2,752 research outputs found

    Separaxion anxiety in pediatric migraine without aura: A pilot study

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    Background: Separation anxiety (SA) can be defined as the fear reaction and protest manifested by children when the main caregivers move away from him/her or in front of unfamiliar person. SA near eight months may be considered as an important and normal phase of the correct and typical social neurodevelopment. Aims of the present pilot study is assessing the prevalence of separation anxiety in a population of patients with migraine without aura (MwA). Materials and methods: 119 children (69 males) suffering from MwA (mean age 1.78 ± 7:59) were consecutively recruited. The control population consisted of 231 (114 males) healthy subjects similar for age (7.64 ± 1:34; p = 0.768) and gender (p=0.987) The Screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED) test was used to assess the prevalence of separation anxiety among MwA children. Results: Healthy individuals are on average less affected (mean 4.72 ± 0:32) of the Separation Anxiety Disorder respect of MwA children (mean 6.83 ± 0.97; p < 0.001) (Figure 1). Conclusion. MwA presents many psychiatric comorbidities and among ones separation anxiety may be considered in the clinical and therapeutic management of pediatric primary headache

    Nod2 Deficiency in mice is Associated with Microbiota Variation Favouring the Expansion of mucosal CD4+ LAP+ Regulatory Cells

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    Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain-2 (NOD2) mutations are associated with an increased risk to develop Crohn's Disease. In previous studies, we have shown that Nod2-/- mice manifest increased proportion of Lamina Propria (LP) CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- regulatory cells, when compared with Nod2+/+ mice, while CD4+ Foxp3 + regulatory cells were not affected. Here, we investigated the Nod2 gut microbiota, by 16S rRNA pyrosequencing, at steady state and after TNBS-colitis induction in mice reared separately or in cohousing, correlating the microbial profiles with LP regulatory T cells proportion and tissue cytokines content. We found that enrichment of Rikenella and Alistipes (Rikenellaceae) in Nod2-/- mice at 8 weeks of age reared separately was associated with increased proportion of CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- cells and less severe TNBS-colitis. In co-housed mice the acquisition of Rickenellaceae by Nod2+/+ mice was associated with increased CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- proportion and less severe colitis. Severe colitis was associated with enrichment of gram-negative pathobionts (Escherichia and Enterococcus), while less severe colitis with protective bacteria (Barnesiella, Odoribacter and Clostridium IV). Environmental factors acting on genetic background with different outcomes according to their impact on microbiota, predispose in different ways to inflammation. These results open a new scenario for therapeutic attempt to re-establish eubiosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients with NOD2 polymorphisms

    Sensory perception in preschool children affected by autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study

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    Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a behavioral syndrome caused by a developmental disorder, biologically determined, with onset in the first three years of life. The areas concerned are mainly those related to social communication, social interaction and mutual functional and symbolic play. In the last decades, different conceptions of autism have taken, also emphasizing different sensory-perceptual abnormalities as the basis of the central features of disorder. This pilot study intends to address the issue of sensory perception in preschool children affected by ASD. Material and methods: 11 ASD children were enrolled (7 males, 4 female) aged between 2.3 years and 4.6 years, (mean age 3.29 \ub1 0.72). The control group consisted of 24 typical developing children (15 males, 9 females) (mean age 3.08 \ub1 0.87). All subjects underwent assessment of sensory perceptual abilities according to the Bogdashina's Sensory Profile Checklist Revised (SPCR) evaluation (43). Results: The two groups are comparable for age (p = 0.491) and sex distribution (p = 0.755). Table 1 shows the comparison between the two groups results in the SPCR, specifically, individuals with ASD, showed significantly higher scores on near all perception areas evaluated than healthy controls, suggesting a clear perceptual impairment in ASD subjects. Only for olfactory perception two groups were comparable. Conclusions: no significant differences in behavioral reaction to smell stimulation between ASD and typical developing children, and this result could be explained according to the early age of our sample that could cause high reactivity to smell stimulation also in typical developing examined children

    Paternal shift-working and sleep disorders in children affected by primary nocturnal enuresis

