122 research outputs found

    Analogue P300-based BCI pointing device

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    We propose a P300-based BCI mouse. The system is analogue: the pointer is controlled by directly combining the amplitudes of the outputs produced by a filter in the presence of different stimuli. The system is optimised by a genetic algorithm

    Possible sources of perceptual errors in P300-based speller paradigm

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    Some perceptual phenomena can interfere with character identification in Farwell and Donchin's P300-based speller paradigm: attentional blink, repetition blindness and other effects caused by attentional limits. In the paper we discuss these and provide empirical evidence for one class of perceptual errors

    Implications of the Use of Grazing Sheep on Kiwi Fruit Orchard

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    In the southern part of Brazil there is an important area of kiwi fruit, mainly cultivated by small farmers. The use of sheep under trees of kiwi fruits could be an interesting alternative for small farmers to reduce their mowing costs, to improve their income and to provide meat for the farmers\u27 family. However there is a lack of information about the damage that the animals could cause to kiwi fruit plants. The objective of this study was to monitor the effect of the use of sheep on a kiwi fruit orchard

    Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Aiding Decision-Making

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    We look at the possibility of integrating the percepts from multiple non-communicating observers as a means of achieving better joint perception and better group decisions. Our approach involves the combination of a brain-computer interface with human behavioural responses. To test ideas in controlled conditions, we asked observers to perform a simple matching task involving the rapid sequential presentation of pairs of visual patterns and the subsequent decision as whether the two patterns in a pair were the same or different. We recorded the response times of observers as well as a neural feature which predicts incorrect decisions and, thus, indirectly indicates the confidence of the decisions made by the observers. We then built a composite neuro-behavioural feature which optimally combines the two measures. For group decisions, we uses a majority rule and three rules which weigh the decisions of each observer based on response times and our neural and neuro-behavioural features. Results indicate that the integration of behavioural responses and neural features can significantly improve accuracy when compared with the majority rule. An analysis of event-related potentials indicates that substantial differences are present in the proximity of the response for correct and incorrect trials, further corroborating the idea of using hybrids of brain-computer interfaces and traditional strategies for improving decision making

    Harmonizing Lipidomics: NIST Interlaboratory Comparison Exercise for Lipidomics Using SRM 1950-metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma

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    As the lipidomics field continues to advance, self-evaluation within the community is critical. Here, we performed an interlaboratory comparison exercise for lipidomics using Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1950-Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma, a commercially available reference material. The interlaboratory study comprised 31 diverse laboratories, with each laboratory using a different lipidomics workflow. A total of 1,527 unique lipids were measured across all laboratories and consensus location estimates and associated uncertainties were determined for 339 of these lipids measured at the sum composition level by five or more participating laboratories. These evaluated lipids detected in SRM 1950 serve as community-wide benchmarks for intra-and interlaboratory quality control and method validation. These analyses were performed using nonstandardized laboratory-independent workflows. The consensus locations were also compared with a previous examination of SRM 1950 by the LIPID MAPS consortium.jlr While the central theme of the interlaboratory study was to provide values to help harmonize lipids, lipid mediators, and precursor measurements across the community, it was also initiated to stimulate a discussion regarding areas in need of improvement

    Towards the automated localisation of targets in rapid image-sifting by collaborative brain-computer interfaces

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    The N2pc is a lateralised Event-Related Potential (ERP) that signals a shift of attention towards the location of a potential object of interest. We propose a single-trial target-localisation collaborative Brain-Computer Interface (cBCI) that exploits this ERP to automatically approximate the horizontal position of targets in aerial images. Images were presented by means of the rapid serial visual presentation technique at rates of 5, 6 and 10 Hz. We created three different cBCIs and tested a participant selection method in which groups are formed according to the similarity of participants’ performance. The N2pc that is elicited in our experiments contains information about the position of the target along the horizontal axis. Moreover, combining information from multiple participants provides absolute median improvements in the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of up to 21% (for groups of size 3) with respect to single-user BCIs. These improvements are bigger when groups are formed by participants with similar individual performance, and much of this effect can be explained using simple theoretical models. Our results suggest that BCIs for automated triaging can be improved by integrating two classification systems: one devoted to target detection and another to detect the attentional shifts associated with lateral targets
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