221 research outputs found

    Phalaris paradoxa L. (Poaceae: Phalaridinae), nueva maleza introducida en Chile central

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    Se da a conocer la presencia de Phalaris paradoxa L. (Poaceae), nueva especie para la flora advena de Chile, recolectadacomo maleza de cultivos agrícolas en la Región del Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins, 34°39’S, 71°23’W. Se incluye unaclave para determinar las especies de Phalaris que crecen en Chile.Se da a conocer la presencia de Phalaris paradoxa L. (Poaceae), nueva especie para la flora advena de Chile, recolectadacomo maleza de cultivos agrícolas en la Región del Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins, 34°39’S, 71°23’W. Se incluye unaclave para determinar las especies de Phalaris que crecen en Chile

    Taxonomía del género Phalaris L. (Poaceae: Pooideae: Phalaridinae) en Chile

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    A taxonomic revision of genus Phalaris L. (Poaceae: Phalaridinae) in Chile is given. Nine species are recognized: P. amethystina Trin., P. caroliniana Walter, P. angusta Nees ex Trin., P. aquatica L., P. arundinacea L., P. canariensis L., P. coerulescens Desf., P. minor Retz. and P. paradoxa L. Descriptions, synonyms, illustrations, specimens examined and a key to species are included. Phalaris coerulescens is cited for the first time in Chile.Se presenta una revisión taxonómica del género Phalaris L. (Poaceae: Phalaridinae) en Chile. Se reconoce la presencia de 9 especies: P. amethystina Trin., P. caroliniana Walter, P. angusta Nees ex Trin., P. aquatica L., P. arundinacea L., P. canariensis L., P. coerulescens Desf., P. minor Retz. y P. paradoxa L. Se entregan descripciones, sinónimos, ilustraciones, material estudiado y una clave para las especies. Phalaris coerulescens se cita por primera vez para Chile


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    The abaxial leaf epidermis of 29 species and 3 varieties of Trisetum s.s. was studied. In addition, Deschampsia brasiliensis (Louis-Marie) Valencia (= Trisetum brasiliense Louis-Marie), Helictotrichon bulbosum (Hitchc.) Parodi (= T. bulbosum Hitchc.) and Peyritschia deyeuxioides (Kunth) Finot (= T. deyeuxioides Kunth), were included. Observations of the adaxial epidermis of some South American species were made with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Cluster analysis (UPGMA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to a basic data matrix (35 OTUs x 17 characters of abaxial epidermis). Four groups of species were recognized: 1. Deschampsia brasiliensis. 2. Helictotrichon bulbosum. 3. Subg. Deschampsioideum (Louis-Marie) Finot (T. durangense Finot & P.M.Peterson, T. filifolium Scribn. ex Beal, T. palmeri Hitchc., T. tonduzii Hitchc., T. viride (Kunth) Kunth and T. virletii E.Fourn.), T. pringlei (Scribn. ex Beal) Hitchc. and T. rosei Scribn & Merr. (Subg. Trisetum). 4. Subg. Trisetum. Sections Trisetum and Trisaetera Asch. & Graebn., were not distinguished. On the basis of the studied characters the genera Trisetum and Peyritschia E.Fourn. were not recognized.Se estudió la epidermis abaxial de la lámina foliar en 29 especies y 3 variedades del género Trisetum s.s. Adicionalmente, se incluyó a Deschampsia brasiliensis (Louis-Marie) Valencia (= Trisetum brasiliense Louis-Marie), Helictotrichon bulbosum (Hitchc.) Parodi (= T. bulbosum Hitchc.) y Peyritschia deyeuxioides (Kunth) Finot (= T. deyeuxioides Kunth). Además, se realizaron observaciones de la epidermis adaxial en algunas especies sudamericanas, utilizando microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB). Se confeccionó una matriz básica de datos (35 OTUs x 17 caracteres de la epidermis abaxial), a la que se aplicó análisis de agrupamientos (UPGMA) y análisis de componentes principales (ACP). Se reconoció cuatro grupos de especies: 1. Deschampsia brasiliensis. 2. Helictotrichon bulbosum. 3. Subg. Deschampsioideum (Louis-Marie) Finot (T. durangense Finot & P.M.Peterson, T. filifolium Scribn. ex Beal, T. palmeri Hitchc., T. tonduzii Hitchc., T. viride (Kunth) Kunth y T. virletii E.Fourn.), T. pringlei (Scribn. ex Beal) Hitchc. y T. rosei Scribn. & Merr. (Subg. Trisetum) . 4. Subg. Trisetum. Las secciones Trisetum y Trisaetera Asch. & Graebn., no pueden distinguirse, así como no es posible distinguir Trisetum de Peyritschia E.Fourn. sobre la base de los caracteres estudiados


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    The presence of three new taxa of genus Trisetum Pers. (Poaceae: Aveneae), until now considered endemic to Argentina, are reported for the Chilean flora: T. ambiguum Rúgolo et Nicora, T. caudulatum Trin. var. correae Nicora and T. oreophilum Louis-Marie var. johnstonii Louis- Marie. A description for each taxon and a map of their distribution in Chile are included.Se da a conocer la presencia de tres nuevos taxa del género Trisetum Pers. (Poaceae : Aveneae) para la flora de Chile,  considerados  hasta ahora endémicos de Argentina: T. ambiguum Rúgolo et Nicora, T. caudulatum Trin. var. correae Nicora y T. oreophilum Louis-Marie var. johnstonii Louis-Marie. Se incluye una descripción de cada taxón y un mapa de su distribución en Chile

    Protein-polyphenol reactions: 1. Nutritional and metabolic consequences of the reaction between oxidized caffeic acid and the lysine residues of casein