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    Objectives: Primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE) is a common problem in childhood and studies about the sleep habits of affected children are not conclusive. Work-family conflict (WFC) results from the incompatibility between family demands and business/workplace needs. WFC can impact parental quality with many consequences on children health. Aim of study is assessing the prevalence of sleep disturbances in enuretic children, sons of work-shifters. Materials and methods: 80 children (67 males) aged 5-13 years (mean 10,43; SD \ub1 1,99), were consecutively referred for PMNE. Sleep habits were investigated with Sleep Disturbances Scale for Children (SDSC) and the results were compared with a control group of 255 (190 males) typical developing children (TDC) sons of no shift-workers, matched for age (mean 10.57 SD \ub1 1,89; p = 0.569) and sex distribution (Chi-square= 2.416; p = 0.120). Results: To evaluate statically differences among mean values of two samples, the Chi-square test was performed. Logistic regression was assessed to verify the role of paternal shift-working as risk factor for sleep disorders. p=0.05. All sleep disturbances categories were more prevalent in PMNE children sons of shift-workers than control group (Chi-square= 43.926; p<0.001); particularly 82.5% of PMNE vs. 11.76% of TDC show pathological scores for SBD category (Chi-square = 145.592; p<0.001; OR = 35,35; IC95% = 17.71-70.57); 61.25% vs 9.41% for SWTD (Chi-square = 93; p < 0.001; OR = 15.213; IC95% = 8.21-28.15); 57.5% vs 9.41% for DA (Chi-square = 82.31; p < 0.001; OR = 13.02; IC95% = 7.06-23.98); 37.5% vs 6.67% for DIMS (Chi-square = 45.476; p < 0.001; OR = 8,4; IC95% = 4.3-16.39); 26.25% vs 5.88% for SHY (Chi-square = 24.257; p < 0.001; OR = 5.69; IC95% = 2,76-11,71) and 25%c vs 5.49% for DOES (Chi-square = 23.323; p < 0.001; OR = 5,73; IC95% = 2,73-12,01). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that paternal shif-working plus PMNE children may be a relevant factor affecting sleep quality in affected children

    Anxiety levels in mothers of children affected by x-fragile syndrome

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    Introduction: Anxiety is the psychological process by which the individual reacts to dangerous external stimuli, triggering responses (mediated by norepinephrine, GABA and serotonin) involving physiological reactions and cognitive strategies. Anxiety can be differentiated in state anxiety and trait anxiety. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a disorder most commonly caused by a triplet repeat expansion of > 200 cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) repeats in the 50 untranslated region of the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Aim of the present study is investigating the state or trait anxiety in a sample of mothers of children affected by X-fragile. Materials and methods: 84 mothers (mean age 48.36 \ub1 7.11) of children affected by FXS were recruited and compared with mother of 171 typical developing children (mean age 46.18 \ub1 9.53). The Scale State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (STAI) was used in order to assess the anxiety levels. Results: All mothers of children affected by FXS showed high score of anxiety levels at the STAI evaluation (Table 1), with no differences were found between mothers of males and females children affected. Conclusions: Mothers of children with FXS appear to be in a state of anxiety effects and suddenly even higher than those found later in mothers of children with other chronic diseases

    Autonomic Regulation In Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Introduction: The sinactive developmental model provides suggests a different way for the brain study by observing the children behavior. In all neurodevelopmental disorders, we can observe autonomic alteration comprising sleep disorders, meal behaviour alteration and self-regulatory impairment. These alterations/impairment are very frequent in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (1-12). Aim of the present preliminary study is the assessment of metabolic rate in children affected by ASD. Material s and methods. 5 males affected by ASD aged 7-10 years (mean age 6.73\ub13:39), were recruited. The average score at the ADOS scale was 12.24 (SD\ub1 3.29). The control group consisted of 5 males typically developing children (TDC) aged 7 to 11 years (mean age 7.92 \ub1 3.23). Autonomic/Metabolic evaluation: Free-living daily physical activity was measured using either the SenseWear Armband in order to calculate the total energy expenditure (TEE), baseline (REE) and the metabolic physical activity for prolonged periods of time. In general, the SenseWear Armband allows objective monitoring of the lifestyle including duration and sleep efficiency. Results: ASD subjects show values of total energy expenditure (p = 0.0047) and active energy expenditure (p = 0.044) significantly higher compared to control subjects (Table 1). In addition, ASD children have a metabolic intermediate significantly higher than healthy subjects (p=0.015). (Table 1). Finally, the ASD children show a significant reduction of sleep time (p = 0.027) (Table 1). Conclusion: ASD can represents a very significant risk factor for developing sleep disorders and to high energy expenditure, although further studies are needed in this respect

