124 research outputs found

    Family firm internationalization: Past research and an agenda for the future

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    Although the study of family firm internationalization has generated considerable scholarly attention, existing research has offered varied and at times incompatible findings on how family ownership and management shape internationalization. To improve our understanding of family firm internationalization, we systematically review 220 conceptual and empirical studies published over the past three decades, structuring our comprehensive overview of this field according to seven core international business (IB) themes. We assess the literature and propose directions for future research by developing an integrative framework of family firm internationalization that links IB theory with conceptual perspectives used in the reviewed body of work. We propose a research agenda that advocates a cross-disciplinary, multi-theoretic, and cross-level approach to studying family firm internationalization. We conclude that family firm internationalization research has the potential to contribute valuable insights to IB scholarship by increasing attention to conceptual and methodological issues, including micro-level affective motivations, background social institutions, temporal perspectives, and multi-level analyses

    Institutional Polycentrism, Entrepreneurs' Social Networks, and New Venture Growth

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    International audienceWhat is the interrelationship among formal institutions, social networks, and new venture growth? Drawing on the theory of institutional polycentrism and social network theory, we examine this question using data on 637 entrepreneurs from four different countries. We find the confluence of weak and inefficient formal institutions to be associated with a larger number of structural holes in entrepreneurial social networks. While the effect of this institutional order on the revenue growth of new ventures is negative, a network's structural holes have a positive effect on revenue growth. Furthermore, the positive effect of structural holes on revenue growth is stronger in an environment with a more adverse institutional order (i.e., weaker and more inefficient institutions). The contributions and implications of these findings are discussed.<br/

    A dynamic capabilities-based entrepreneurial theory of the multinational enterprise

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    Explaining the effect of rapid internationalization on horizontal foreign divestment in the retail sector. An extended penrosean perspective

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    Building on and extending Penrosean logic we argue that rapid international expansion by firms might lead to a breach of Penrosean constraints on efficient expansion and to subsequent divestment of international operations to bring firm scope back into Penrosean constraints. We further predict that intra-regional concentration and international experience moderate the above effect because they influence firms ability to avoid a breach of Penrosean constraints and/or weaken the consequences of such a breach. Using data on the international expansion and divestment of large retail MNEs over the period 2003-2012 we find empirical support for the proposed extended Penrose effect in explaining international divestment as well as for the moderating effects of intra-regional concentration and international experience. Our study contributes to the development of Penrosean logic and to our understanding of the factors that drive firms to divest overseas operations

    Separation of Ownership and Control: Delegation as a Commitment Device

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    This paper provides a theoretical model for explaining the separation of ownership and control in firms. An entrepreneur hires a worker, whose effort is necessary for running a project. The worker\'s effort determines the probability that the project will be completed on time, but the worker receives some unobservable benefi t by continuing his employment in the project. Thus, motivating the worker requires an efficiency wage which is inflated by the private benefit. The entrepreneur would pay out a smaller wage if he could commit to terminate the project if a delay occurs, but this threat is not credible, because the project has positive continuation value. We show that hiring a manager can solve this time-inconsistency issue and reduce the efficiency wage. We extend the model to include managerial moral hazard and we examine the conditions under which separation of ownership and control is more likely to happen. The model is consistent with many of the findings of the empirical literature, while it generates some new predictions too

    Defining family business: a closer look at definitional heterogeneity

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    Researchers have used a myriad of different definitions in seeking to explain the heterogeneity of family firms and their unique behavior; however, no widely-accepted definition exists today. Definitional clarity in any field is essential to provide (a) the basis for the analysis of performance both spatially and temporally and (b) the foundation upon which theories, frameworks and models are developed. We provide a comprehensive analysis of prior research and identify and classify 82 definitions of family business. We then review and evaluate five key theoretical perspectives in family business to identify how these have shaped and informed the definitions employed in the field and duly explain family firm heterogeneity. Finally, we provide a conceptual diagram to inform the choice of definition in different research settings
