1,093 research outputs found

    Hydrological control of large hurricane-induced lahars: evidence from rainfall-runoff modeling, seismic and video monitoring

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    Abstract. The Volcán de Colima, one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico, is commonly affected by tropical rains related to hurricanes that form over the Pacific Ocean. In 2011, 2013 and 2015 hurricanes Jova, Manuel and Patricia, respectively, triggered tropical storms that deposited up to 400 mm of rain in 36 h, with maximum intensities of 50 mm h −1. The effects were devastating, with the formation of multiple lahars along La Lumbre and Montegrande ravines, which are the most active channels in sediment delivery on the south-southwest flank of the volcano. Deep erosion along the river channels and several marginal landslides were observed, and the arrival of block-rich flow fronts resulted in damages to bridges and paved roads in the distal reaches of the ravines. The temporal sequence of these flow events is reconstructed and analyzed using monitoring data (including video images, seismic records and rainfall data) with respect to the rainfall characteristics and the hydrologic response of the watersheds based on rainfall-runoff numerical simulation. For the studied events, lahars occurred 5–6 h after the onset of rainfall, lasted several hours and were characterized by several pulses with block-rich fronts and a maximum flow discharge of 900 m3 s −1. Rainfall-runoff simulations were performer using the SCS-curve number and the Green–Ampt infiltration models, providing a similar result in the detection of simulated maximum watershed peaks discharge. Results show different behavior for the arrival times of the first lahar pulses that correlate with the simulated catchment's peak discharge for La Lumbre ravine and with the peaks in rainfall intensity for Montegrande ravine. This different behavior is related to the area and shape of the two watersheds. Nevertheless, in all analyzed cases, the largest lahar pulse always corresponds with the last one and correlates with the simulated maximum peak discharge of these catchments. Data presented here show that flow pulses within a lahar are not randomly distributed in time, and they can be correlated with rainfall peak intensity and/or watershed discharge, depending on the watershed area and shape. This outcome has important implications for hazard assessment during extreme hydro-meteorological events, as it could help in providing real-time alerts. A theoretical rainfall distribution curve was designed for Volcán de Colima based on the rainfall and time distribution of hurricanes Manuel and Patricia. This can be used to run simulations using weather forecasts prior to the actual event, in order to estimate the arrival time of main lahar pulses, usually characterized by block-rich fronts, which are responsible for most of the damage to infrastructure and loss of goods and lives

    Integration of optical and passive microwave satellite data for flooded area detection and monitoring

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    Flooding represents a serious threat to millions of people around the world and its hazard is rising as a result of climate changes. From this perspective, flood risk management is a key focus of many governments, whose priority is to have frequently updated and accurate information about the flood state and evolution to promptly react to the disaster and to put in place effective countermeasures devoted to limit damages and human lives losses. Remote sensing technology allows for flood monitoring at different spatial and temporal resolutions with an adequate level of accuracy. In particular, for emergency response purposes, an integrated use of satellite data, acquired by both optical and passive or active microwave instruments, has to be preferred to have more complete and frequently updated information on soil conditions and to better support decision makers. In this framework, multi-year time series of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System) data were processed and analyzed. In detail, the Robust Satellite Techniques (RST), a multi-sensor approach for satellite data analysis, has been implemented for studying the August 2002 Elbe river flood occurred in Germany, trying to assess the potential of such an integrated system for the determination of soil status and conditions (i.e. moisture variation, water presence) as well as for a timely detection and a near real time monitoring of critical soil conditions

    AMPK Activators as Novel Drug Candidates for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), mainly represented by ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, are chronic and idiopathic diseases of the digestive tract. They incidence and prevalence is raising significantly in both developed and developing countries, thus representing a major challenge for the worldwide healthcare systems. The pharmacological armamentarium for the treatment of IBDs is far from being satisfactory, as the therapeutic success of the available drugs is still limited. Accordingly, the development of novel and effective compounds is highly requested. In this context, the serine/threonine heterotrimeric kinase AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) seems a sound target to strike. Known as the central hub of energy homeostasis in eukaryotic cells, AMPK contributes also to the modulation of immune/inflammatory cell functions. Actually, alterations in AMPK expression and/or activity play a key role in the pathophysiology of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases characterized by abnormal immune cell functions, like IBDs. Moreover, AMPK is able to improve intestinal health by enhancing para-cellular junctions, nutrient transporters, autophagy and apoptosis. Accordingly, AMPK activation represents a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of intestinal inflammatory disorders. Here we describe a novel heterocyclic derivative, developed as AMPK activator. Tested in C2C12 myoblast cell lines, our compound significantly increased AMPK activity, in a concentration-dependent manner, turning out to be more effective than the well-known activator acadesine (ACA). Moreover, assayed in a mouse model of acute DNBS-induced colitis, the novel heterocycle displayed a relevant anti-inflammatory efficacy, proving to ameliorate both systemic- and tissue-related inflammatory parameters like body and spleen weight, colon length, macroscopic damage, TNF and MDA levels. Also in this case, our compound turned out to be significantly more active that the known reference ACA, thus imposing itself as a novel and valuable drug candidate for the treatment of IBDs

    Laser welding of tailored blanks made of Al-Si-coated 22MnB5 steel using a filler wire and a variable energy distribution laser optics

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    Laser welding of Al-Si-coated steels for hot stamping in automotive applications is problematic due to the mixing of the coating layers inside the molten pool that weakens the resulting weld seam. In this case, the most common welding procedure to overcome this issue consists in removing the Al-Si layer through laser ablation prior to the joining. This method continues to be the most widely used by major producers of tailor welded blanks, although in situ ablation of the Al-Si coating can be costly and time consuming. In this work, a novel approach consisting in joining as-received (i.e., not decoated) materials using a filler wire and an innovative variable energy distribution laser optics is introduced and tested on tailor welded blanks made of 22MnB5. Tensile tests of specimens obtained from a 3(3) full factorial design of experiment have shown an average value of ultimate tensile strength of 1523 MPa, which is much higher than the one usually observed in as-received welded then hot-stamped conditions and aligned with hot-stamped base material values. Hardness test results (494-543 HV0.5) were in the typical hot-stamped base material range of values as well, while SEM-EDS analyses detected no ferrite inclusions inside the fusion zone. Variations of the main process parameters have been considered on an iso-thickness and iso-material configuration, empirically demonstrating the stability and reliability of the proposed methodology as well as its suitability for production purposes

    Hermetia illucens, an innovative and sustainable source of chitosan-based coating for postharvest preservation of strawberries

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    The ability of chitosan produced from pupal exuviae of Hermetia illucens to retard the decay of the local strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cultivar Melissa was investigated for the first time in this paper. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of insect chitosan compared to the commercial polymer in preserving and enhancing, at the same time, some physicochemical parameters (weight loss, pH and soluble solids content) and nutraceutical properties (total polyphenol content, total flavonoid content and total antioxidant activity) of strawberries stored at RT, 4 C and at mixed storage conditions (4 C + RT). Moreover, chitosan from H. illucens was also effective in reducing fungal decay and improving fruit shelf life. The obtained results confirm that insect chitosan, particularly deriving from H. illucens pupal exuviae, can be a viable alternative to crustacean one in safeguarding postharvest fruits
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