    Lipid profile changings after switching from rilpivirine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine to rilpivirine/tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine: different effects in different patients populations. Results from a large observational study

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    Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) has similar efficacy compared to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), but a less favorable effect on lipids. Aim of this study was to evaluate the impact on lipids of switching from rilpivirine (RPV)/ emtricitabine (FTC)/TDF to RPV/FTC/TAF in a large cohort of HIV-1 infected patients

    Hyperthermic Perfusion 16 Years After its First Clinical Applications

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    It is known that above-normal temperatures (42°-42.5°C) provoke selective damage to neoplastic cells. We used heated circulating blood as a method for heat transfer on patients with limb tumors. From October 1964 to December 1979, we treated a total of 198 patients with hyperthermic perfusion for melanoma of the limbs (91), osteosarcoma (57), and soft tissue sarcoma (50). For melanoma patients, the five-year survival rate, excluding Stage IV, was 60%. For patients with soft tissue sarcoma, the five-year survival rates were 53% and 56% for hyperthermic perfusion and hyperthermic antiblastic perfusion. respectively. For 29 patients with osteosarcoma, hyperthermic perfusion was combined with systematic amputation ofthe limb for a 60% survival rate over a five-year period. Newer studies with osteosarcoma patients involve a multistep treatment that saves the tumor-bearing limb without reducing survival rates. Our 16-year clinical trial demonstrates that hyperthermia is effective in curing some tumors of the limbs, especially osteosarcoma and melanoma. We believe that perfusion remains the most reliable heat transfer method for loco-regional treatment and perhaps even for whole-body treatment for limb tumors

    Lipid profile changings after switching from rilpivirine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/ emtricitabine to rilpivirine/tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine: Different effects in patients with or without baseline hypercholesterolemia

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    open10noTenofovir alafenamide (TAF) has similar efficacy compared to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), but a less favorable effect on lipids. Aim of this retrospective multicentre study was to evaluate the impact on lipids of switching from rilpivirine (RPV)/ emtricitabine (FTC)/TDF to RPV/FTC/TAF in a cohort of HIV-1 infected patients. Total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) were compared at the moment of the switch and at the first following evaluation, by using paired t-test. Overall, 573 patients were considered, 99% with HIV-RNA &lt;50 copies/ml, with mean age of 49.7 (±0.4) years and median 13.4 (6.9-22.5) years of HIV infection. In the study population with available data (431/573, 75%), mean TC changed from 173 ±1.7 to 188 ±1.8 mg/dl; mean HDL from 46 ±0.7 to 51± 0.7 mg/dl; mean LDL from 111 ±1.5 to 120 ±1.8 mg/dl (p&lt;0.0001 for all). Neither LDL/HDL nor TC/HDL ratio changed significantly, with LDL/HDL from 2.6 ±0.5 to 2.5 ±0.5 (p = 0.12) and TC/HDL from 4.0 ±0.6 to 3.9 ±0.6 (p = 0.11). In patients with baseline diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia (TC&gt;200 mg/dl, N = 87), there was no significant change in TC (224 ±2.2 to 228 ±3.4 mg/dl, p = 0.286) or LDL (150±2.5 to 151±3.2 mg/dl, p = 0.751), while HDL increased from 51 ±1.6 to 55 ±1.7 mg/dl (p&lt;0.0001) and both LDL/HDL and TC/HDL ratio decreased significantly, from 3.2±0.1 to 3.0 ±0.1 (p = 0.025) and from 4.7±0.1 to 4.4 ±0.1 (p = 0.004). In this real life study, a slight increase in lipids was found after switching from RPV/FTC/TDF to RPV/FTC/TAF, but these results were not confirmed in people with hypercholesterolemia, in which lipids did not change and LDL/HDL and TC/HDL ratio decreased.openTaramasso L.; Di Biagio A.; Riccardi N.; Briano F.; Di Filippo E.; Comi L.; Mora S.; Giacomini M.; Gori A.; Maggiolo F.Taramasso, L.; Di Biagio, A.; Riccardi, N.; Briano, F.; Di Filippo, E.; Comi, L.; Mora, S.; Giacomini, M.; Gori, A.; Maggiolo, F
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