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    1. Studies were made on the lysine content of casein reacted with caffeic acid oxidized aerobically under alkaline conditions or enzymically with tyrosinase (EC 2. Loss of fluorodinitrobenzene (FDNB)-reactive lysine was rapid at pH 10 and increased with time and the temperature of the reaction, with concentration of caffeic acid and with the oxygenation of the mixture. In presence of the enzyme mushroom tyrosinase, maximum reduction of reactive lysine occurred at pH 7 and was dependent on the reaction time and on the concentration of caffeic acid. 3. Reaction of α-formyl-L-[U- 14C]lysine with caffeic acid at pH 10 showed the rapid formation of five reaction products which appeared to polymerize gradually as the reaction progressed. 4. The nutritionally available lysine content of the casein-caffeic acid mixtures, as assayed with rats, was reduced after both alkaline and enzymic reactions, as were faecal digestibility, net protein ratio and net protein utilization. Biological value however was not reduced. 5. In metabolic studies using goat milk casein labelled with L-[3H]lysine and reacted with caffeic acid in the same way, the lysine-caffeoquinone reaction products were not absorbed by the rat but were excreted directly in the faeces. 6. The importance of the reaction of proteins with caffeoquinone and chlorogenoquinone (formed by the oxidation of caffeic and chlorogenic acids respectively) is discussed in relation to the production of sunflower protein, leaf protein and other vegetable-protein concentrate

    Endemic Species of the Family Poaceae in Chile: Taxonomy, Distribution, and Conservation

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    Due to its geographic isolation, Chile is a biogeographic island which harbors a high percentage of endemism. More than 50% of the native vascular flora is endemic and more than 60% lives in Central Chile, included in the Chilean Biodiversity Hotspot. Endemic are species with a geographic distribution restricted to a single area and could be especially vulnerable. For these reasons, updated lists of endemic species are necessary. Based on a databases, the study of specimens from two Chilean herbaria and the available literature, we present an updated list of grasses endemic to Chile indicating for each taxon the scientific accepted name, common names, type, life cycle, flowering period, distribution, conservation status, bibliographic references and representative specimen. Seventy-one species (19.9% of the native grass species) were classified as endemic. Most species occur along the Chilean hotspot of biodiversity, mainly in the Mediterranean region of the hotspot. One species (Podophorus bromoides) is extinct, three species are critically endangered, two species are endangered, one species is vulnerable, and one species is near threatened. The conservation status of most species (89%) needs to be evaluated. Most of the threatened species are endemic to the Juan Fernández Archipelago

    Mammary cell activity and turnover in dairy cows treated with the prolactin-release inhibitor quinagolide and milked once daily

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    To assess the regulation of mammary cell activity, survival, and proliferation by prolactin (PRL), 5 Holstein cows in early lactation received daily i.m. injections of 1 mg of quinagolide, a suppressor of PRL release, for 9 wk, whereas 4 control cows received the vehicle (water) only. During the last week of treatment, one udder half was milked once a day (1×) and the other twice a day (2×). Mammary biopsies were harvested 1 wk before and 4 and 8 wk after the start of quinagolide treatment. The quinagolide injections reduced milk yield and resulted in lower levels of κ-casein and α-lactalbumin mRNA in the mammary biopsies at wk 4 compared with the control cows. In the mammary tissue of the quinagolide-treated cows at wk 8 of treatment, cell proliferation (as determined by proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling) was lower and apoptosis (as determined by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay) was higher than in the mammary tissue of the control cows. During differential milking, mammary epithelial cells (MEC) were extracted from the milk by centrifugation and purified by immunocytochemical binding to allow variations in the levels of mammary transcripts to be observed. After 9 wk of treatment, levels of α-lactalbumin and κ-casein mRNA were lower in the MEC isolated from milk of the quinagolide-treated cows. This effect was associated with lower PRL receptor mRNA levels and a tendency toward lower viability in the milk-isolated MEC from the 2×-milked glands. The decrease from 2× milking to 1× milking also downregulated α-lactalbumin and κ-casein transcripts in the milk-isolated MEC. Viability was higher for the MEC collected from the 1×-milked udder halves compared with the 2×-milked halves. In conclusion, the reduction in milk yield after chronic administration of the PRL-release inhibitor quinagolide is associated with a reduction in mammary cell activity, survival, and proliferation in lactating dairy cows. Reduced milking frequency was also associated with a decrease in MEC activity

    Towards an Integrative Taxonomy of the Genus Alstroemeria (Alstroemeriaceae) in Chile: A Comprehensive Review

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    The genus Alstroemeria encompasses approximately 80 species endemic to South America, with 2 centers of diversity (Chile and Brazil). In Chile, Alstroemeria represents one of the most diverse genera of vascular monocotyledons, comprising more than 50 recognized or accepted taxa (36 species, 11 subspecies and 10 varieties) from which ca. 82% are endemic to the Mediterranean zone of central Chile, one of the world’s diversity hotspots. The taxonomy of the genus is very difficult due to the great variability of the vegetative and floral traits. Moreover, a number of taxa have been recently described and several nomenclatural changes have been proposed. In order to elucidate the taxonomy of some Chilean complexes of Alstroemeria, an integrative approach including morphology, colorimetry, cytogenetic, multivariate statistical analyses of morphological variation and DNA-molecular studies have been conducted. In this chapter, we review the literature concerning these approaches; a checklist of the species growing in Chile is provided including all published names, references to the original protologues, accepted names, synonyms and the biogeographic status (endemic or native) of the accepted taxa; maps illustrating the diversity of the genus in South America and its distribution in Chile were constructed