7,339 research outputs found

    Maximizing the Closed Loop Asymptotic Decay Rate for the Two-Mass-Spring Control Problem

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    We consider the following problem: find a fixed-order linear controller that maximizes the closed-loop asymptotic decay rate for the classical two-mass-spring system. This can be formulated as the problem of minimizing the abscissa (maximum of the real parts of the roots) of a polynomial whose coefficients depend linearly on the controller parameters. We show that the only order for which there is a non-trivial solution is 2. In this case, we derive a controller that we prove locally maximizes the asymptotic decay rate, using recently developed techniques from nonsmooth analysis

    Leapfrogging vortex rings for the three dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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    Leapfrogging motion of vortex rings sharing the same axis of symmetry was first predicted by Helmholtz in his famous work on the Euler equation for incompressible fluids. Its justification in that framework remains an open question to date. In this paper, we rigorously derive the corresponding leapfrogging motion for the axially symmetric three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figure

    Multiobjective Robust Control with HIFOO 2.0

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    Multiobjective control design is known to be a difficult problem both in theory and practice. Our approach is to search for locally optimal solutions of a nonsmooth optimization problem that is built to incorporate minimization objectives and constraints for multiple plants. We report on the success of this approach using our public-domain Matlab toolbox HIFOO 2.0, comparing our results with benchmarks in the literature

    Fast and High-Fidelity Entangling Gate through Parametrically Modulated Longitudinal Coupling

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    We investigate an approach to universal quantum computation based on the modulation of longitudinal qubit-oscillator coupling. We show how to realize a controlled-phase gate by simultaneously modulating the longitudinal coupling of two qubits to a common oscillator mode. In contrast to the more familiar transversal qubit-oscillator coupling, the magnitude of the effective qubit-qubit interaction does not rely on a small perturbative parameter. As a result, this effective interaction strength can be made large, leading to short gate times and high gate fidelities. We moreover show how the gate infidelity can be exponentially suppressed with squeezing and how the entangling gate can be generalized to qubits coupled to separate oscillators. Our proposal can be realized in multiple physical platforms for quantum computing, including superconducting and spin qubits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Supplemental Materia

    Unexploited gains from international diversification : patterns of portfolio holdings around the world

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    This paper studies how portfolios with a global investment scope are allocated internationally using a unique micro dataset on U.S. equity mutual funds. While mutual funds have great flexibility to invest globally, they invest in a surprisingly limited number of stocks, around 100. The number of holdings in stocks and countries from a given region declines as the investment scope of funds broadens. This restrictive investment practice has costs. A mean-variance strategy shows unexploited gains from further international diversification. Mutual funds investing globally could achieve better risk-adjusted returns by broadening their asset allocation, including stocks held by more specialized funds within the same mutual fund family (company). This investment pattern is not explained by lack of information or instruments, transaction costs, or a better ability of global funds to minimize negative outcomes. Instead, industry practices related to organizational factors seem to play an important role.Mutual Funds,Debt Markets,Emerging Markets,Rural Development Knowledge&Information Systems,Access to Finance

    Confidence regions for the multinomial parameter with small sample size

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    Consider the observation of n iid realizations of an experiment with d>1 possible outcomes, which corresponds to a single observation of a multinomial distribution M(n,p) where p is an unknown discrete distribution on {1,...,d}. In many applications, the construction of a confidence region for p when n is small is crucial. This concrete challenging problem has a long history. It is well known that the confidence regions built from asymptotic statistics do not have good coverage when n is small. On the other hand, most available methods providing non-asymptotic regions with controlled coverage are limited to the binomial case d=2. In the present work, we propose a new method valid for any d>1. This method provides confidence regions with controlled coverage and small volume, and consists of the inversion of the "covering collection"' associated with level-sets of the likelihood. The behavior when d/n tends to infinity remains an interesting open problem beyond the scope of this work.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA

    Infinite average lifetime of an unstable bright state in the green fluorescent protein

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    The time evolution of the fluorescence intensity emitted by well-defined ensembles of Green Fluorescent Proteins has been studied by using a standard confocal microscope. In contrast with previous results obtained in single molecule experiments, the photo-bleaching of the ensemble is well described by a model based on Levy statistics. Moreover, this simple theoretical model allows us to obtain information about the energy-scales involved in the aging process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure