892 research outputs found

    Genetic variants in ARID5B and CEBPE are childhood ALL susceptibility loci in Hispanics.

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    Recent genome-wide studies conducted in European Whites have identified novel susceptibility genes for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We sought to examine whether these loci are susceptibility genes among Hispanics, whose reported incidence of childhood ALL is the highest of all ethnic groups in California, and whether their effects differ between Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites (NHWs). We genotyped 13 variants in these genes among 706 Hispanic (300 cases, 406 controls) and 594 NHW (225 cases, 369 controls) participants in a matched population-based case-control study in California. We found significant associations for the five studied ARID5B variants in both Hispanics (p values of 1.0 × 10(-9) to 0.004) and NHWs (p values of 2.2 × 10(-6) to 0.018). Risk estimates were in the same direction in both groups (ORs of 1.53-1.99 and 1.37-1.84, respectively) and strengthened when restricted to B-cell precursor high-hyperdiploid ALL (>50 chromosomes; ORs of 2.21-3.22 and 1.67-2.71, respectively). Similar results were observed for the single CEBPE variant. Hispanics and NHWs exhibited different susceptibility loci at CDKN2A. Although IKZF1 loci showed significant susceptibility effects among NHWs (p < 1 × 10(-5)), their effects among Hispanics were in the same direction but nonsignificant, despite similar minor allele frequencies. Future studies should examine whether the observed effects vary by environmental, immunological, or lifestyle factors

    Tributação e a Organização dos Prestadores de Serviços no Brasil

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    The real impact of taxes on the economy can only be assessed when we consider the behavioral responses of economic agents due to these taxes. This paper shows how income taxation in Brazil gives incentives to some classes of taxpayers to incorporate in order to reduce their tax burden. Microdata analysis on these taxpayers characteristics indicate that the probability of incorporation is strongly related to tax ruleTaxation, Organizational Form, Tax Avoidance.

    Poredbene hematološke i biokemijske analize divovske amazonske kornjače uzgajane pod lošim i normalnim hranidbenim uvjetima

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    Besides indicating the baseline values of the species, blood parameter assessments of chelonian may also be used as quick tools for diagnosing health status. An investigation was carried out to assess and compare red blood cells parameters, white blood cell (WBC) and total thrombocyte counts and certain blood biochemical parameters for freshwater turtles, Podocnemis expansa Schweigger, 1812 (Pelomedusidae) reared on normal (control group) and poor nutrition (malnourished group). For the malnourished turtles, a signififi cant decrease (P<0.05) in red blood cell counts was found, including hematocrit, plasma glucose, plasma total protein, cholesterol and urea levels, as well as WBC counts, azurophils and heterophils. Malnutrition did not alter the hemostasis, but caused severe normocytic-hypocromic anemia and marked immune depression, which were diagnosed here. This study was the fifi rst to characterize the physiological and immune status of giant turtles from the Amazon under adverse nutritional conditions.Osim za utvrđivanje osnovnih vrijednosti osebujnih za vrstu, pretraživanje krvnih pokazatelja može u kornjača biti rabljeno za brzo određivanje njihova zdravstvenoga stanja. Istraživanje je poduzeto da se odrede i usporede pokazatelji crvenih krvnih stanica, bijelih krvnih stanica, ukupnog broja trombocita i neki biokemijski pokazatelji za slatkovodne kornjače Podocnemis expansa Schweigger, 1812 (Pelomedusidae) uzgajane u normalnim (kontrolna skupina) i lošim hranidbenim uvjetima (pokusna skupina). U kornjača uzgajanih u lošim uvjetima ustanovljen je značajno smanjen (P<0,05) broj crvenih krvnih stanica kao i smanjene vrijednosti hematokrita, razine glukoze u plazmi, razine ukupnih proteina plazme, kolesterola i mokraćevine te broj bijelih krvnih stanica, azurofila i heterofila. Loša hranidba nije utjecala na hemostazu, ali je prouzročila tešku normocitnu hipokromnu anemiju i znatnu imunodepresiju. Ovo je prvo istraživanje u kojem je prikazan fiziološki i imunološki status divovske kornjače iz Amazone, držane u nepovoljnim hranidbenim uvjetima


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    Filtration combustion is an effective technique for dealing with low-calorific value fuels, such as derivative fuels from biomass, and simultaneously reducing pollutant emissions. In this study, combustion of biogas (22% of CO2) was investigated theoretically and experimentally by utilizing a reciprocal flow porous burner with heat exchangers inserted in the porous medium. Combustion of lean biogas-air mixtures is stabilized in a naturally transient process, in which a lean equivalence ratio range (0.1 ≤ Φ ≤ 0.9) and gas flow velocities of 0.2 and 0.3 m/s were employed, periodically switching gas flow direction. Reciprocal flow combustion has been compared with unidirectional combustion, using technical methane as reference gas. In this context, predicted temperature profiles inside the burner, as well as experimental results, have shown that the reciprocating system plays an important role in the combustion process, significantly improving flammability limits, efficiency, and emissions. As result, trapezoidal temperature distribution profiles have been obtained with peaks between 1200 and 1600 K, reaching high efficiency up to 90% and ultra-low emission of nitrogen oxides (≤ 2ppm)