643 research outputs found

    Effects of Squark Processes on the Axino CDM Abundance

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    We investigate the role of an effective dimension-4 axino-quark-squark coupling in the thermal processes producing stable cold axino relics in the early Universe. We find that, while the induced squark and quark scattering processes are always negligible, squark decays become important in the case of low reheat temperature and large gluino mass. The effect can tighten the bounds on the scenario from the requirement that cold dark matter axinos do not overclose the Universe.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    SuperWIMP Gravitino Dark Matter from Slepton and Sneutrino Decays

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    Dark matter may be composed of superWIMPs, superweakly-interacting massive particles produced in the late decays of other particles. We focus on the case of gravitinos produced in the late decays of sleptons or sneutrinos and assume they are produced in sufficient numbers to constitute all of non-baryonic dark matter. At leading order, these late decays are two-body and the accompanying energy is electromagnetic. For natural weak-scale parameters, these decays have been shown to satisfy bounds from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background. However, sleptons and sneutrinos may also decay to three-body final states, producing hadronic energy, which is subject to even more stringent nucleosynthesis bounds. We determine the three-body branching fractions and the resulting hadronic energy release. We find that superWIMP gravitino dark matter is viable and determine the gravitino and slepton/sneutrino masses preferred by this solution to the dark matter problem. In passing, we note that hadronic constraints disfavor the possibility of superWIMPs produced by neutralino decays unless the neutralino is photino-like.Comment: 22 pages, updated figures and minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Determining Reheating Temperature at Colliders with Axino or Gravitino Dark Matter

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    After a period of inflationary expansion, the Universe reheated and reached full thermal equilibrium at the reheating temperature T_R. In this work we point out that, in the context of effective low-energy supersymmetric models, LHC measurements may allow one to determine T_R as a function of the mass of the dark matter particle assumed to be either an axino or a gravitino. An upper bound on their mass may also be derived.Comment: 19 pages, some improvements, JHEP versio

    Signatures of Axinos and Gravitinos at Colliders

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    The axino and the gravitino are well-motivated candidates for the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) and also for cold dark matter in the Universe. Assuming that a charged slepton is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP), we show how the NLSP decays can be used to probe the axino LSP scenario in hadronic axion models as well as the gravitino LSP scenario at the Large Hadron Collider and the International Linear Collider. We show how one can identify experimentally the scenario realized in nature. In the case of the axino LSP, the NLSP decays will allow one to estimate the value of the axino mass and the Peccei-Quinn scale.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, revised version as published in Phys.Lett.B (comments on the experimental feasibility added

    Supergravity with a Gravitino LSP

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    We investigate supergravity models in which the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a stable gravitino. We assume that the next-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) freezes out with its thermal relic density before decaying to the gravitino at time t ~ 10^4 s - 10^8 s. In contrast to studies that assume a fixed gravitino relic density, the thermal relic density assumption implies upper, not lower, bounds on superpartner masses, with important implications for particle colliders. We consider slepton, sneutrino, and neutralino NLSPs, and determine what superpartner masses are viable in all of these cases, applying CMB and electromagnetic and hadronic BBN constraints to the leading two- and three-body NLSP decays. Hadronic constraints have been neglected previously, but we find that they provide the most stringent constraints in much of the natural parameter space. We then discuss the collider phenomenology of supergravity with a gravitino LSP. We find that colliders may provide important insights to clarify BBN and the thermal history of the Universe below temperatures around 10 GeV and may even provide precise measurements of the gravitino's mass and couplings.Comment: 24 pages, updated figures and minor changes, version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Thermal production of axino Dark Matter

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    We reconsider thermal production of axinos in the early universe, adding: a) missed terms in the axino interaction; b) production via gluon decays kinematically allowed by thermal masses; c) a precise modeling of reheating. We find an axino abunance a few times larger than previous computations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Final version, to appear on JHE

    Gravitino Dark Matter in the CMSSM and Implications for Leptogenesis and the LHC

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    In the framework of the CMSSM we study the gravitino as the lightest supersymmetric particle and the dominant component of cold dark matter in the Universe. We include both a thermal contribution to its relic abundance from scatterings in the plasma and a non--thermal one from neutralino or stau decays after freeze--out. In general both contributions can be important, although in different regions of the parameter space. We further include constraints from BBN on electromagnetic and hadronic showers, from the CMB blackbody spectrum and from collider and non--collider SUSY searches. The region where the neutralino is the next--to--lightest superpartner is severely constrained by a conservative bound from excessive electromagnetic showers and probably basically excluded by the bound from hadronic showers, while the stau case remains mostly allowed. In both regions the constraint from CMB is often important or even dominant. In the stau case, for the assumed reasonable ranges of soft SUSY breaking parameters, we find regions where the gravitino abundance is in agreement with the range inferred from CMB studies, provided that, in many cases, a reheating temperature \treh is large, \treh\sim10^{9}\gev. On the other side, we find an upper bound \treh\lsim 5\times 10^{9}\gev. Less conservative bounds from BBN or an improvement in measuring the CMB spectrum would provide a dramatic squeeze on the whole scenario, in particular it would strongly disfavor the largest values of \treh\sim 10^{9}\gev. The regions favored by the gravitino dark matter scenario are very different from standard regions corresponding to the neutralino dark matter, and will be partly probed at the LHC.Comment: JHEP version, several improvements and update