a static spin accumulation in a resonant, normal metal structure coupled to it. Using a finite-difference time-domain model, we simulate this spin-pump mechanism with drift, diffusion, relaxation, and precession in a magnetic field. This optically-driven system can serve as a DC "spin battery" for spintronic devices.Comment: Eq. 1 corrected; Figs 3 and 4 update

    Probing confined phonon modes by transport through a nanowire double quantum dot

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    Strong radial confinement in semiconductor nanowires leads to modified electronic and phononic energy spectra. We analyze the current response to the interplay between quantum confinement effects of the electron and phonon systems in a gate-defined double quantum dot in a semiconductor nanowire. We show that current spectroscopy of inelastic transitions between the two quantum dots can be used as an experimental probe of the confined phonon environment. The resulting discrete peak structure in the measurements is explained by theoretical modeling of the confined phonon mode spectrum, where the piezoelectric coupling is of crucial importance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; final versio

    Temperature dependence of the nonlocal voltage in an Fe/GaAs electrical spin injection device

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    The nonlocal spin resistance is measured as a function of temperature in a Fe/GaAs spin-injection device. For nonannealed samples that show minority-spin injection, the spin resistance is observed up to room temperature and decays exponentially with temperature at a rate of 0.018\,K−1^{-1}. Post-growth annealing at 440\,K increases the spin signal at low temperatures, but the decay rate also increases to 0.030\,K−1^{-1}. From measurements of the diffusion constant and the spin lifetime in the GaAs channel, we conclude that sample annealing modifies the temperature dependence of the spin transfer efficiency at injection and detection contacts. Surprisingly, the spin transfer efficiency increases in samples that exhibit minority-spin injection.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Tunable effective g-factor in InAs nanowire quantum dots

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    We report tunneling spectroscopy measurements of the Zeeman spin splitting in InAs few-electron quantum dots. The dots are formed between two InP barriers in InAs nanowires with a wurtzite crystal structure grown by chemical beam epitaxy. The values of the electron g-factors of the first few electrons entering the dot are found to strongly depend on dot size and range from close to the InAs bulk value in large dots |g^*|=13 down to |g^*|=2.3 for the smallest dots. These findings are discussed in view of a simple model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct Measurement of the Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Two-Electron InAs Nanowire Quantum Dot

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    We demonstrate control of the electron number down to the last electron in tunable few-electron quantum dots defined in catalytically grown InAs nanowires. Using low temperature transport spectroscopy in the Coulomb blockade regime we propose a simple method to directly determine the magnitude of the spin-orbit interaction in a two-electron artificial atom with strong spin-orbit coupling. Due to a large effective g-factor |g*|=8+/-1 the transition from singlet S to triplet T+ groundstate with increasing magnetic field is dominated by the Zeeman energy rather than by orbital effects. We find that the spin-orbit coupling mixes the T+ and S states and thus induces an avoided crossing with magnitude ΔSO\Delta_{SO}=0.25+/-0.05 meV. This allows us to calculate the spin-orbit length λSO≈\lambda_{SO}\approx127 nm in such systems using a simple model.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, including supplementary note

    Universal conductance fluctuations in Dirac materials in the presence of long-range disorder

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    We study quantum transport in Dirac materials with a single fermionic Dirac cone (strong topological insulators and graphene in the absence of intervalley coupling) in the presence of non-Gaussian long-range disorder. We show, by directly calculating numerically the conductance fluctuations, that in the limit of very large system size and disorder strength, quantum transport becomes universal. However, a systematic deviation away from universality is obtained for realistic system parameters. By comparing our results to existing experimental data on 1/f noise, we suggest that many of the graphene samples studied to date are in a non-universal crossover regime of conductance fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    Princess and the Pea at the nanoscale: Wrinkling and delamination of graphene on nanoparticles

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    Thin membranes exhibit complex responses to external forces or geometrical constraints. A familiar example is the wrinkling, exhibited by human skin, plant leaves, and fabrics, resulting from the relative ease of bending versus stretching. Here, we study the wrinkling of graphene, the thinnest and stiffest known membrane, deposited on a silica substrate decorated with silica nanoparticles. At small nanoparticle density monolayer graphene adheres to the substrate, detached only in small regions around the nanoparticles. With increasing nanoparticle density, we observe the formation of wrinkles which connect nanoparticles. Above a critical nanoparticle density, the wrinkles form a percolating network through the sample. As the graphene membrane is made thicker, global delamination from the substrate is observed. The observations can be well understood within a continuum elastic model and have important implications for strain-engineering the electronic properties of graphene.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Single-Electron Effects in a Coupled Dot-Ring System

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    Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are studied in the magnetoconductance of a micron-sized open quantum ring coupled capacitively to a Coulomb-blockaded quantum dot. As the plunger gate of the dot is modulated and tuned through a conductance resonance, the amplitude of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the transconductance of the ring displays a minimum. We demonstrate that the effect is due to a single-electron screening effect, rather than to dephasing. Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a quantum ring can thus be used for the detection of single charges.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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