25 research outputs found

    Timbre from Sound Synthesis and High-level Control Perspectives

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    International audienceExploring the many surprising facets of timbre through sound manipulations has been a common practice among composers and instrument makers of all times. The digital era radically changed the approach to sounds thanks to the unlimited possibilities offered by computers that made it possible to investigate sounds without physical constraints. In this chapter we describe investigations on timbre based on the analysis by synthesis approach that consists in using digital synthesis algorithms to reproduce sounds and further modify the parameters of the algorithms to investigate their perceptual relevance. In the first part of the chapter timbre is investigated in a musical context. An examination of the sound quality of different wood species for xylophone making is first presented. Then the influence of instrumental control on timbre is described in the case of clarinet and cello performances. In the second part of the chapter, we mainly focus on the identification of sound morphologies, so called invariant sound structures responsible for the evocations induced by environmental sounds by relating basic signal descriptors and timbre descriptors to evocations in the case of car door noises, motor noises, solid objects, and their interactions

    Data for: Viscous sintering kinetics of biopolymer filaments extruded for 3D printing (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis)

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    Results of Dynamic Mechanical Analysis -DMA- performed on extruded filament based on zein plasticized by 20w% glycerol (diameter_filament = 2 mm; lenght_filament=20mm).The mechanical active length between the two grips is 10 mm. The extrudate is characterized in tensile mode at 1Hz, with strain set at 0.1% and heating rate at 3°C/min.Values are presented for the storage modulus (E', [Pa]), the loss modulus (E'', [Pa]) and the damping factor (tan_delta=E''/E', [-])

    Data for: Viscous sintering kinetics of biopolymer filaments extruded for 3D printing (Image Analysis)

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    Results of the image analysis during sintering sequences.Fusion bonding kinetics between two extruded filaments based on zein plasticized by 20w% glycerol (filament_diameter=2mm, each) at T=80°C, T=100°C, T=120°C, T=125°C, T=130°C and T=140°C (average values and standard deviations for 3 trials carried out at each temperature):- Evolution of the bonding angle, Theta [rad], between the two extruded filaments- Evolution of the convexity index, Iconvex [-], defined as the ratio between the area of the two filaments cross-section and the convex surface (the whole area including the two filaments cross-section and concavities between them). This ratio reaches a value of 1 if the fusion bonding leads to a perfect sintering of the two filaments, without residual concavity

    Lemniscates fitting to the contour of thermoplastic filaments pairs during viscous sintering

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    Characterization of the viscous sintering of extruded filaments pairs (zein plasticized by 20w%glycerol used as model-biopolymer for Additive Manufacturing by Melt Extrusion ; T=120°C ; Extruded_Filament_Diameter≈2mm) : Successive lemniscates fitting to their evolving contour. - Sintering time [s] (Column#1); - Average values of the shape parameter B [-] and their associated standard deviations [-] (Columns#2 and #3, respectively), computed from lemniscate fitting in a polar coordinate system (Sowinski and Jasion, 2019); - Average values of parameter a [pixel] and their associated standard deviations [pixel] (Columns#4 and #5, respectively), issued from image analysis. With a=Lmax/2, Lmax being the maximal horizontal lenght of the white object (i.e., filaments pairs) on the segmented image (i.e., binary). Parameter a is used as the size coefficient for lemniscate fitting in a polar coordinate system (Sowinski and Jasion, 2019); - Average values of Lmax normalized as the sintering filaments size factor : Lmax/Lmax_initial [-] and their associated standard deviations [-] (Columns#6 and #7, respectively); - Average values of m^2 [-], derived from the parameter m of lemniscate used to fit particles viscous sintering in a Cartesian coordinate system (Hopper, 1984) and their associated standard deviations [-] (Columns#8 and #9, respectively)

    Data for: Viscous sintering kinetics of biopolymer filaments extruded for 3D printing (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis)

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    Results of Dynamic Mechanical Analysis -DMA- performed on extruded filament based on zein plasticized by 20w% glycerol (diameter_filament = 2 mm; lenght_filament=20mm).The mechanical active length between the two grips is 10 mm. The extrudate is characterized in tensile mode at 1Hz, with strain set at 0.1% and heating rate at 3°C/min.Values are presented for the storage modulus (E', [Pa]), the loss modulus (E'', [Pa]) and the damping factor (tan_delta=E''/E', [-]).THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Data for: Viscous sintering kinetics of biopolymer filaments extruded for 3D printing (Image Analysis)

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    Results of the image analysis during sintering sequences.Fusion bonding kinetics between two extruded filaments based on zein plasticized by 20w% glycerol (filament_diameter=2mm, each) at T=80°C, T=100°C, T=120°C, T=125°C, T=130°C and T=140°C (average values and standard deviations for 3 trials carried out at each temperature):- Evolution of the bonding angle, Theta [rad], between the two extruded filaments- Evolution of the convexity index, Iconvex [-], defined as the ratio between the area of the two filaments cross-section and the convex surface (the whole area including the two filaments cross-section and concavities between them). This ratio reaches a value of 1 if the fusion bonding leads to a perfect sintering of the two filaments, without residual concavity.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Lemniscates fitting to the contour of thermoplastic filaments pairs during viscous sintering

