459 research outputs found

    The role of static stress diffusion in the spatio-temporal organization of aftershocks

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    We investigate the spatial distribution of aftershocks and we find that aftershock linear density exhibits a maximum, that depends on the mainshock magnitude, followed by a power law decay. The exponent controlling the asymptotic decay and the fractal dimensionality of epicenters clearly indicate triggering by static stress. The non monotonic behavior of the linear density and its dependence on the mainshock magnitude can be interpreted in terms of diffusion of static stress. This is supported by the power law growth with exponent H0.5H\simeq 0.5 of the average main-aftershock distance. Implementing static stress diffusion within a stochastic model for aftershock occurrence we are able to reproduce aftershock linear density spatial decay, its dependence on the mainshock magnitude and its evolution in time.Comment: 4 figure

    Viscosity critical behaviour at the gel point in a 3d lattice model

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    Within a recently introduced model based on the bond-fluctuation dynamics we study the viscoelastic behaviour of a polymer solution at the gelation threshold. We here present the results of the numerical simulation of the model on a cubic lattice: the percolation transition, the diffusion properties and the time autocorrelation functions have been studied. From both the diffusion coefficients and the relaxation times critical behaviour a critical exponent k for the viscosity coefficient has been extracted: the two results are comparable within the errors and are in close agreement with the Rouse model prediction and with some experimental results. In the critical region below the transition threshold the time autocorrelation functions show a long time tail which is well fitted by a stretched exponential decay.Comment: 14 pag., RevTex, 9 figure

    Induced and endogenous acoustic oscillations in granular faults

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    The frictional properties of disordered systems are affected by external perturbations. These perturbations usually weaken the system by reducing the macroscopic friction coefficient. This friction reduction is of particular interest in the case of disordered systems composed of granular particles confined between two plates, as this is a simple model of seismic fault. Indeed, in the geophysical context frictional weakening could explain the unexpected weakness of some faults, as well as earthquake remote triggering. In this manuscript we review recent results concerning the response of confined granular systems to external perturbations, considering the different mechanisms by which the perturbation could weaken a system, the relevance of the frictional reduction to earthquakes, as well as discussing the intriguing scenario whereby the weakening is not monotonic in the perturbation frequency, so that a re-entrant transition is observed, as the system first enters a fluidized state and then returns to a frictional state.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Critical neural networks with short and long term plasticity

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    In recent years self organised critical neuronal models have provided insights regarding the origin of the experimentally observed avalanching behaviour of neuronal systems. It has been shown that dynamical synapses, as a form of short-term plasticity, can cause critical neuronal dynamics. Whereas long-term plasticity, such as hebbian or activity dependent plasticity, have a crucial role in shaping the network structure and endowing neural systems with learning abilities. In this work we provide a model which combines both plasticity mechanisms, acting on two different time-scales. The measured avalanche statistics are compatible with experimental results for both the avalanche size and duration distribution with biologically observed percentages of inhibitory neurons. The time-series of neuronal activity exhibits temporal bursts leading to 1/f decay in the power spectrum. The presence of long-term plasticity gives the system the ability to learn binary rules such as XOR, providing the foundation of future research on more complicated tasks such as pattern recognition.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Synchronized oscillations and acoustic fluidization in confined granular materials

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    According to the acoustic fluidization hypothesis, elastic waves at a characteristic frequency form inside seismic faults even in the absence of an external perturbation. These waves are able to generate a normal stress which contrasts the confining pressure and promotes failure. Here, we study the mechanisms responsible for this wave activation via numerical simulations of a granular fault model. We observe the particles belonging to the percolating backbone, which sustains the stress, to perform synchronized oscillations over ellipticlike trajectories in the fault plane. These oscillations occur at the characteristic frequency of acoustic fluidization. As the applied shear stress increases, these oscillations become perpendicular to the fault plane just before the system fails, opposing the confining pressure, consistently with the acoustic fluidization scenario. The same change of orientation can be induced by external perturbations at the acoustic fluidization frequency

    Time-energy correlations in solar flare occurrence

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    The existence of time-energy correlations in flare occurrence is still an open and much debated problem. This study addresses the question whether statistically significant correlations are present between energies of successive flares as well as energies and waiting times. We analyze the GOES catalog with a statistical approach based on the comparison of the real catalog with a reshuffled one where energies are decorrelated. This analysis reduces the effect of background activity and is able to reveal the role of obscuration. We show the existence of non-trivial correlations between waiting times and energies, as well as between energies of subsequent flares. More precisely, we find that flares close in time tend to have the second event with large energy. Moreover, after large flares the flaring rate significantly increases, together with the probability of other large flares. Results suggest that correlations between energies and waiting times are a physical property and not an effect of obscuration. These findings could give important information on the mechanisms for energy storage and release in the solar corona