2,514 research outputs found

    Uncertainties in gas kinematics arising from stellar continuum modelling in integral field spectroscopy data: the case of NGC2906 observed with MUSE/VLT

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    We study how the use of several stellar subtraction methods and line fitting approaches can affect the derivation of the main kinematic parameters (velocity and velocity dispersion fields) of the ionized gas component. The target of this work is the nearby galaxy NGC 2906, observed with the MUSE instrument at Very Large Telescope. A sample of twelve spectra is selected from the inner (nucleus) and outer (spiral arms) regions, characterized by different ionization mechanisms. We compare three different methods to subtract the stellar continuum (FIT3D, STARLIGHT and pPXF), combined with one of the following stellar libraries: MILES, STELIB and GRANADA+MILES. The choice of the stellar subtraction method is the most important ingredient affecting the derivation of the gas kinematics, followed by the choice of the stellar library and by the line fitting approach. In our data, typical uncertainties in the observed wavelength and width of the H\alpha and [NII] lines are of the order of _rms \sim 0.1\AA\ and _rms \sim 0.2\AA\ (\sim 5 and 10km/s, respectively). The results obtained from the [NII] line seem to be slightly more robust, as it is less affected by stellar absorption than H\alpha. All methods considered yield statistically consistent measurements once a mean systemic contribution \Delta\bar\lambda=\Delta\bar\sigma=0.2xDelta_{MUSE} is added in quadrature to the line fitting errors, where \Delta_{MUSE} = 1.1\AA\ \sim 50 km/s denotes the instrumental resolution of the MUSE spectra. Although the subtraction of the stellar continuum is critical in order to recover line fluxes, any method (including none) can be used in order to measure the gas kinematics, as long as an additional component of 0.2 x Delta_MUSE is added to the error budget.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Cell death induced by the application of alternating magnetic fields to nanoparticle-loaded dendritic cells

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    In this work, the capability of primary, monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) to uptake iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) is assessed and a strategy to induce selective cell death in these MNP-loaded DCs using external alternating magnetic fields (AMFs) is reported. No significant decrease in the cell viability of MNP-loaded DCs, compared to the control samples, was observed after five days of culture. The amount of MNPs incorporated into the cytoplasm was measured by magnetometry, which confirmed that 1 to 5 pg of the particles were uploaded per cell. The intracellular distribution of these MNPs, assessed by transmission electron microscopy, was found to be primarily inside the endosomic structures. These cells were then subjected to an AMF for 30 min, and the viability of the blank DCs (i.e., without MNPs), which were used as control samples, remained essentially unaffected. However, a remarkable decrease of viability from approximately 90% to 2-5% of DCs previously loaded with MNPs was observed after the same 30 min exposure to an AMF. The same results were obtained using MNPs having either positive (NH2+) or negative (COOH-) surface functional groups. In spite of the massive cell death induced by application of AMF to MNP-loaded DCs, the amount of incorporated magnetic particles did not raise the temperature of the cell culture. Clear morphological changes at the cell structure after magnetic field application were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Therefore, local damage produced by the MNPs could be the main mechanism for the selective cell death of MNP-loaded DCs under an AMF. Based on the ability of these cells to evade the reticuloendothelial system, these complexes combined with an AMF should be considered as a potentially powerful tool for tumour therapy.Comment: In Press. 33 pages, 11 figure

    Application of magnetically induced hyperthermia on the model protozoan Crithidia fasciculata as a potential therapy against parasitic infections

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    Magnetic hyperthermia is currently an EU-approved clinical therapy against tumor cells that uses magnetic nanoparticles under a time varying magnetic field (TVMF). The same basic principle seems promising against trypanosomatids causing Chagas disease and sleeping sickness, since therapeutic drugs available display severe side effects and drug-resistant strains. However, no applications of this strategy against protozoan-induced diseases have been reported so far. In the present study, Crithidia fasciculata, a widely used model for therapeutic strategies against pathogenic trypanosomatids, was targeted with Fe_{3}O_{4} magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in order to remotely provoke cell death using TVMFs. The MNPs with average sizes of d approx. 30 nm were synthesized using a precipitation of FeSO_{4}4 in basic medium. The MNPs were added to Crithidia fasciculata choanomastigotes in exponential phase and incubated overnight. The amount of uploaded MNPs per cell was determined by magnetic measurements. Cell viability using the MTT colorimetric assay and flow cytometry showed that the MNPs were incorporated by the cells with no noticeable cell-toxicity effects. When a TVMF (f = 249 kHz, H = 13 kA/m) was applied to MNP-bearing cells, massive cell death was induced via a non-apoptotic mechanism. No effects were observed by applying a TVMF on control (without loaded MNPs) cells. No macroscopic rise in temperature was observed in the extracellular medium during the experiments. Scanning Electron Microscopy showed morphological changes after TVMF experiments. These data indicate (as a proof of principle) that intracellular hyperthermia is a suitable technology to induce the specific death of protozoan parasites bearing MNPs. These findings expand the possibilities for new therapeutic strategies that combat parasitic infections.Comment: 9 pages, four supplementary video file