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    Characterization of the viscous sintering of extruded filaments pairs (zein plasticized by 20w%glycerol used as model-biopolymer for Additive Manufacturing by Melt Extrusion ; T=120°C ; Extruded_Filament_Diameter≈2mm) : Successive lemniscates fitting to their evolving contour. - Sintering time [s] (Column#1); - Average values of the shape parameter B [-] and their associated standard deviations [-] (Columns#2 and #3, respectively), computed from lemniscate fitting in a polar coordinate system (Sowinski and Jasion, 2019); - Average values of parameter a [pixel] and their associated standard deviations [pixel] (Columns#4 and #5, respectively), issued from image analysis. With a=Lmax/2, Lmax being the maximal horizontal lenght of the white object (i.e., filaments pairs) on the segmented image (i.e., binary). Parameter a is used as the size coefficient for lemniscate fitting in a polar coordinate system (Sowinski and Jasion, 2019); - Average values of Lmax normalized as the sintering filaments size factor : Lmax/Lmax_initial [-] and their associated standard deviations [-] (Columns#6 and #7, respectively); - Average values of m^2 [-], derived from the parameter m of lemniscate used to fit particles viscous sintering in a Cartesian coordinate system (Hopper, 1984) and their associated standard deviations [-] (Columns#8 and #9, respectively)

    Additive Manufacturing Technologies

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    Growth and setting of gas bubbles in a viscoelastic matrix imaged by X-ray microtomography: the evolution of cellular structures in fermenting wheat flour dough

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    International audienceX-ray tomography is a relevant technique for the dynamic follow-up of gas bubbles in an opaque viscoelastic matrix, especially using image analysis. It has been applied here to pieces of fermenting wheat flour dough of various compositions, at two different voxel sizes (15 and 5 mm). The resulting evolution of the main cellular features shows that the creation of cellular structures follows two regimes that are defined by a characteristic time of connectivity, t(c) [30 and 80 min]: first (t = t(c)) they become connected since the percolation of the gas phase is limited by liquid films. During the first regime, bubbles can be tracked and the local strain rate can be measured. Its values (10(-4)-5 x 10(-4) s(-1)) are in agreement with those computed from dough viscosity and internal gas pressure, both of which depend on the composition. For higher porosity, P = 0.64 in our case, and thus occurring in the second regime, different cellular structures are obtained and XRT images show deformed gas cells that display complex shapes. The comparison of these images with confocal laser scanning microscopy images suggests the presence of liquid films that separate these cells. The dough can therefore be seen as a three-phase medium: viscoelastic matrix/gas cell/liquid phase. The contributions of the different levels of matter organization can be integrated by defining a capillary number (C-a(*) = 0.1-1) that makes it possible to predict the macroscopic dough behavior

    Variations des propriétés rhéologiques et de la structure alvéolaire de pùtes de farine de blé au cours du laminage

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    National audienceDurant la panification, la mise en forme de la pĂąte par laminage, Ă©tirement et enroulement, a des rĂ©percussions mĂ©connues sur la structure alvĂ©olaire, tant sur la phase gazeuse que sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques de la matrice amidon-gluten. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques de pĂątes de farine de blĂ©, pour diffĂ©rentes conditions de laminage (entrefer = 2mm - ∞), ont donc Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es en faibles et grandes dĂ©formations par DMA et par compression uniaxiale en conditions lubrifiĂ©es, respectivement. La diminution de l’entrefer augmente faiblement mais significativement leur viscositĂ© Ă©longationnelle, dont les variations ont pu ĂȘtre ajustĂ©es par un modĂšle1 combinant dĂ©formation et vitesse de dĂ©formation. Une tendance semblable, mais moins significative, est observĂ©e en faibles dĂ©formations, par le rapport des modules de stockage mesurĂ©s Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante et Ă  75-80°C; ce rĂ©sultat suggĂšre un impact rĂ©duit du laminage sur la structuration du rĂ©seau de gluten. Les cinĂ©tiques de porositĂ© P(t) et de stabilitĂ© S(t) des pĂątes laminĂ©es en cours de fermentation ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă  l’échelle macroscopique, par analyse d’images. Le temps de croissance libre des alvĂ©oles, dĂ©fini comme le point d’inflexion de la courbe P(t), varie assez peu (36-52 min) mais augmente avec la diminution de l’entrefer, ce qui est interprĂ©table par un modĂšle de croissance simple de bulles, en accord avec les variations de viscositĂ© Ă©longationnelle. Les variations de stabilitĂ© de la pĂąte suggĂšrent un optimum de valeur de l’entrefer pour une structure alvĂ©olaire homogĂšne. Ces interprĂ©tations sont en cours de vĂ©rification par des expĂ©rimentations de microtomographie RX (ESRF-ID19, rĂ©solution 6 ÎŒm) afin de prĂ©ciser l’incidence du laminage sur l’anisotropie de la structure alvĂ©olaire et son Ă©volution en cours de fermentation