87 research outputs found

    Le compartiment sauvage de la carotte en France : des ressources génétiques importantes et pourtant méconnues

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    La France est considérée comme centre secondaire de diversification de la carotte, du fait de l’activité importante de sélection (par des maraîchers ou semenciers), ce qui justifie les actions de conservation et connaissance des variétés anciennes menées par le réseau de ressources génétiques « Carotte et autres Daucus ». Par contre, le compartiment sauvage est méconnu et sous-exploité, alors qu’il s’agit d’une espèce pour laquelle de nombreuses populations existent sur le territoire français, avec une situation très contrastée. Si la carotte sauvage D. carota spp carota n’est pas en danger, d’autres sous espèces sont protégées (ssp gadecaei) ou menacées du fait de la dégradation de leur milieux naturels notamment en zone littorale ou de possibles introgressions avec la sous-espèce carota. Le travail présenté porte donc sur : i/ la sauvegarde et la mise à disposition des ressources génétiques sauvages, à travers l’inventaire de populations in situ et la constitution de collections ex-situ ; ii/ l’approfondissement de la connaissance et de l’identification taxonomique des sous-espèces sauvages ; iii/ la connaissance de la diversité au sein du compartiment sauvage (marqueurs SSR et données écologiques) ; et iv/ l’évaluation des ressources génétiques sauvages de carotte pour permettre leur exploitation (fertilité, croisements avec le compartiment cultivé, tolérance à différents bioagresseurs). Ce programme fait l’objet du soutien d’un contrat de branche du ministère de l’agriculture et implique les membres du réseau « Carotte et autres Daucus ».

    An unusual presentation of anetoderma: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Anetoderma is a benign condition with focal loss of dermal elastic tissue resulting in localized areas of flaccid or herniated saclike skin. Currently, anetoderma is classified as either primary (idiopathic), or secondary anetoderma (which is associated with a variety of skin conditions, penicillamine use, or neonatal prematurity). Lesions appear on the upper arms, trunk, and thighs. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a 14-year-old boy, which was noticed to have had multiple, white, non-pruritic areas on the acral sites of upper and lower extremities for two years. In physical examination, the patient had normal mental development. Skin lesions consisted of scattered, white to skin-colored papules, less than 1 cm in diameter, and with central protrusion, with distribution on dorsal part of the index finger, forearms, distal portion of thighs and calves. Lesions were detected neither on the trunk nor the proximal areas of extremities. There are no sensory changes associated with the lesions. Otherwise, his general health was good. He did not have any medication consumption history. Family history was negative. Laboratory examinations were within normal limits. Skin biopsy from one of his lesions was done, that confirmed the diagnosis of anetoderma. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, we report a case of anetoderma on unusual sites of the skin. We could not find similar reports of anetoderma developing on distal extremities without involvement of the upper trunk and proximal arms, in the medical literature

    Changes in Body Weight and Psychotropic Drugs: A Systematic Synthesis of the Literature

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    <div><h3>Introduction</h3><p>Psychotropic medication use is associated with weight gain. While there are studies and reviews comparing weight gain for psychotropics within some classes, clinicians frequently use drugs from different classes to treat psychiatric disorders.</p> <h3>Objective</h3><p>To undertake a systematic review of all classes of psychotropics to provide an all encompassing evidence-based tool that would allow clinicians to determine the risks of weight gain in making both intra-class and interclass choices of psychotropics.</p> <h3>Methodology and Results</h3><p>We developed a novel hierarchical search strategy that made use of systematic reviews that were already available. When such evidence was not available we went on to evaluate randomly controlled trials, followed by cohort and other clinical trials, narrative reviews, and, where necessary, clinical opinion and anecdotal evidence. The data from the publication with the highest level of evidence based on our hierarchical classification was presented. Recommendations from an expert panel supplemented the evidence used to rank these drugs within their respective classes. Approximately 9500 articles were identified in our literature search of which 666 citations were retrieved. We were able to rank most of the psychotropics based on the available evidence and recommendations from subject matter experts. There were few discrepancies between published evidence and the expert panel in ranking these drugs.</p> <h3>Conclusion</h3><p>Potential for weight gain is an important consideration in choice of any psychotropic. This tool will help clinicians select psychotropics on a case-by-case basis in order to minimize the impact of weight gain when making both intra-class and interclass choices.</p> </div