    Graduate dress code: How undergraduates are planning to use hair, clothes and make-up to smooth their transition to the workplace

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    This article explores the relationship between students’ identities, their ideas about professional appearance and their anticipated transition to the world of work. It is based on a series of semi-structured interviews with 13 students from a vocationally-focused university in England. It was found that participants viewed clothing and appearance as an important aspect of their transition to the workplace. They believed that, if carefully handled, their appearance could help them to fit in and satisfy the expectations of employers, although some participants anticipated that this process of fitting in might compromise their identity and values. The article addresses students’ anticipated means of handling the tension between adapting to a new environment and ‘being themselves’. It is argued that the way this process is handled is intertwined with wider facets of identity – most notably those associated with gender.The article is based on research funded by the University of Derby. © 2015 IP Publishing Ltd. ((http://www.ippublishing.com). Reproduced by permission

    Computing with cells: membrane systems - some complexity issues.

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    Membrane computing is a branch of natural computing which abstracts computing models from the structure and the functioning of the living cell. The main ingredients of membrane systems, called P systems, are (i) the membrane structure, which consists of a hierarchical arrangements of membranes which delimit compartments where (ii) multisets of symbols, called objects, evolve according to (iii) sets of rules which are localised and associated with compartments. By using the rules in a nondeterministic/deterministic maximally parallel manner, transitions between the system configurations can be obtained. A sequence of transitions is a computation of how the system is evolving. Various ways of controlling the transfer of objects from one membrane to another and applying the rules, as well as possibilities to dissolve, divide or create membranes have been studied. Membrane systems have a great potential for implementing massively concurrent systems in an efficient way that would allow us to solve currently intractable problems once future biotechnology gives way to a practical bio-realization. In this paper we survey some interesting and fundamental complexity issues such as universality vs. nonuniversality, determinism vs. nondeterminism, membrane and alphabet size hierarchies, characterizations of context-sensitive languages and other language classes and various notions of parallelism

    Response of Turtlegrass to Natural and Reduced Light Regimes Under Conditions of Rhizome Isolation

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    To evaluate if rhizome integrity influenced the response of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) shoots to experimental light reduction, we performed a field experiment in Perdido Bay, FL, from May to Oct. 2001. We used a factorial design, with light, rhizome integrity, and time as main factors. Light was reduced to about 40% with respect to ambient irradiance by means of a polyethylene mesh, and rhizomes along the external border of the 0.5-m2 experimental plots were severed with a knife at the beginning and middle of the experiment. Severing surrounding rhizomes had a significant (P \u3c .05) negative effect on net aboveground primary production (NAPP), but this was only apparent from June to July, and there were no significant severing effects on aboveground biomass. Shading showed negative effects through time on aboveground biomass and NAPP, although the differences were not significant. Time was significant for belowground biomass, NAPP, shoot density, and leaf length and width and there were significant time-by-shading interactions for NAPP, aboveground biomass, and density. We conclude that the results of turtlegrass shading studies done over several months during the peak of the growing season are not influenced to any large extent by whether rhizomes are intact or not, indicating that previous studies of the effects of shading on turtlegrass can be compared without bias

    Evaluating Matrix Circuits

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    The circuit evaluation problem (also known as the compressed word problem) for finitely generated linear groups is studied. The best upper bound for this problem is coRP\mathsf{coRP}, which is shown by a reduction to polynomial identity testing. Conversely, the compressed word problem for the linear group SL3(Z)\mathsf{SL}_3(\mathbb{Z}) is equivalent to polynomial identity testing. In the paper, it is shown that the compressed word problem for every finitely generated nilpotent group is in DET⊆NC2\mathsf{DET} \subseteq \mathsf{NC}^2. Within the larger class of polycyclic groups we find examples where the compressed word problem is at least as hard as polynomial identity testing for skew arithmetic circuits
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