18 research outputs found

    From North Africa to Latin America and back: comparative findings and theoretical reflections

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    Taking the different case studies of the book together, one general observation stands out: Key agents of socioeconomic contention, including movements by organized labor and the unemployed that were important in the run-up to the uprisings and that saw their political opportunities open up in the immediate aftermath of the revolutions, have since been effectively marginalized as political actors. The concluding chapter reflects on the causes of this weakness of socioeconomic contention by identifying comparative insights that emerge from the contributions to this volume and by situating them in the context of broader comparative and theoretical debates on the relationship between social movements and political change. More specifically, the chapter first discusses Egypt’s and Tunisia’s post-revolutionary trajectories from a comparative perspective. Second, it discusses these comparative findings in the light of experiences in Latin America. Third, drawing again on comparative scholarship on Latin America, the chapter offers a theoretical interpretation of some of the main dynamics observed in Egypt and Tunisia based on the notion of a popular-sector incorporation crisis. Fourth and finally, the chapter concludes with general implications and an outlook

    Youth as Actors of Change? The Cases of Morocco and Tunisia

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    In the last decades, ‘youth’ has increasingly become a fashionable category in academic and development literature and a key development (or security) priority. However, beyond its biological attributes, youth is a socially constructed category and also one that tends to be featured in times of drastic social change. As the history of the category shows in both Morocco and Tunisia, youth can represent the wished-for model of future citizenry and a symbol of renovation, or its ‘not-yet-adult’ status which still requires guidance and protection can be used as a justification for increased social control and repression of broader social mobilisation. Furthermore, when used as a homogeneous and undifferentiated category, the reference to youth can divert attention away from other social divides such as class in highly unequal societies

    Parity reversion persistence in real exchange rates: middle income country case

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    This article investigates purchasing power parity (PPP) in the specific context of middle income countries. To circumvent the low power of traditional stationarity tests (Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests), it performs variance ratio and fractional integration tests in addition to Perron's test that accounts for potential structural changes in real exchange rate processes. Beyond estimating half-life shocks to PPP, this article attempts to explain these estimates using a set of country specific variables as suggested by economic theory. The evidence suggests that reversion to parity tends to be faster in high inflation countries and that productivity improvement leads to a higher level of persistence. Openness to trade tends to reduce the extent of deviations from parity but this result does not appear to be statistically robust. Evidence shows also that deviations are less persistent under a fixed exchange rate regime and under unrestricted capital mobility.

    Attitudes des prescripteurs de scanner en matiere de radioprotection des patients a Lome

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    Objectif: Evaluer les attitudes des prescripteurs de scanner en matiĂšre de radioprotection des patients Ă  LomĂ© au Togo.MĂ©thodologie: Etude transversale descriptive rĂ©alisĂ©e du 1er Avril au 30 Juin 2015 dans les centres hospitaliers universitaires, le centre hospitalier rĂ©gional, les cabinets mĂ©dicaux et les cliniques privĂ©es de la ville de LomĂ©.RĂ©sultats: Cent vingt-six questionnaires sur les 180 envoyĂ©s avaient Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ©s (taux de rĂ©ponse global de 70%). Les prescripteurs Ă©taient dominĂ©s par les mĂ©decins spĂ©cialistes et environ 2/3 des prescripteurs exerçaient dans les CHU. Leur expĂ©rience professionnelle Ă©tait infĂ©rieure Ă  5 ans dans  54,8% des cas. Seulement 16% des praticiens avaient bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une formation en radioprotection des patients. Ils Ă©taient 71,4% Ă  prescrire souvent le scanner. Plus de la moitiĂ© (59,5%) avaient une fois prescrit le scanner Ă  une femme enceinte, 77,0% d’entre eux prenaient en compte le rapport  bĂ©nĂ©fice/risque lors de la prescription d’un scanner et 34,5% informait les patients des risques liĂ©s auxrayons X. Un peu plus du tiers des praticiens ne prescrivaient jamais une TDM abdominopelvienne sans prescrire au prĂ©alable une Ă©chographie abdomino-pelvienne. Plus de la moitiĂ© d’entre eux ne demandaient jamais une TDM thoracique sans une radiographie thoracique. Les diffĂ©rences observĂ©es n’étaient pas souvent statistiquement significatives selon la qualification, le service d’appartenance, le lieu d’exercice et l’expĂ©rience professionnelle des prescripteursConclusion: L’amĂ©lioration des programmes de radioprotection dans les formations mĂ©dicales de bases et l’organisation rĂ©guliĂšre des formations continues en radioprotection est vivement recommandĂ©e pour un meilleur respect des rĂšgles de radioprotection des patients lors de la prescription des scanners au Togo.Mots clĂ©s: Scanner, Radioprotection, Rayonnements ionisants, Prescripteurs, LomĂ©.English AbstractObjective: Estimate the attitudes of CT scan prescribers regarding radiation protection of the patients in Lome.Methods: Cross-sectional study performed from april 1st to june 30th, 2015, concerningprescribers working both in public and private health centers in Lome.Results: Hundred and twenty-six questionnaires on 180 sent had been got back (global rate of answer of 70%). The prescribers were dominated by the specialists and approximately 2/3 of the them exercised in Teaching Hospital Center (CHU). Their work experience was less than 5-year-old in 54,8% of the cases. Only 16 % of the practitioners had benefited a training on radiation protection of patients. They were 71.4% to prescribe often the CT scan. More than half (59,5%) once had prescribed CT scan to pregnant woman, 77,0% of them took into account the relationship profit / risk during the  prescription of a CT scan and 34,5 % informed the patients of the risks connected to the X-rays. A little no more than third of the practitioners never prescribed an abdominopelvic TDM without prescribing beforehand an abdomino-pelvic ultrasound. More than half of them never asked for a thoracic TDM without a thoracic radiography. The observed differences were not often statistically significant according to the qualification, the department, the place of exercise and the work experience of the prescribers.Conclusion: The improvement of radiation protection programms in the medical basic trainings and  the regular organization of the in-service training in radiation protection is deeply recommended for a better respect for the patient’s radiation protection rules during the prescription of CT scan in Togo.Keywords: Computed Tomography, Radiation protection, Ionizing radiation, Prescribers, LomĂ©

    Training, new equipment and job creation: A firm-level analysis using moroccan data

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    Using a sample of 664 large, medium-and small-sized firms covering seven industries in Morocco, this article investigates whether the difference in their attitudes toward investment in human and physical capital explains their difference in terms of job creation. The lessons drawn from this investigation are expected to be useful for other least developed countries. The results support that such investment allows firms to create jobs, and this is robust to the inclusion of various additional explanatory variables, firm size and the industry coverage of the sample. © 2011 European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe