25 research outputs found

    On the Filter Narrowing Issues in Elastic Optical Networks

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    This paper describes the problematic filter narrowing effect in the context of next-generation elastic optical networks. First, three possible scenarios are introduced: the transition from an actual fixed-grid to a flexigrid network, the generic full flexi-grid network, and a proposal for a filterless optical network. Next, we investigate different transmission techniques and evaluate the penalty introduced by the filtering effect when considering Nyquist wavelength division multiplexing, single side-band direct-detection orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, and symbol-rate variable dual polarization quadrature amplitude modulation. Also, different approaches to compensate for the filter narrowing effect are discussed. Results show that the specific needs per each scenario can be fulfilled by the aforementioned technologies and techniques or a combination of them, when balancing performance, network reach, and cost

    A European study on alcohol and drug use among young drivers : The TEND by night study design and methodology

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    Background. Young individuals are the age group with the highest risk of car accidents. One of main explanations relies on the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, illegal and medicinal drugs), which are known to be major risk factors of road accidents, and whose consumption is almost universally more common among younger drivers. Although the correlation between psychoactive substances use and decrease in driving performance has been established in controlled experimental or laboratory settings, few studies were conducted in naturalistic circumstances. The TEND by Night project has been designed to evaluate the relationship between driving performance and psychoactive substances assumption in young drivers enrolled at typical places of consumption. Methods/Design. The TEND by Night project, endorsed by the European Commission, is a multidisciplinary, multi-centric, cross-sectional study conducted in six European countries (Italy, Belgium/Netherlands, Bulgaria, Spain, Poland and Latvia). The study population consists of 5000 young drivers aged 16-34 years, attending recreational sites during weekend nights. The intervention is based on the portal survey technique and includes several steps at the entrance and exit of selected sites, including the administration of semi-structured questionnaires, breath alcohol test, several drug assumption test, and measurement of the reaction time using a driving simulator. The main outcome is the difference in reaction time between the entrance and exit of the recreation site, and its correlation with psychoactive substances use. As a secondary outcome it will be explored the relationship between reaction time difference and the amount of consumption of each substance. All analyses will be multivariate. Discussion. The project methodology should provide some relevant advantages over traditional survey systems. The main strengths of the study include the large and multicentric sample, the objective measurement of substance assumption (which is typically self-reported), the application of a portal survey technique and the simultaneous evaluation of several psychoactive substances.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Homogenization of random anisotropy properties in polycrystalline magnetic materials

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    This paper is devoted to the determination of the equivalent anisotropy properties of polycrystalline magnetic materials, modelled by an assembly of monocrystalline grains with a stochastic spatial distribution of easy axes. The mathematical theory of Gamma-convergence is applied to homogenize the anisotropic term in the Gibbs free energy. The procedure is validated focusing on the micromagnetic computation of reversal processes in polycrystalline magnetic thin films

    p145, a protein with associated tyrosine kinase activity in a human gastric carcinoma cell line.

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    A protein with an Mr of 145,000 (p145) was detected by antibodies to phosphotyrosine by Western blot (immunoblot) analysis. This protein was phosphorylated on tyrosine in a gastric carcinoma cell line. In cells that were metabolically labeled with 32Pi, this protein was phosphorylated on tyrosine and serine. p145 is a cysteine-rich transmembrane glycoprotein. The extracellular domain could be labeled by 125I under nonpermeating conditions and was cleaved by mild trypsin treatment of intact cells. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions revealed a shift of p145 mobility to an apparent Mr of 190,000. After immunoprecipitation with phosphotyrosine antibodies, p145 displayed a strong associated protein kinase activity in vitro, becoming phosphorylated on tyrosine. There was no immunological cross-reaction between p145 and known tyrosine kinases. Both in vivo and in vitro tyrosine phosphorylations were unaffected by the addition of known growth factors. However, p145 was rapidly dephosphorylated in vivo when cells were exposed to low pH, a condition that is known to dissociate ligands from their receptors. These data suggest that p145 is associated with a protein tyrosine kinase activity which, in the tumor cell line studied, is activated by an as yet unidentified factor

    Gender health and policies: a review of the state of the art from exposure to solutions.

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    Objective. To synthesize the determinants of gender inequalities through a narrative review that: (i) describes gender related variables that can create different levels of health; (H) describes key points that may assist in policy development and its reorientation towards gender differences; (Hi) debates potential approaches in understanding gender issues. Methods. Review of the international literature through online databases (Pubmed), search engines, publications and documents from "grey literature". Inclusion criteria: publications from 1997, English language; keywords used: gender based analysis; gender and public policy; women's health; gender differences; health policy; gender impact assessment. Among the 300 papers retrieved, 55 were selected for relevance. Results. We performed a narrative synthesis of the included literature, regarding: (i) gender differences and their determinants; (H) elements for the changing; (Hi) possible approaches; (iv) gender influences the pursuit of health and health care access through specific variables; (v) health policies can modify these variables only by a minimal percentage. These interventions should guarantee equity and allow efficient resources allocation. The gap between political announcements and real policy implementation remains unchanged, (vi) Standard approaches to the topic are not feasible due to the scarcity of a specific literature and the numerous cultural differences. Conclusions. Gender analysis of policies suggests they can differently affect women in comparison to men. However, reforms, strategies and interventions introduced in the last two decades, have achieved a limited success towards better gender equality in health. The main aim is to attack the structural sources of gender inequity in the society