194 research outputs found

    A review about lycopene-induced nuclear hormone receptor signalling in inflammation and lipid metabolism via still unknown endogenous apo-10´-lycopenoids

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    Lycopene is the red pigment in tomatoes and tomato products and is an important dietary carotenoid found in the human organism. Lycopene-isomers, oxidative lycopene metabolites and apo-lycopenoids are found in the food matrix. Lycopene intake derived from tomato consumption is associated with alteration of lipid metabolism and a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Lycopene is mainly described as a potent antioxidant but novel studies are shifting towards its metabolites and their capacity to mediate nuclear receptor signalling. Di-/tetra-hydro-derivatives of apo-10´-lycopenoic acid and apo-15´-lycopenoic acids are potential novel endogenous mammalian lycopene metabolites which may act as ligands for nuclear hormone mediated activation and signalling. In this review, we postulate that complex lycopene metabolism results in various lycopene metabolites which have the ability to mediate transactivation of various nuclear hormone receptors like RARs, RXRs and PPARs. A new mechanistic explanation of how tomato consumption could positively modulate inflammation and lipid metabolism is discussed

    Student exposure to cancer patients: an analysis of clinical logbooks and focus groups in clinical year medical students

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    Despite cancer being the leading cause of mortality, cancer education and patient exposure are lacking in many medical schools. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nature of cancer patient exposure, relative to the clinical setting for medical students on placement and to explore their experiences. Participants were asked to maintain a logbook of cancer patient encounters and were invited to attend a structured focus group upon completion of the academic year. Eleven students submitted logbooks (rr = 6.15%) and eight participated in the focus groups (4.47%). A total of 247 cancer patient encounters were recorded. Third-year students primarily saw cancer patients in surgery (18.62%) and general practice (8.50%), whilst final year students saw cancer patients most frequently in palliative care (35.22%) and ENT surgery (13.77%). Students highlighted that the quality of their interactions with cancer patients varied significantly between clinical settings. Outpatient clinics and surgical in-patients had the lowest level of interaction, with students having a predominantly observatory role. Repeated themes of uncertainty and awkwardness regarding history, examination and discussing death and dying were outcomes of the thematic analysis. Exposure to cancer patients remains highly variable and opportunistic. Students voiced concerns for preparedness to practice and many found it worrisome that they will likely examine a primary cancer when they have graduated, without having done so during their training. Our study suggests that a more structured approach to teaching and clinical exposure to cancer patients is required

    Educating the Professional Engineer of 2020: The Changing Licensure Requirements

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    Engineering education programs would be well served to align their curricula and program outcomes to the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam and Professional Engineer (PE) Exam specifications. These exams are required steps in the process of becoming a licensed engineer in most states. NCEES (the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing professional licensure for engineers and surveyors. It develops, administers, and scores these examinations used for engineering licensure. Starting in 2011, NCEES held survey-creation meetings with diverse teams to develop a draft survey containing the subjects in each discipline and establish consensus support. NCEES launched a web-based survey of technical society members, institution report recipients, deans and department heads of all EAC/ABET programs, PE and FE exam committee volunteers, and others; more than 7,000 people completed the survey. Respondents rated the importance of each topic area to indicate how important it is for a new engineer to have minimum competence in that area. Based on these survey results, a set of topics and associated weighting was proposed and approved. Starting in 2014 the various FE exams will contain some overlapping content (e.g., mathematics and engineering economics), but there will no longer be a common breadth portion. Each FE exam, including industrial engineering, will be a freestanding exam. The PE exam specifications have also been revised; the new specifications will be used beginning in 2013. This paper highlights these recent changes to the discipline-specific content of the industrial engineering (IE) exams and suggests possible resulting curriculum modifications. As the IE profession undergoes changes in its application of traditional principles and adds new areas of focus, it is timely that the FE and PE exam specifications have been revisited to reflect changing priorities within the profession. For academic departments to stay relevant and assist industrial engineering graduates to become PE licensed, modern curriculum should stay closely aligned to the FE and PE exam specifications but not attempt to teach to the test . The paper concludes with a discussion of how these specifications have been used to assess and update academic curriculum

    Blueberry counteracts bv-2 microglia morphological and functional switch after lps challenge

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    Microglia, the innate immune cells of the CNS, respond to brain injury by activating and modifying their morphology. Our study arises from the great interest that has been focused on blueberry (BB) for the antioxidant and pharmacological properties displayed by its components. We analyzed the influence of hydroalcoholic BB extract in resting or lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated microglia BV-2 cells. BB exerted a protective effect against LPS-induced cytotoxicity, as indicated by cell viability. BB was also able to influence the actin cytoskeleton organization, to recover the control phenotype after LPS insult, and also to reduce LPS-driven migration. We evaluated the activity of Rho and Rac1 GTPases, which regulate both actin cytoskeletal organization and migratory capacity. LPS caused an increase in Rac1 activity, which was counteracted by BB extract. Furthermore, we demonstrated that, in the presence of BB, mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α decreased, as did the immunofluorescence signal of iNOS, whereas that of Arg-1 was increased. Taken together, our results show that, during the inflammatory response, BB extract shifts the M1 polarization towards the M2 phenotype through an actin cytoskeletal rearrangement. Based on that, we might consider BB as a nutraceutical with anti-inflammatory activities

    A case report: Management of carbamazepine intoxication using hemodialysis followed by continuous venovenous hemodialysis

