467 research outputs found

    Creative process and the beginner\u27s mind: A study and reflection on teaching practices for the creative arts

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    Phonon resonances in atomic currents through Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices

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    We present an analysis of Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices for the case where the lattice potential of the fermions is tilted and the bosons (in the superfluid phase) are described by Bogoliubov phonons. It is shown that the Bogoliubov phonons enable hopping transitions between fermionic Wannier-Stark states; these transitions are accompanied by energy dissipation into the superfluid and result in a net atomic current along the lattice. We derive a general expression for the drift velocity of the fermions and find that the dependence of the atomic current on the lattice tilt exhibits negative differential conductance and phonon resonances. Numerical simulations of the full dynamics of the system based on the time-evolving block decimation algorithm reveal that the phonon resonances should be observable under the conditions of a realistic measuring procedure.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Gas vs dust sizes of protoplanetary disks: effects of dust evolution

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    The extent of the gas in protoplanetary disks is observed to be universally larger than the extent of the dust. This is often attributed to radial drift and grain growth of the mm grains, but line optical depth produces a similar observational signature. We investigate in what parts of the disk structure parameter space dust evolution and line optical depth are the dominant drivers of the observed gas and dust size difference. Using the thermochemical model DALI with dust evolution included we ran a grid of models aimed at reproducing the observed gas and dust size dichotomy. The relation between R_dust and dust evolution is non-monotonic and depends on the disk structure. R_gas is directly related to the radius where the CO column density drops below 10^15 cm^-2 and CO becomes photodissociated. R_gas is not affected by dust evolution but scales with the total CO content of the disk. R_gas/R_dust > 4 is a clear sign for dust evolution and radial drift in disks, but these cases are rare in current observations. For disks with a smaller R_gas/R_dust, identifying dust evolution from R_gas/R_dust requires modelling the disk structure including the total CO content. To minimize the uncertainties due to observational factors requires FWHM_beam 10 on the 12CO emission moment zero map. For the dust outer radius to enclose most of the disk mass, it should be defined using a high fraction (90-95%) of the total flux. For the gas, any radius enclosing > 60% of the 12CO flux will contain most of the disk mass. To distinguish radial drift and grain growth from line optical depth effects based on size ratios requires disks to be observed at high enough angular resolution and the disk structure should to be modelled to account for the total CO content of the disk.Comment: 18 pages, 27 figures, accepted in A&

    Gas Density Perturbations Induced by One or More Forming Planets in the AS 209 Protoplanetary Disk as Seen with ALMA

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    The formation of planets occurs within protoplanetary disks surrounding young stars, resulting in perturbation of the gas and dust surface densities. Here, we report the first evidence of spatially resolved gas surface density (Σg\Sigma_{g}) perturbation towards the AS~209 protoplanetary disk from the optically thin C18^{18}O (J=21J=2-1) emission. The observations were carried out at 1.3~mm with ALMA at a spatial resolution of about 0.3\arcsec ×\times 0.2\arcsec (corresponding to \sim 38 ×\times 25 au). The C18^{18}O emission shows a compact (\le60~au), centrally peaked emission and an outer ring peaking at 140~au, consistent with that observed in the continuum emission and, its azimuthally averaged radial intensity profile presents a deficit that is spatially coincident with the previously reported dust map. This deficit can only be reproduced with our physico-thermochemical disk model by lowering Σgas\Sigma_{gas} by nearly an order of magnitude in the dust gaps. Another salient result is that contrary to C18^{18}O, the DCO+^{+} (J=32J=3-2) emission peaks between the two dust gaps. We infer that the best scenario to explain our observations (C18^{18}O deficit and DCO+^{+} enhancement) is a gas perturbation due to forming-planet(s), that is commensurate with previous continuum observations of the source along with hydrodynamical simulations. Our findings confirm that the previously observed dust gaps are very likely due to perturbation of the gas surface density that is induced by a planet of at least 0.2~MJupiter\rm_{Jupiter} in formation. Finally, our observations also show the potential of using CO isotopologues to probe the presence of saturn mass planet(s)

    A deep Herschel/PACS observation of CO(40-39) in NGC 1068: a search for the molecular torus

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    Emission from high-J CO lines in galaxies has long been proposed as a tracer of X-ray dominated regions (XDRs) produced by AGN. Of particular interest is the question of whether the obscuring torus, which is required by AGN unification models, can be observed via high-J CO cooling lines. Here we report on the analysis of a deep Herschel-PACS observation of an extremely high J CO transition (40-39) in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. The line was not detected, with a derived 3σ\sigma upper limit of 2×1017Wm22 \times 10^{-17}\,\text{W}\,\text{m}^{-2}. We apply an XDR model in order to investigate whether the upper limit constrains the properties of a molecular torus in NGC 1068. The XDR model predicts the CO Spectral Line Energy Distributions for various gas densities and illuminating X-ray fluxes. In our model, the CO(40-39) upper limit is matched by gas with densities 106107cm3\sim 10^{6}-10^{7}\,\text{cm}^{-3}, located at 1.65pc1.6-5\,\text{pc} from the AGN, with column densities of at least 1025cm210^{25}\,\text{cm}^{-2}. At such high column densities, however, dust absorbs most of the CO(40-39) line emission at λ=65.69μ\lambda = 65.69\, \mum. Therefore, even if NGC 1068 has a molecular torus which radiates in the CO(40-39) line, the dust can attenuate the line emission to below the PACS detection limit. The upper limit is thus consistent with the existence of a molecular torus in NGC 1068. In general, we expect that the CO(40-39) is observable in only a few AGN nuclei (if at all), because of the required high gas column density, and absorption by dust.Comment: 22 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Multidimensional chemical modelling, II. Irradiated outflow walls

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    Observations of the high-mass star forming region AFGL 2591 reveal a large abundance of CO+, a molecule known to be enhanced by far UV (FUV) and X-ray irradiation. In chemical models assuming a spherically symmetric envelope, the volume of gas irradiated by protostellar FUV radiation is very small due to the high extinction by dust. The abundance of CO+ is thus underpredicted by orders of magnitude. In a more realistic model, FUV photons can escape through an outflow region and irradiate gas at the border to the envelope. Thus, we introduce the first 2D axi-symmetric chemical model of the envelope of a high-mass star forming region to explain the CO+ observations as a prototypical FUV tracer. The model assumes an axi-symmetric power-law density structure with a cavity due to the outflow. The local FUV flux is calculated by a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code taking scattering on dust into account. A grid of precalculated chemical abundances, introduced in the first part of this series of papers, is used to quickly interpolate chemical abundances. This approach allows to calculate the temperature structure of the FUV heated outflow walls self-consistently with the chemistry. Synthetic maps of the line flux are calculated using a raytracer code. Single-dish and interferometric observations are simulated and the model results are compared to published and new JCMT and SMA observations. The two-dimensional model of AFGL 2591 is able to reproduce the JCMT single-dish observations and also explains the non-detection by the SMA. We conclude that the observed CO+ line flux and its narrow width can be interpreted by emission from the warm and dense outflow walls irradiated by protostellar FUV radiation.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 17 pages, 11 figures. A version with higher resolution images is available from http://www.astro.phys.ethz.ch/staff/simonbr/papgridII.pdf . First paper of this series of papers available at arXiv:0906.058

    H2_2O distribution in the disc of HD 100546 and HD 163296: the role of dust dynamics and planet--disc interaction

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    [Abridged] Far-infrared observations with Herschel revealed a surprisingly low abundance of cold-water reservoirs in protoplanetary discs. On the other hand, a handful of discs show emission of hot water transitions excited at temperatures above a few hundred Kelvin. In particular, the protoplanetary discs around the Herbig Ae stars HD 100546 and HD 163296 show opposite trends in terms of cold versus hot water emission: in the first case, the ground-state transitions are detected and the high-J lines are undetected, while the trend is opposite in HD 163296. We performed a spectral analysis using the thermo-chemical model DALI. We find that HD 163296 is characterised by a water-rich (abundance 105\gtrsim 10^{-5}) hot inner disc (within the snowline) and a water-poor (<1010< 10^{-10}) outer disc: the relative abundance may be due to the thermal desorption of icy grains that have migrated inward. Remarkably, the size of the H2_2O emitting region corresponds to a narrow dust gap visible in the millimeter continuum at r=10r=10\,au with ALMA. The low-J lines detected in HD 100546 instead imply an abundance of a few 10910^{-9} in the cold outer disc (>40> 40 au). The emitting region of the cold H2_2O transitions is spatially coincident with that of the H2_2O ice previously seen in the near-infrared. Notably, millimetre observations with ALMA reveal the presence of a large dust gap between nearly 40 and 150 au, likely opened by a massive embedded protoplanet. In both discs, we find that the warm molecular layer in the outer region (beyond the snow line) is highly depleted of water molecules, implying an oxygen-poor chemical composition of the gas. We speculate that gas-phase oxygen in the outer disc is readily depleted and its distribution in the disc is tightly coupled to the dynamics of the dust grains.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&