16 research outputs found

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    Wnt signalling regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis

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    Analysing Persistent Language Applications

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    Most research into persistent programming has been directed towards the design and implementation of languages and object stores. There are few reports on the characteristics of systems exploiting such technology. This paper reports on a study of the source code of 20 applications consisting of more than 108,000 lines of persistent language code. The authors of the applications range from students to experienced programmers. The programs have been categorised and examined with respect to a persistent application model and the extent of inconsistencies relative to this model is presented. The results confirm the need for and give input to the design of programming methodologies and tools for persistent software engineering. Measurements also include the use of names, types, (polymorphic) procedures and persistent bindings. It is hoped that analysis of the measurements will be used as input to the next generation of languages and programming environments. As part of this new generation, ..