255 research outputs found

    Nutrient Intake of Extension Homemakers

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of certain demographic factors to dietary intake of participants in the Brookings County Extension Homemakers\u27 program. Specific questions to be addressed were: 1. With the availability of knowledge, what are the actual food practices or food habits of women involved in nutrition adult education programs on a regular basis? 2. When their diets are analyzed for selected essential nutrients, will their nutrient intake meet the RDA? 3. What, if any, is the relationship between selected demographic factors and the percent of the RDA for nutrients in their diets? 4. Will existing problems within the family be related to their dietary intake? 5. Will contact mass media and other printed material be related to their dietary intake? 6. Will the actual information programs they have attended within the last year make a difference in their food selection? 7. With motivation known as a key ingredient in helping people to improve their dietary status, will interest in nutrition and interest in new food preparation ideas be the central factor in the quality of the diet? At this time no formal study exists to determine the nutrition education needs of a group like Extension Homemakers who are interested in long-term home economics education. Before those needs can be determined home economists working in Extension Service should have a realistic picture of the current dietary practices and how demographic factors relate to those practices. This study will provide baseline data that can be used for determining future Cooperative Extension Service programs in nutrition in Brookings County. Because of the particular group targeted for the study and their location, care must be taken in projecting the results of this study to other communities. However, the format of this study can serve as a model for other communities in South Dakota. Every Extension Agent/Home Economics has access to the AGNET Computer System and could conduct a similar study in the local community

    Existing fluid responsiveness studies using the mini-fluid challenge may be misleading:Methodological considerations and simulations

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    BACKGROUND: The mini-fluid challenge (MFC) is a clinical concept of predicting fluid responsiveness by rapidly infusing a small amount of intravenous fluids, typically 100 ml, and systematically assessing its haemodynamic effect. The MFC method is meant to predict if a patient will respond to a subsequent, larger fluid challenge, typically another 400 ml, with a significant increase in stroke volume. METHODS: We critically evaluated the general methodology of MFC studies, with statistical considerations, secondary analysis of an existing study, and simulations. RESULTS: Secondary analysis of an existing study showed that the MFC could predict the total fluid response (MFC + 400 ml) with an area under the receiver operator characteristics curve (AUROC) of 0.92, but that the prediction was worse than random for the response to the remaining 400 ml (AUROC = 0.33). In a null simulation with no response to both the MFC and the subsequent fluid challenge, the commonly used analysis could predict fluid responsiveness with an AUROC of 0.73. CONCLUSION: Many existing MFC studies are likely overestimating the classification accuracy of the MFC. This should be considered before adopting the MFC into clinical practice. A better study design includes a second, independent measurement of stroke volume after the MFC. This measurement serves as reference for the response to the subsequent fluid challenge

    Cancer patients’ experiences of error and consequences during diagnosis and treatment

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    The study objective was to investigate patient experienced error during diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The design included a nationwide patient survey on quality and safety in Danish cancer care. Responses regarding patient experienced error were separately analyzed, quantitative responses using descriptive statistics and qualitative responses using systematic text analysis. Study participants included 6,720 adult patients with a first time diagnosis of cancer registered between May 1st and August 31st 2010. The patients received a questionnaire concerning their experiences of care received by general practitioners, specialist practitioners and at the hospital. A response rate of 65% was achieved. 10 – 25% of patients experienced error during diagnosis or treatment. 61% reported that hospital errors had consequences. Unexpected surgical errors/complications (27%), delay due to doctors’ assessment errors (24%) and unavailable test results (21%) were the most frequent types of errors identified using closed questions. 819 qualitative responses supplemented this information and revealed errors related to cancer detection, planning & coordination, patient-provider communication, administrative processes and treatment & medication. Physical, psychological, social as well as organizational consequences of the errors were uncovered. Patient experiences of errors suggest that practices related to informed consent, diagnostic reasoning as well as handling of test results, referrals and the medical chart should be further improved. In addition, safety aspects of the patient-provider communication and involvement of patients as an extra safety barrier merit further study

    Comparative study of normal and branched alkane monolayer films adsorbed on a solid surface. I. Structure

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    DOI: 10.1063/1.2464091The structure of a monolayer film of the branched alkane squalane (C30H62) adsorbed on graphite has been studied by neutron diffraction and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and compared with a similar study of the n-alkane tetracosane (n-C24H52). Both molecules have 24 carbon atoms along their backbone and squalane has, in addition, six methyl side groups. Upon adsorption, there are significant differences as well as similarities in the behavior of these molecular films. Both molecules form ordered structures at low temperatures; however, while the melting point of the two-dimensional (2D) tetracosane film is roughly the same as the bulk melting point, the surface strongly stabilizes the 2D squalane film such that its melting point is 91 K above its value in bulk. Therefore, squalane, like tetracosane, will be a poor lubricant in those nanoscale devices that require a fluid lubricant at room temperature. The neutron diffraction data show that the translational order in the squalane monolayer is significantly less than in the tetracosane monolayer. The authors' MD simulations suggest that this is caused by a distortion of the squalane molecules upon adsorption on the graphite surface. When the molecules are allowed to relax on the surface, they distort such that all six methyl groups point away from the surface. This results in a reduction in the monolayer's translational order characterized by a decrease in its coherence length and hence a broadening of the diffraction peaks. The MD simulations also show that the melting mechanism in the squalane monolayer is the same footprint reduction mechanism found in the tetracosane monolayer, where a chain melting drives the lattice melting.This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DMR-0109057 and DMR-0411748 and by the U.S. Department of Energy through Grant No. DE-FG02-01ER45912. One of the authors (A.D.E.) thanks the Oticon Foundation, Denmark, for financial support
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