1,307 research outputs found

    The School and Its Many Pasts

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    History is not memory; both, however, affect the way we perceive the past. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have focused on memory in order to critically analyze shared narratives of the past and their implications. Memory studies not only allow us to expand our knowledge about the past, but also help us to define the way in which today’s people, social groups and public bodies look at it and interpret or re-interpret it. In this sense, school memory is not only of interest as a gateway to the school’s past but also as a tool to understand what they know or believe they know about the school of the past and how much what they know corresponds to reality or is influenced by prejudices and stereotypes deeply rooted in common sense. These volumes aim to address these complex issues and broaden the perspective from which the schooling phenomenon is analyzed to better understand the school and its many pasts

    Experimental Quantum Imaging exploiting multi-mode spatial correlation of twin beams

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    Properties of quantum states have disclosed new and revolutionary technologies, ranging from quantum information to quantum imaging. This last field is addressed to overcome limits of classical imaging by exploiting specific properties of quantum states of light. One of the most interesting proposed scheme exploits spatial quantum correlations between twin beams for realizing sub-shot-noise imaging of the weak absorbing objects, leading ideally to a noise-free imaging. Here we discuss in detail the experimental realization of this scheme, showing its capability to reach a larger signal to noise ratio with respect to classical imaging methods and, therefore, its interest for future practical applications

    Lecturer conceptions of and approaches to decolonisation of curricula

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    This report forms part of a larger project that investigated lecturer and student conceptions of decolonisation and decolonisation of curricula at subject level in a South African higher education institution. The study adopted an interpretive paradigm and an on-line questionnaire was administered to all the lecturers in a Faculty of Education in the Western Cape. A de-colonial perspective was used as a lens to interpret the data. In general, participants viewed decolonisation as a worthwhile project that can contribute to the development of a socially-just post-colonial and post-apartheid society. Consistent with the fact that knowledge is created differently in different subjects, the findings revealed varied conceptions of and approaches to the decolonisation of curricula among academics. The study concludes that decolonisation is a complex and multi-layered concept. However. if there are shared understandings of what decolonisation of curricula entails in the different disciplines, and consultative, participatory multi-disciplinary/trans-disciplinary approaches to decolonisation are adopted, significant progress will be made in achieving the goal of decolonising university curricula

    Five Grade 7 learners\u27 understanding of comprehension skills at a quintile 5 school in South Africa

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    Background: Research into language and reading scores show that South African learners struggle to read for meaning. Many local researchers report on the inadequate teaching training programmes. Teachers cannot teach basic comprehenion skills. Objectives: This research identifies a gap in the research and records an intervention programme designed to engage learners and develop their higher-order comprehension abilities. This research analyses responses from five learners who engaged in a variety of literacy activities to extend their zones of literacy abilities to become independent critical thinkers. Method: An interpretivist paradigm, within a qualitative approach, using a case study design was devised and implemented. Five struggling Grade 7 learners were purposively selected to participate in a 10-week intervention programme. Data were collected using pre-tests and post-tests and the learners\u27 own exercise books to assess their academic performance in written comprehensions, their daily comments on their motivation charts, information from two interviews and the researchers\u27 participant observation scheduled notes. Results: During the time of the intervention, all five Grade 7 learners gradually learned and began to use higher-order thinking skills. Conclusion: This small research project indicates that when a teacher explicitly planned and used a variety of literacy strategies to teach comprehension skills, not only did the learners enjoy the respectful discussions but this experience developed them into independent higher-order thinkers


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    Editoriale del numero monografico \uabThe Material Turn in the History of Education (2000-2020)\ubb, curato da Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Juri Meda e Gizele de Souza. Negli ultimi venti anni la \uabcultura materiale della scuola\ubb \ue8 emersa come un filone di ricerca innovativo all'interno degli studi di storia dell'educazione, anche se con alcune specificit\ue0 legate alla tradizione storiografica dei vari paesi. Il numero monografico fornisce una prima ricostruzione storiografica delle varie fasi di sviluppo di questo filone di ricerca in alcuni dei paesi nei quali ha avuto maggior successo (Regno Unito, Spagna, Francia, Grecia, Brasile e Italia). Gli articoli consistono in una panoramica dei pi\uf9 importanti lavori (libri, numeri monografici e articoli) pubblicati nel campo della cultura materiale della scuola in una determinata area geografica negli ultimi venti anni (2000-2020).Editorial of the special issue \uabThe Material Turn in the History of Education (2000-2020)\ubb, edited by Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Juri Meda and Gizele de Souza. Over the last twenty years the \uabmaterial culture of education\ubb emerged as an innovative trend in the historical studies in education, although with some specificities according to the historiographical tradition of the receiving countries. This special issue provides a first historiographical survey of the main stages of development of this line of research in some of the countries where it had been most successful (UK, Spain, France, Greece, Brazil and Italy). The articles consist in a mapping or overview about the most important studies and seminal works (books, special issues and articles) produced in the field of the material culture of education in one or more countries in the last twenty years (2000-2020)

    Constrained MaxLik reconstruction of multimode photon distributions

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    We address the reconstruction of the full photon distribution of multimode fields generated by seeded parametric down-conversion (PDC). Our scheme is based on on/off avalanche photodetection assisted by maximum-likelihood (MaxLik) estimation and does not involve photon counting. We present a novel constrained MaxLik method that incorporates the request of finite energy to improve the rate of convergence and, in turn, the overall accuracy of the reconstruction

    Análise in silico de genes envolvidos no transporte de nitrato, amônio e uréia em cafeeiro.

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    O nitrogênio (N) é o nutriente mais requerido pelo cafeeiro, sendo adquirido principalmente pelas raízes. As formas de N mais abundantes em solos agrícolas são nitrato (NO3-) e amônio (NH4+), enquanto que a uréia [CO(NH)2 O nitrato (NO] é a principal forma de N utilizada na adubação do cafeeiro. Devido a participação significativa da adubação nitrogenada nos custos de produção do café, é de interesse a identificação de genes envolvidos na absorção radicular e translocação de nitrogênio no cafeeiro, visando uma otimização da eficiência do uso do nitrogênio pela cultura. Neste trabalho foram encontradas etiquetas de sequências expressas (ESTs) no banco de dados do Projeto Genoma Café relacionadas ao transporte das formas mais relevantes na aquisição do N. O número de contigs/singlets para as diferentes famílias de transportadores decresceu na ordem: nitrato (NRT) > amônio (AMT) > uréia (DUR3). A maior expressão e diversidade de transportadores de nitrato refletem a importância desta forma de N na nutrição e fisiologia do cafeeiro, assim como na maioria das outras espécies de plantas
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