4,088 research outputs found
Robust quantum correlations in out-of-equilibrium matter-light systems
High precision macroscopic quantum control in interacting light-matter
systems remains a significant goal toward novel information processing and
ultra-precise metrology. We show that the out-of-equilibrium behavior of a
paradigmatic light-matter system (Dicke model) reveals two successive stages of
enhanced quantum correlations beyond the traditional schemes of near-adiabatic
and sudden quenches. The first stage features magnification of matter-only and
light-only entanglement and squeezing due to effective non-linear
self-interactions. The second stage results from a highly entangled
light-matter state, with enhanced superradiance and signatures of chaotic and
highly quantum states. We show that these new effects scale up consistently
with matter system size, and are reliable even in dissipative environments.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
New dynamical scaling universality for quantum networks across adiabatic quantum phase transitions
We reveal universal dynamical scaling behavior across adiabatic quantum phase
transitions (QPTs) in networks ranging from traditional spatial systems (Ising
model) to fully connected ones (Dicke and Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models). Our
findings, which lie beyond traditional critical exponent analysis and adiabatic
perturbation approximations, are applicable even where excitations have not yet
stabilized and hence provide a time-resolved understanding of QPTs encompassing
a wide range of adiabatic regimes. We show explicitly that even though two
systems may traditionally belong to the same universality class, they can have
very different adiabatic evolutions. This implies more stringent conditions
need to be imposed than at present, both for quantum simulations where one
system is used to simulate the other, and for adiabatic quantum computing
schemes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, plus supplementary material (6 pages, 1 figure
Large dynamic light-matter entanglement from driving neither too fast nor too slow
A significant problem facing next-generation quantum technologies is how to
generate and manipulate macroscopic entanglement in light and matter systems.
Here we report a new regime of dynamical light-matter behavior in which a
giant, system-wide entanglement is generated by varying the light-matter
coupling at \emph{intermediate} velocities. This enhancement is far larger and
broader-ranged than that occurring near the quantum phase transition of the
same model under adiabatic conditions. By appropriate choices of the coupling
within this intermediate regime, the enhanced entanglement can be made to
spread system-wide or to reside in each subsystem separately.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
The Potential Role of Aerobic Exercise-Induced Pentraxin 3 on Obesity-Related Inflammation and Metabolic Dysregulation
Obesity is defined as the excess accumulation of intra-abdominal body fat, resulting in a state of chronic, low-grade proinflammation that can directly contribute to the development of insulin resistance. Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is an acute-phase protein that is expressed by a variety of tissue and cell sources and provides an anti-inflammatory property to downregulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines, in particular interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Although PTX3 may therapeutically aid in altering the proinflammatory milieu in obese individuals, and despite elevated expression of PTX3 mRNA observed in adipose tissue, the circulating level of PTX3 is reduced with obesity. Interestingly, aerobic activity has been demonstrated to elevate PTX3 levels. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to discuss the therapeutic potential of PTX3 to positively regulate obesity-related inflammation and discuss the proposition for utilizing aerobic exercise as a nonpharmacological anti-inflammatory treatment strategy to enhance circulating PTX3 concentrations in obese individuals
High Resolution Spectrometry of Leaf and Canopy Chemistry for Biochemical Cycling
High-resolution laboratory spectrophotometer and Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data were used to analyze forest leaf and canopy chemistry. Fundamental stretching frequencies of organic bonds in the visible, near infrared and short-wave infrared are indicative of concentrations and total content of nitrogen, phosphorous, starch and sugar. Laboratory spectrophotometer measurements showed very strong negative correlations with nitrogen (measured using wet chemistry) in the visible wavelengths. Strong correlations with green wet canopy weight in the atmospheric water absorption windows were observed in the AIS data. A fairly strong negative correlation between the AIS data at 1500 nm and total nitrogen and nitrogen concentration was evident. This relationship corresponds very closely to protein absorption features near 1500 nm
Quantum Hysteresis in Coupled Light-Matter Systems
We investigate the non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of a canonical
light-matter system, namely the Dicke model, when the light-matter interaction
is ramped up and down through a cycle across the quantum phase transition. Our
calculations reveal a rich set of dynamical behaviors determined by the cycle
times, ranging from the slow, near adiabatic regime through to the fast, sudden
quench regime. As the cycle time decreases, we uncover a crossover from an
oscillatory exchange of quantum information between light and matter that
approaches a reversible adiabatic process, to a dispersive regime that
generates large values of light-matter entanglement. The phenomena uncovered in
this work have implications in quantum control, quantum interferometry, as well
as in quantum information theory.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure
Pulsed Generation of Quantum Coherences and Non-classicality in Light-Matter Systems
We show that a pulsed stimulus can be used to generate many-body quantum
coherences in light-matter systems of general size. Specifically, we calculate
the exact real-time evolution of a driven, generic out-of-equilibrium system
comprising an arbitrary number N qubits coupled to a global boson field. A
novel form of dynamically-driven quantum coherence emerges for general N and
without having to access the empirically challenging strong-coupling regime.
Its properties depend on the speed of the changes in the stimulus.
Non-classicalities arise within each subsystem that have eluded previous
analyses. Our findings show robustness to losses and noise, and have potential
functional implications at the systems level for a variety of nanosystems,
including collections of N atoms, molecules, spins, or superconducting qubits
in cavities -- and possibly even vibration-enhanced light harvesting processes
in macromolecules.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
Functional advantages offered by many-body coherences in biochemical systems
Quantum coherence phenomena driven by electronic-vibrational (vibronic)
interactions, are being reported in many pulse (e.g. laser) driven chemical and
biophysical systems. But what systems-level advantage(s) do such many-body
coherences offer to future technologies? We address this question for pulsed
systems of general size N, akin to the LHCII aggregates found in green plants.
We show that external pulses generate vibronic states containing particular
multipartite entanglements, and that such collective vibronic states increase
the excitonic transfer efficiency. The strength of these many-body coherences
and their robustness to decoherence, increase with aggregate size N and do not
require strong electronic-vibrational coupling. The implications for energy and
information transport are discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1706.0776
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