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    An 18-year-old woman presented to the emergency department. She had ingested 43 extended-release tablets of carbamazepine 400 mg. Although the patient had high carbamazepine plasma levels and classified as severe intoxication, her clinical symptoms were less severe than expected. With the combination of hemodialysis and continuous venovenous hemodialysis in addition to usual care, including multiple-dose activated charcoal, a fast decrease (within 3 days) in carbamazepine plasma levels to levels in the therapeutic range was achieved. Only one session of hemodialysis was performed because the clinical status of the patient stabilized. In retrospect, the patient did not suffer severe toxicological symptoms from carbamazepine. Therefore, continuous venovenous hemodialysis could have been discontinued earlier. On the other hand, the fast decrease in carbamazepine plasma levels during extracorporeal treatment may have prevented the development of severe or rebound toxicological symptoms. This case report adds evidence to the successful management of carbamazepine intoxication using hemodialysis followed by continuous venovenous hemodialysis

    A case report: Management of carbamazepine intoxication using hemodialysis followed by continuous venovenous hemodialysis

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    An 18-year-old woman presented to the emergency department. She had ingested 43 extended-release tablets of carbamazepine 400 mg. Although the patient had high carbamazepine plasma levels and classified as severe intoxication, her clinical symptoms were less severe than expected. With the combination of hemodialysis and continuous venovenous hemodialysis in addition to usual care, including multiple-dose activated charcoal, a fast decrease (within 3 days) in carbamazepine plasma levels to levels in the therapeutic range was achieved. Only one session of hemodialysis was performed because the clinical status of the patient stabilized. In retrospect, the patient did not suffer severe toxicological symptoms from carbamazepine. Therefore, continuous venovenous hemodialysis could have been discontinued earlier. On the other hand, the fast decrease in carbamazepine plasma levels during extracorporeal treatment may have prevented the development of severe or rebound toxicological symptoms. This case report adds evidence to the successful management of carbamazepine intoxication using hemodialysis followed by continuous venovenous hemodialysis

    The feasibility of using pattern recognition software to measure the influence of computer use on the consultation

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    BACKGROUND: A key feature of a good general practice consultation is that it is patient-centred. A number of verbal and non-verbal behaviours have been identified as important to establish a good relationship with the patient. However, the use of the computer detracts the doctor's attention away from the patient, compromising these essential elements of the consultation. Current methods to assess the consultation and the influence of the computer on them are time consuming and subjective. If it were possible to measure these quantitatively, it could provide the basis for the first truly objective way of studying the influence of the computer on the consultation. The aim was to assess whether pattern recognition software could be used to measure the influence and pattern of computer use in the consultation. If this proved possible it would provide, for the first time, an objective quantitative measure of computer use and a measure of the attention and responsiveness of the general practitioner towards the patient. METHODS: A feasibility study using pattern recognition software to analyse a consultation was conducted. A web camera, linked to a data-gathering node was used to film a simulated consultation in a standard office. Members of the research team enacted the role of the doctor and the patient, using pattern recognition software to try and capture patient-centred, non-verbal behaviour. As this was a feasibility study detailed results of the analysis are not presented. RESULTS: It was revealed that pattern recognition software could be used to analyse certain aspects of a simulated consultation. For example, trigger lines enabled the number of times the clinician's hand covered the keyboard to be counted and wrapping recorded the number of times the clinician nodded his head. It was also possible to measure time sequences and whether the movement was brief or lingering. CONCLUSION: Pattern recognition software enables movements associated with patient-centredness to be recorded. Pattern recognition software has the potential to provide an objective, quantitative measure of the influence of the computer on the consultation

    Nurse-patient interaction and communication: a systematic literature review

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    Aim: The purpose of this review is to describe the use and definitions of the concepts of nurse-patient interaction and nurse-patient communication in nursing literature. Furthermore, empirical findings of nurse-patient communication research will be presented, and applied theories will be shown. Method: An integrative literature search was executed. The total number of relevant citations found was 97. The search results were reviewed, and key points were extracted in a standardized form. Extracts were then qualitatively summarized according to relevant aspects and categories for the review. Results: The relation of interaction and communication is not clearly defined in nursing literature. Often the terms are used interchangeably or synonymously, and a clear theoretical definition is avoided or rather implicit. Symbolic interactionism and classic sender-receiver models were by far the most referred to models. Compared to the use of theories of adjacent sciences, the use of original nursing theories related to communication is rather infrequent. The articles that try to clarify the relation of both concepts see communication as a special or subtype of interaction. Conclusion: The included citations all conclude that communication skills can be learned to a certain degree. Involvement of patients and their role in communication often is neglected by authors. Considering the mutual nature of communication, patients’ share in conversation should be taken more into consideration than it has been until now. Nursing science has to integrate its own theories of nursing care with theories of communication and interaction from other scientific disciplines like sociology

    The mechanics of explosive seed dispersal in orange jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)

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    Explosive dehiscence ballistically disperses seeds in a number of plant species. During dehiscence, mechanical energy stored in specialized tissues is transferred to the seeds to increase their kinetic and potential energies. The resulting seed dispersal patterns have been investigated in some ballistic dispersers, but the mechanical performance of a launch mechanism of this type has not been measured. The properties of the energy storage tissue and the energy transfer efficiency of the launch mechanism were quantified in Impatiens capensis. In this species the valves forming the seed pod wall store mechanical energy. Their mass specific energy storage capacity (124 J kg−1) was comparable with that of elastin and spring steel. The energy storage capacity of the pod tissues was determined by their level of hydration, suggesting a role for turgor pressure in the energy storage mechanism. During dehiscence the valves coiled inwards, collapsing the pod and ejecting the seeds. Dehiscence took 4.2±0.4 ms (mean ±SEM, n=13). The estimated efficiency with which energy was transferred to the seeds was low (0.51±0.26%, mean ±SEM, n=13). The mean seed launch angle (17.4±5.2, mean ±SEM, n=45) fell within the range predicted by a ballistic model to maximize dispersal distance. Low ballistic dispersal efficiency or effectiveness may be characteristic of species that also utilize secondary seed dispersal mechanisms