1,649 research outputs found

    The Democratic Intellect: The State in the Work of Madame Justice Wilson

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    It is a great honour to have been asked to provide an essay for this volume of reflections on the contribution Madame Justice Bertha Wilson has made to the development of law in Canada. To a certain extent, this is a matter of pride in finding my own name associated with that of the very learned and respected individuals who have set out their thoughts in this collection of articles. In the main, however, the honour comes from the opportunity to make a public statement of my own respect and admiration for Madame Justice Wilson and the significant role that she has played in our law and in our society

    The Democratic Intellect: The State in the Work of Madame Justice Wilson

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    It is a great honour to have been asked to provide an essay for this volume of reflections on the contribution Madame Justice Bertha Wilson has made to the development of law in Canada. To a certain extent, this is a matter of pride in finding my own name associated with that of the very learned and respected individuals who have set out their thoughts in this collection of articles. In the main, however, the honour comes from the opportunity to make a public statement of my own respect and admiration for Madame Justice Wilson and the significant role that she has played in our law and in our society

    Poleward heat flux and conversion of available potential energy in Drake Passage

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    Energetic fluctuations of periods longer than a day are found to transport heat poleward in the Drake Passage. Heat fluxes due to these low-frequency motions are large enough to account for all of the poleward heat transport across the pol ar front necessary to balance the heat Jost to the atmosphere by waters around the Antarctic continent...

    The Democratic Intellect: The State in the Work of Madame Justice Wilson

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    It is a great honour to have been asked to provide an essay for this volume of reflections on the contribution Madame Justice Bertha Wilson has made to the development of law in Canada. To a certain extent, this is a matter of pride in finding my own name associated with that of the very learned and respected individuals who have set out their thoughts in this collection of articles. In the main, however, the honour comes from the opportunity to make a public statement of my own respect and admiration for Madame Justice Wilson and the significant role that she has played in our law and in our society

    Sources of eddy energy in the Gulf Stream recirculation region

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    Array measurements of current and temperature made for 15 months in the main thermodine of the Gulf Stream recirculation region near 31N, 69° 30\u27W are analyzed to determine the energy sources for low-frequency fluctuations or eddies and the effect of these eddies on the mean circulation in the region...

    Momentum, mass, heat, and vorticity balances from oceanic measurements of current and temperature

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution July, 1975The local dynamics of low-frequency motions in the MODE region are investigated from three arrays of moored measurements of current and temperature. Tests for lowest-order balances of horizontal momentum, mass, heat, heat and vorticity within established errors are carried out. Geostrophic comparisons of four-day averaged observed and geostrophic current differences from the MODE-l array indicate that ageostrophic balance within estimated errors is the lowest-order horizontal momentum balance. The discrepancy between observed and geostrophic current differences has a standard deviation of 1.9 cm/see which is 26% as large as the standard deviation of the current differences. In the mass balance comparisons of estimates of δυ/δχ and δν/δγ from the MODE-O Array l indicate that within estimated errors the low frequency currents are horizontally nondivergent. The standard deviation of horizontal divergence, which is the discrepancy from horizontal nondivergence, is .22 x 10 6 sec 1 which is 36% as large as the standard deviation of the estimates of horizontal derivatives of velocity. These tests significantly increase the observational basis for geostrophy and horizontal nondivergence and confirm the validity of the error estimates. In the heat balance, estimates of horizontal advection of temperature balance local time changes of temperature within estimated errors for the IWEX observations. These estimates have small errors because a representation of horizontal advection of temperature in terms of the speed and turning about the vertical of the horizontal current is used. The errors are so small that from future measurements it may be possible to estimate the sum of local change plus horizontal advection of temperature and from this sum it may be possible to estimate vertical velocity. This balance between local change and horizontal advection demonstrates that horizontal advection of spatially varying features is an important cause of local time changes. The horizontal advection could not be explained in terms of advection by the long time-averaged flow field. This suggests that the local dynamics of low-frequency motions in the MODE region are strongly nonlinear. An indication of energy transfer, which occurs in nonlinear processes, is found in a phase lag such that estimates of horizontal advection lead local changes of temperature. In the context of the baroclinic instability model this phase lag is consistent with the growth of perturbation wave energy by conversion of potential energy contained in the forty-day averaged flow field. In the vorticity balance, estimates of planetary advection account for only half the local time change of vorticity for MODE-0 Array 1 measurements. Within estimated errors these two terms do not balance, so these observations cannot be explained as manifestations of barotropic Rossby waves alone. Estimates of vortex stretching and horizontal advection of relative vorticity could not be made. A phase lag such that estimates of planetary advection lead local changes of vorticity is consistent in the context of the instability model with an increase in perturbation wave enstrophy, which must occur when the perturbation wave grows, due to the conversion of planetary enstrophy. Because of the importance of the vorticity balance for understanding the dynamics of low-frequency motions an experiment is suggested to estimate accurately all terms in the lowest-order vorticity balance. From such measurements the energy transfer and enstrophy conversion could also be estimated.Support to carry out this thesis work was provided by the Office of Naval Research under contracts N00014-66-C0241 and C0262 NR 083-004 and by the National Science Foundation Office of the International Decade of Ocean Exploration under grant IDO75-03962

