535 research outputs found

    Correlation among Cirrus Ice Content, Water Vapor and Temperature in the TTL as Observed by CALIPSO and Aura-MLS

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    Water vapor in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) has a local radiative cooling effect. As a source for ice in cirrus clouds, however, it can also indirectly produce infrared heating. Using NASA A-Train satellite measurements of CALIPSO and Aura/MLS we calculated the correlation of water vapor, ice water content and temperature in the TTL. We find that temperature strongly controls water vapor (correlation r =0.94) and cirrus clouds at 100 hPa (r = 0.91). Moreover we observe that the cirrus seasonal cycle is highly (r =0.9) anticorrelated with the water vapor variation in the TTL, showing higher cloud occurrence during December-January-February. We further investigate the anticorrelation on a regional scale and find that the strong anticorrelation occurs generally in the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone). The seasonal cycle of the cirrus ice water content is also highly anticorrelated to water vapor (r = 0.91) and our results support the hypothesis that the total water at 100 hPa is roughly constant. Temperature acts as a main regulator for balancing the partition between water vapor and cirrus clouds. Thus, to a large extent, the depleting water vapor in the TTL during DJF is a manifestation of cirrus formation

    Variability in the Speed of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation as Observed by Aura/MLS

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    We use Aura/MLS stratospheric water vapour (H2O) measurements as tracer for dynamics and infer interannual variations in the speed of the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC) from 2004 to 2011. We correlate one-year time series of H2O in the lower stratosphere at two subsequent pressure levels (68 hPa, approx.18.8 km and 56 hPa, approx 19.9 km at the Equator) and determine the time lag for best correlation. The same calculation is made on the horizontal on the 100 hPa (approx 16.6 km) level by correlating the H2O time series at the Equator with the ones at 40 N and 40 S. From these lag coefficients we derive the vertical and horizontal speeds of the BDC in the tropics and extra-tropics, respectively. We observe a clear interannual variability of the vertical and horizontal branch. The variability reflects signatures of the Quasi Biennial Oscillation (QBO). Our measurements confirm the QBO meridional circulation anomalies and show that the speed variations in the two branches of the BDC are out of phase and fairly well anti-correlated. Maximum ascent rates are found during the QBO easterly phase. We also find that transport of H2O towards the Northern Hemisphere (NH) is on the average two times faster than to the Southern Hemisphere (SH) with a mean speed of 1.15m/s at 100 hPa. Furthermore, the speed towards the NH shows much more interannual variability with an amplitude of about 21% whilst the speed towards the SH varies by only 10 %. An amplitude of 21% is also observed in the variability of the ascent rate at the Equator which is on the average 0.2mm/s

    Cassini: Mission to Saturn and Titan

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    The Cassini Mission to Saturn and Titan represents an important step into the exploration of the outerplanets. It will expand on the flyby encounters of Pioneer and Voyager and parallel the detailed exploration of the Jupiter system to be accomplished by the Galileo Mission. By continuing the study of the two giant planets and enabling detailed comparisons of their structure and behavior, Cassini will provide a tremendous insight into the formation and evolution of the solar system. In addition, by virtue of its focus on the Saturnian satellite Titan, Cassini will return detailed data on an environment whose atmospheric chemistry may resemble that of the primitive Earth. The scientific objectives can be divided into five categories: Titan, Saturn, rings, icy satellites, and magnetospheres. The key area of interest to exobiologists is Titan; the other four scientific categories will be discussed briefly to provide a comprehensive overview of the Cassini Mission

    Macro- and microplastic accumulation in soil after 32 years of plastic film mulching

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    Plastic film mulch (PFM) is a double-edged-sword agricultural technology, which greatly improves global agricultural production but can also cause severe plastic pollution of the environment. Here, we characterized and quantified the amount of macro- and micro-plastics accumulated after 32 years of continuous plastic mulch film use in an agricultural field. An interactive field trial was established in 1987, where the effect of plastic mulching and N fertilization on maize yield was investigated. We assessed the abundance and type of macroplastics (>5 mm) at 0–20 cm soil depth and microplastic (<5 mm) at 0–100 cm depth. In the PFM plot, we found about 10 times more macroplastic particles in the fertilized plots than in the non-fertilized plots (6796 vs 653 pieces/m2), and the amount of film microplastics was about twice as abundant in the fertilized plots than in the non-fertilized plots (3.7 × 106 vs 2.2 × 106 particles/kg soil). These differences can be explained by entanglement of plastics with plant roots and stems, which made it more difficult to remove plastic film after harvest. Macroplastics consisted mainly of films, while microplastics consisted of films, fibers, and granules, with the films being identified as polyethylene originating from the plastic mulch films. Plastic mulch films contributed 33%–56% to the total microplastics in 0–100 cm depth. The total number of microplastics in the topsoil (0–10 cm) ranged as 7183–10,586 particles/kg, with an average of 8885 particles/kg. In the deep subsoil (80–100 cm) the plastic concentration ranged as 2268–3529 particles/kg, with an average of 2899 particles/kg. Long-term use of plastic mulch films caused considerable pollution of not only surface, but also subsurface soil. Migration of plastic to deeper soil layers makes removal and remediation more difficult, implying that the plastic pollution legacy will remain in soil for centuries

    Using digital and hand printing techniques to compensate for loss: re-establishing colour and texture in historic textiles

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    Conservators use a range of 'gap filling' techniques to improve the structural stability and presentation of objects. Textile conservators often use fabric supports to provide reinforcement for weak areas of a textile and to provide a visual infill in missing areas. The most common technique is to use dyed fabrics of a single colour but while a plain dyed support provides good reinforcement, it can be visually obtrusive when used with patterned or textured textiles. Two recent postgraduate dissertation projects at the Textile Conservation Centre (TCC) have experimented with hand printing and digital imaging techniques to alter the appearance of support fabrics so that they are less visually obtrusive and blend well with the colour and texture of the textile being supported. Case studies demonstrate the successful use of these techniques on a painted hessian rocking horse and a knitted glove from an archaeological context

    Coherent broadband light source for parallel optical coherence tomography

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    A Ti:sapphire planar waveguide is rib structured by Ar ion milling to provide parallel channel waveguides. By coupling high-power pump light through a microlens array into the waveguides, a novel broadband luminescent parallel emitter is demonstrated as a light source for parallel optical coherence tomography using smart detector arrays

    Plutonium in the environment: key factors related to impact assessment in case of an accidental atmospheric release

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    International audienceThis paper deals with plutonium and key factors related to impact assessment. It is based on recent work performed by CEA which summarize the main features of plutonium behaviour from sources inside installations to the environment and man, and to report current knowledge on the different parameters used in models for environmental and radiological impact assessment. These key factors are illustrated through a case study based on an accidental atmospheric release of Pu in a nuclear facility

    Diplocarpon coronariae, ein neuer Krankheitserreger im extensiven Apfelanbau

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    Einleitung - Die Marssonina Blattfallkrankheit (Diplocarpon coronariae, früher Marssonina coronaria) verursacht vorzeitigen Blattfall bei Apfelbäumen. - In Asien wurde die Bildung von Ascosporen beobachtet, in Europa verbreitet sich der Pilz vermutlich v.a. über Konidien. - Erste Infektionen können nach heutigem Wissensstand von überwintertem Falllaub ausgehen. - Wann und unter welchen Bedingungen der Sporenflug beginnt wurde bis anhin in Europa nicht erforscht