51 research outputs found

    Analysis of the variability of nursing care by pathology in a sample of nine Belgian hospitals

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    info:eu-repo/semantics/published27th Patient Classification Systems International (PCSI) Working Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 201

    Effetti dell’inquinamento da plastiche sui foraminiferi bentonici

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    Le plastiche sono divenuti contaminanti ubiquitari negli ecosistemi marini, d’acqua dolce e terrestri che producono rilevanti impatti sulle specie che in essi vivono. Dal 1950 ad oggi sono stati accumulati nell’ambiente circa 5 miliardi di tonnellate di plastica (Geyer et al., 2017). I meccanismi di interazione tra microplastiche e biosfera nonchĂ© gli effetti biochimici delle molecole sintetiche, specialmente sugli organismi eucariotici unicellulari marini, sono scarsamente studiati. In particolare, i foraminiferi bentonici costituiscono una componente fondamentale delle comunitĂ  marine e svolgono un ruolo chiave nel funzionamento dell’ecosistema e nei cicli biogeochimici. La loro sensibilitĂ  e la rapida risposta allo stress ambientale li rendono efficienti indicatori dei cambiamenti climatici e ambientali attuali e del passato (Schönfeld et al., 2012).Per comprendere meglio l’effetto delle plastiche negli oceani e negli organismi marini, abbiamo valutato l’incorporazione di (bio)polimeri e microplastiche in foraminiferi bentonici utilizzando tecniche di spettromicroscopia ad infrarossi in trasformata di Fourier (ÎŒFTIR). In questo studio, abbiamo raccolto ed analizzato spettri ed immagini ÎŒFTIR dauna selezione di specie di foraminiferi bentonici: Rosalina globularis cresciuta in colture inquinate con la plastica e Cibicidoides lobatulus, Rosalina bradyi e Textularia bocki raccolti su un frammento di plastica trovato sepolto in un sedimento del fondale del Mar Mediterraneo. In particolare, i foraminiferi provenienti dalle colture sono stati intossicati con molecola di di-2-etilesilftalato (DEHP) allo scopo di valutarne l’incorporazione nel citoplasma. Questo studio ha permesso di documentare: (1) la presenza di microplastiche nel citoplasma e nel guscio agglutinante di T. bocki; (2) segnali di stress ossidativo e di aggregazione proteica nella componente cellulare di C. lobatulus, R. bradyi e T. bocki, ancorati alla busta di plastica; (3) l’incorporazione del DEHP nel citoplasma di R. globularis. Questo studio ha confermato il ruolo chiave svolto dai foraminiferi bentonici come proxy per la valutazione degli effetti dell’inquinamento da microplastiche sia a livello cellulare che di biomineralizzazione confermando l’ingresso delle microplastiche e DEHP nei cicli biogeochimici. Questa indagine ha inoltre dimostrato che la microscopia FTIR Ăš uno strumento efficace per studiare, senza l’utilizzo di marcatori specifici, l’interazione su scala molecolare tra plastica, citoplasma e guscio dei foraminiferi

    Geohazard features of the Tyrrhenian Calabria

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    This paper accompanies the Maps of Geohazard features of the Cilento and the Calabro-Tyrrhenian continental margin in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). The main geohazard-related features were derived from extensive seafloor mapping through the collection of high-resolution multibeam data acquired during several oceanographic cruises. They encompass many fluids seepage features, fault scarps, landslides scars, gullies, channels, and canyons. Hazards related to coastal landslides and shelf-indenting canyons are very high in these sectors (especially in southern Calabria) due to active seismicity coupled with rapid uplift, high sedimentation rates and narrow or totally absent continental shelf, thus promoting a direct connection between steep slopes and coastal areas. In this setting, mass-wasting features can directly impact coastal or submarine infrastructures or indirectly create local tsunami waves, as observed in historical times. Moreover, this physiographic setting of the margin facilitates the transfer of marine litter toward deep-sea areas

    The serological prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia is similar to that in the general population

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    Background: Patients with hematological malignancies are at an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) and adverse outcome. However, a low mortality rate has been reported in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Preclinical evidence suggests that tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) may have a protective role against severe COVID-19. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 564 consecutive patients with CML who were tested for anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM antibodies at their first outpatient visit between May and early November 2020 in five hematologic centers representative of three Italian regions. Results: The estimated serological prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with CML after the first pandemic wave was similar to that in the general population (about 2%), both at national and regional levels. CML patients with positive anti-SARS-CoV-2\ua0serology were more frequently male (p\ua0=\ua00.027) and active workers (p\ua0=\ua00.012), while there was no significant association with TKI treatment type. Only 3 out of 11 IgG-positive patients had previously received a molecular diagnosis of COVID-19, while the remainders were asymptomatic or with mild symptoms. Conclusions: Our data confirm that the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with CML is generally mild and reassure about the safety of continuing TKIs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we suggest that patients with CML succeed to mount an antibody response after exposure to SARS-CoV-2, similar to the general population

    Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria

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    We present maps of geohazard features identified across north-western Sicily and Pantelleria in the framework of the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts), which involved Italian marine geological researchers in 2007-2013. These seafloor features were recognized using high-resolution bathymetry data and rely on the morphological expression of the seafloor and shallow sub-surface processes. The north-western Sicily is a complex continental margin, affected by morphodynamic, depositional, and tectonic processes. The Egadi offshore is controlled by fault escarpments and alternating retreating and progradational processes. Ustica and Pantelleria submerged edifices show the effect of volcanic activity. The Ustica seafloor is interested in volcanic, tectonic, and gravitational instability processes, while the Pantelleria offshore underwent erosive-depositional processes and the effect of bottom currents. Two levels of interpretation are represented: the physiographic domain at a scale of 1:250.000 and the morphological units and morpho-bathymetric elements at a 1:100.000 scale

    Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria

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    9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2342931.-- Data availability statement: Department of Earth and Marine Science of the University of Palermo for institutional purposes, so their access will be available by contacting the reference people (attilio.sulliunipa.it) upon reasonable requestWe present maps of geohazard features identified across north-western Sicily and Pantelleria in the framework of the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts), which involved Italian marine geological researchers in 2007-2013. These seafloor features were recognized using high-resolution bathymetry data and rely on the morphological expression of the seafloor and shallow sub-surface processes. The north-western Sicily is a complex continental margin, affected by morphodynamic, depositional, and tectonic processes. The Egadi offshore is controlled by fault escarpments and alternating retreating and progradational processes. Ustica and Pantelleria submerged edifices show the effect of volcanic activity. The Ustica seafloor is interested in volcanic, tectonic, and gravitational instability processes, while the Pantelleria offshore underwent erosive-depositional processes and the effect of bottom currents. Two levels of interpretation are represented: the physiographic domain at a scale of 1:250.000 and the morphological units and morpho-bathymetric elements at a 1:100.000 scaleThe Magic Project has been funded by the Italian Civil Protection Department. [...] With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe
