4,906 research outputs found

    Sustainable entrepreneurship: Comparing the determinants of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and social entrepreneurial self-efficacy

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    Sustainable entrepreneurship creates value beyond profit. Its role is increasingly important in addressing issues related to environmental challenges. Sustainable entrepreneurs represent a tool to attain the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations that address climate change, social inequality, human rights, and economic development. To solve these challenges, there is a need for high-performing sustainable entrepreneurs. The roles of innovativeness, organizational capabilities, and philanthropic corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the performance of sustainable entrepreneurs are still underexplored. Hence, this study proposes an analysis of the indirect and direct effects of innovativeness on entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and social entrepreneurial self-efficacy (SESE) and of the mediating role of organizational capabilities and philanthropic CSR. Based on structural equation modeling and importance-performance matrix analysis, the findings from a survey of 116 sustainable entrepreneurs identified a positive relationship between innovativeness and ESE, organizational capabilities, and philanthropic CSR. The indirect relationship mediated by organizational capabilities was found to be positive, while for philanthropic CSR, it was positive for SESE but negative for ESE. Interestingly, it was found that SESE is only positively influenced in indirect relations. This study contributes to the literature on how innovativeness can promote ESE and SESE and the role of organizational capabilities and philanthropic CSR in enhancing performance among sustainable entrepreneurs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinants of employee intention to stay: A generational multigroup analysis

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    Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate the differences between generational groups (specifically Generations X, Y and Z) in terms of variables that influence organisational commitment and intention to stay within an organisation. The aim is to fill the research gap in understanding how different factors influence commitment and retention across different generations. Design/methodology/approach This study follows a quantitative approach based on cross-sectional survey data. The respondents were employees of Generations X, Y and Z. The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling and multigroup analysis. Findings The results of the study indicate several relationships between variables and organisational commitment/intention to stay. Person-organisation fit is positively related to organisational commitment, and work-life balance is positively related to both organisational commitment and intention to stay. The mediation of organisational commitment shows a positive relationship with person-organisation fit and work-life balance. In addition, there are positive relationships between organisational culture and both organisational commitment and intention to stay, as well as a positive relationship between person-organisation fit and intention to stay. Furthermore, all three Generations (X, Y and Z) show positive relationships between organisational commitment and intention to stay. Research limitations/implications The implications of the study are twofold. First, it provides theoretical contributions by uncovering the relationships between various variables and organisational commitment/retention. Second, it provides practical implications for organisations by highlighting the importance of person-organisation fit, work-life balance and organisational culture in fostering commitment and retention among employees of different generations. Originality/value The originality and value of this study lies in its exploration of the differences between generational groups in terms of variables affecting organisational commitment and intention to stay. By addressing this research gap, the study contributes to the existing literature on organisational commitment and retention. The detailed presentation of theoretical contributions, practical implications, limitations and suggestions for future research enhances the overall value of the study.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Economic crisis effects on SME dynamic capabilities

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    Based on dynamic capabilities theoretical framework, this research sought to understand the implications of the recent economic crisis on the capability of developing new products by Portuguese SMEs. Specifically, we assessed how this capability was affected by variables such as entrepreneurship, innovation capacity, the knowledge accumulation, and partnerships. The hypotheses were tested using two samples, one before the crisis, with 180 and another with 105 respondents, applied during the crisis (2012). Results reveal that during the crisis SMEs were more objective and effective in the use of their resources and capabilities. In particular, was found that during the crisis the entrepreneurship, innovation capacity, accumulation of knowledge and partnerships, have an impact on the capability of developing new products. Before the crisis, only entrepreneurship and knowledge accumulation have affected this capability.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Financial objectives and satisfaction with life: A mixed-method study in surf lifestyle entrepreneurs

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    Tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs (TLEs) have introduced an innovation in business management based on the region, community, environmental sustainability, and extra financial factors. This type of entrepreneur allows the development of regions by attracting investment and presenting innovative products/services and is an important aid to the local economy. Based on the importance of TLEs, this study aims to explore factors influencing satisfaction with life as a key ingredient to attracting surf TLE. For this purpose, priority was given to obtaining primary data through a sequential approach of mixed methods, first with a quantitative study using survey data of 109 surf TLEs, followed by in-depth interviews. The results show that a good contact network and a strong link to a place influence satisfaction with life in a positive way. As a result, the moderating effect of financial objectives on these relationships alerts destination decision-makers about different entrepreneurial approaches regarding surf businessman attraction. This study makes an important contribution by providing empirical evidence regarding the ongoing discussion about financial vs. non-financial objectives for this type of entrepreneur, showing that both are important for their decision-making process. These results provide valuable insights for several industry stakeholders, namely funders (for grant approval), policymakers (alerting that these entrepreneurs should be addressed considering non-financial objectives), and entrepreneurs (alerting to goal definition patterns).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Outcomes of social media marketing in sport brands