    The Democratic Intellect: The State in the Work of Madame Justice Wilson

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    It is a great honour to have been asked to provide an essay for this volume of reflections on the contribution Madame Justice Bertha Wilson has made to the development of law in Canada. To a certain extent, this is a matter of pride in finding my own name associated with that of the very learned and respected individuals who have set out their thoughts in this collection of articles. In the main, however, the honour comes from the opportunity to make a public statement of my own respect and admiration for Madame Justice Wilson and the significant role that she has played in our law and in our society

    Adjustment of the basin-scale circulation at 26 degrees N to variations in Gulf Stream, deep western boundary current and Ekman transports as observed by the Rapid array

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    The Rapid instrument array across the Atlantic Ocean along 26 degrees N provides unprecedented monitoring of the basin-scale circulation. A unique feature of the Rapid array is the combination of full-depth moorings with instruments measuring temperature, salinity, pressure time series at many depths with co-located bottom pressure measurements so that dynamic pressure can be measured from surface to bottom. Bottom pressure measurements show a zonally uniform rise (and fall) of bottom pressure of 0.015 dbar on a 5 to 10 day time scale, suggesting that the Atlantic basin is filling and draining on a short time scale. After removing the zonally uniform bottom pressure fluctuations, bottom pressure variations at 4000 m depth against the western boundary compensate instantaneously for baroclinic fluctuations in the strength and structure of the deep western boundary current so there is no basin-scale mass imbalance resulting from variations in the deep western boundary current. After removing the mass compensating bottom pressure, residual bottom pressure fluctuations at the western boundary just east of the Bahamas balance variations in Gulf Stream transport. Again the compensation appears to be especially confined close to the western boundary. Thus, fluctuations in either Gulf Stream or deep western boundary current transports are compensated in a depth independent (barotropic) manner very close to the continental slope off the Bahamas. In contrast, compensation for variations in wind-driven surface Ekman transport appears to involve fluctuations in both western basin and eastern basin bottom pressures, though the bottom pressure difference fluctuations appear to be a factor of 3 too large, perhaps due to an inability to resolve small bottom pressure fluctuations after removal of larger zonal average, baroclinic, and Gulf Stream pressure components. For 4 tall moorings where time series dynamic height (geostrophic pressure) profiles can be estimated from sea surface to ocean bottom and bottom pressure can be added, there is no general correlation between surface dynamic height and bottom pressure. Dynamic height on each mooring is strongly correlated with sea surface height from satellite observations and the variability in both dynamic height and satellite sea surface height decrease sharply as the western boundary is approached

    Michael John Robert Fasham. 29 May 1942 — 7 June 2008

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    Professor Michael Fasham played a pioneering role in the development of marine ecosystem models for the study of nutrient and carbon cycling in the ocean. He is articularly celebrated for his famous Fasham–Ducklow–McKelvie model, which was the first of its kind to separate new and regenerated forms of nutrient, as well as including microbial recycling pathways. Fasham’s models provided key understanding of the links between primary production, carbon cycling and export (of organic matter from the surface to deep ocean) based on both deep and insightful parameterization inspired by his many collaborations with leading experimental and field biologists of the day, and by his expert use of data for model calibration and validation. He had the ability to see the big picture, linking observation and models to achieve a unified understanding of system dynamics. As well as the direct contributions of his own science, Fasham played a pivotal role in steering the international scientific agenda, notably his leadership of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study which had the aim of understanding ocean carbon cycling and sinks via the coordination of extensive field programmes, synthesis and modelling. He will be remembered by those who knew him for his openness, enthusiasm and modesty, a man who was fun to know and to work with and who loved the thrill of scientific adventure and discovery

    Origin of the Mediterranean outflow

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    Toe origin of the Mediterranean outflow is one of oceanography\u27s oldest problems. In this work, the flow of western Mediterranean deep water up and over the sill at Gibraltar is investigated from hydrographic observations and current measurements. The deep water is found to flow westward along the Moroccan continental slope in the western Mediterranean or Alboran Sea and to rise as it approaches the Strait of Gibraltar...
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