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    In an increasingly globalized world, social networks appear as an indispensable tool for sports clubs, as they make it easier for them to reach a large number of supporters. The main objective of this study is to measure the impact that this commitment between supporter and club has on the social networks, on the purchase and reference intention. Based on two sequential studies (one survey and in-depth interviews), the methodology aimed to help understand both the viewpoint of the fans and decision-makers. The results show that the commitment between the supporter and the club on the social networks has a positive influence on the relationship between the two; the commitment between the supporter and the club on the social networks has a positive influence on the intention of fans to buy; the commitment between the supporter and the club on the social networks has a positive influence on the intention of reference by the fansinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gastronomic experience and consumer behavior: Analyzing the influence on destination image

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    Gastronomy experiences are becoming a fundamental factor that influences the making of a decision regarding choosing a travel destination, as well as being a crucial factor in shaping tourists’ satisfaction regarding their overall travel experience. The aim of the study is to identify and explain the simultaneous impact of the key factors that influence a gastronomic experience and their impact on tourists’ satisfaction with a trip and the destination’s brand. These issues were addressed within the context of Ukraine, as this is an overlooked area of academic research, and an online survey was conducted, targeting domestic and international tourists. Structural equation modeling was used to assess and reveal the proposed hypotheses in the model. The study contributed to the theoretical understanding of the key factors that increases the occurrence of a memorable gastronomic experience and the relationship between the experience of food and its role in the satisfaction of and the perceived brand of a destination. Moreover, the finding showed that past experience and prior knowledge have a positive influence on the gastronomy experience, while tourists’ prior knowledge effects the perceived quality of a destination’s cuisine, as well as the food activities in the destination. Linkages in the model were empirically supported by statistical analyses. Nonetheless, the various level of the tourists’ involvement with gastronomy might be used as an input to examine and improve the memorable gastronomic experience on-site. The research simultaneously highlighted the importance of gastronomy to tourist destinations for positioning on international and domestic markets. The paper not only provides theoretical but also practical implications. The hospitality and tourism businesses benefit from acknowledging the importance of local food and the local food market. The findings of this study are also deemed to assist destination marketers who observe that tourists have become more demanding in search of unique experiences offered by destinations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organizational capabilities as antecedents of entrepreneurship: A basis for business practice and policy making

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    Entrepreneurship plays an important role on economic development. However, its antecedents are still an under-explored topic. As such, this research seeks to identify the factors that influence entrepreneurship by the relationship between the theoretical fields of entrepreneurship and the Resource Based View. To test the hypothesis, a quantitative study was conducted using survey data from a sample of 118 Angolan entrepreneurs. The results from partial least squares (PLS) allow identifying marketing capabilities; access to financial resources, and innovation capabilities as determinants of entrepreneurship. No significant relation was observed in the link between market experience and customer orientation on entrepreneurship. The implications for business practice and policy making are discussed in the conclusions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The outcomes of entrepreneurship, relational capital and innovativeness on tourist satisfaction

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    Addressing the needs of customers is fundamental to the success of companies, particularly in the long-term. In fact, most companies use customer satisfaction as a method to determine and evaluate their performance and outline their strategies for the future. Therefore, the main objective is to better understand entrepreneurship and new product development antecedents and implications on customer satisfaction, a key element for sustainable development. A model is proposed to assess the relationship between two antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and new product development (NPD) and a measure of performance. Based on a survey sample of 137 tourism SMEs, the model was tested using Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results show that both the relational capital and innovativeness positively influence entrepreneurship and NPD. They also suggest a positive relationship between entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction. Although there is a positive impact of NPD on customer satisfaction, this relationship was not significant. In addition, the results indicate that relational capital and innovativeness positively influence customer satisfaction through entrepreneurship and NPD. Consequently, to improve the sustainable performance of tourism firms and to increase customer satisfaction, managers must invest in the development of entrepreneurship as well as in the development of new products and their antecedents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Engage customers in co-creation: Is critical for projects success

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    The consultancy projects are a must-have in a pandemic context. Companies need to change or convert their business model and reinvent themselves; otherwise they lose competitive advantages. These kinds of changes are structural in the core business and mostly in the value chain, so their success is critical for the business continuity and company existence. This research aims to understand the importance of including customers in the development of new methods and processes that lead to better solutions for problems detected and at what stages of development of a management consulting project should they intervention. Findings show that customers are an integral part of the operational solution and should, therefore, cooperate in all stages of the process, since the moment of needs assessment, until the implementationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio