168 research outputs found
Transport and Land Use Interaction: A French Case of Suburban Development in the Lille Metropolitan Area (LMA)
AbstractTransit Oriented Development as sustainable mobility strategy is not part of French policy, in practice or in academic literature, even though a certain number of projects follow some of its principles. Reciprocally, from abroad, French experiences are not recognized as TOD, even when they could be. Scientific literature is needed in this direction. This is the focus of this paper.This paper identifies two realizations that can be qualified as TOD implementations according to criteria that we have defined previously in a Franco-German research program (Bahn.Ville). For each of these two cases, while their transport network is examined, we also study their insertion into the urban environment at a local level. The interaction between land use and transport system is the focal point of this study through a reading of planning documents, geospatial data specific processing and analysis, and on-site investigations. Parallel analysis is undertaken on the processes of realization. In both cases, we look into cooperation between public and private actors from multiple sectors and on different scales. Combining actual planning strategies, we examine policies of metropolitan level that support similar realizations in the future, not only in the field of transport, but also on housing and economic activities. Therefore, we present existing and future instruments for the implementation of TOD in the Lille Metropolitan Area. New planning tools, such as âDIVATâ and âContrat dâaxeâ, are designed in the intent of defining intersectoral policies of transport and urbanism. These tools are currently being introduced and put into practice in Lille Metropolis
Using contact potential measurements to analyse future intercity links made possible by the ToursâBordeaux High-Speed Rail line
New high-speed rail transport infrastructures produce profound time-space changes that make new activities possible. Our aim is to measure the impact of such changes on potential business or leisure travel between cities.We develop a contact potential indicator (Törnqvist, 1970) that measures the possibility of making a trip to a distant location within the desirable time-space prism. The indicator is developed in the context of the high-speed rail line between Tours and Bordeaux.The results demonstrate the possibility of contact from a series of key cities affected by new high-speed rail infrastructure, both before and after project completion. Our analysis shows that Bordeaux benefits greatly from the extension of the rail line: the preferred method of contact to Paris will switch to rail from the current air preference, and several cities that cannot be reached in the current pre-project conditions will become âcontactableâ. Other cities that benefit are AngoulĂȘme, Tours and Poitiers.Les nouvelles infrastructures de transport ferroviaire provoquent de profondes transformations de lâespace-temps qui rendent de nouvelles activitĂ©s possibles. Notre but est de mesurer les impacts de telles transformations sur le potentiel de dĂ©placement pour motif affaires ou tourisme entre villes.Nous dĂ©veloppons lâindicateur du potentiel de contact (Törnqvist, 1970) qui mesure la possibilitĂ© dâeffectuer un dĂ©placement vers un lieu distant dans les contraintes du prisme dâespace-temps de la time geography. Lâindicateur est mis en Ćuvre dans le contexte de lâouverture de la ligne ferroviaire Ă grande vitesse entre Tours et Bordeaux.Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent la possibilitĂ© de contact entre un ensemble de villes clĂ©s affectĂ©es par la nouvelle infrastructure de transport rapide, avant et aprĂšs son ouverture. Notre analyse montre que Bordeaux bĂ©nĂ©ficie grandement de lâextension de la ligne : le mode le plus favorable pour rĂ©aliser le potentiel de contact avec Paris bascule de lâaĂ©rien au ferroviaire, et plusieurs villes qui ne pouvaient pas ĂȘtre rejointes dans les conditions prĂ©cĂ©dant la rĂ©alisation du projet ferroviaire, deviennent « contactables ». Les autres villes bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires sont AngoulĂȘme, Tours et Poitiers
Nosemosis of honeybees: chronicle of a disappearance in France
La nosĂ©mose Ă
Nosema apis
est une maladie de lâAbeille mellifĂšre classĂ©e danger sanitaire de catĂ©gorie
1. Les données épidémiocliniques récentes indiquent une baisse marquée de son incidence au point
que dâendĂ©mique la maladie pourrait aujourdâhui ĂȘtre requalifiĂ©e de sporadique. ParallĂšlement, de
nouvelles techniques analytiques ont permis de montrer que lâagent causal cohabitait depuis peu
avec une nouvelle espĂšce dâorigine asiatique,
Nosema ceranae
. Ces deux espÚces aux caractéristiques
morphologiques et biologiques proches occupent une mĂȘme niche Ă©cologique : les entĂ©rocytes du
ventricule des abeilles adultes. LâespĂšce Ă©mergente
Nosema ceranae
, dont lâinfection est plutĂŽt
asymptomatique, est aujourdâhui prĂ©dominante. La mondialisation des Ă©changes dâabeilles, les bou-
leversements environnementaux peuvent ĂȘtre des facteurs essentiels Ă lâimplantation de nouveaux
parasites. La disparition progressive de la nosémose en France est un exemple de la complexité des
relations hĂŽtes-parasites ainsi que de notre incapacitĂ© Ă prĂ©voir lâĂ©mergence dâorganismes exotiques.Type-A nosemosis, caused by Nosema apis, is a disease of the Honeybee classified as a notifiable disease
in France. Recent epidemioclinic data indicate a marked decrease in its incidence to the point that
this endemic disease could now be requalified as sporadic. At the same time, new analytical tech-
niques have shown that the causal agent has recently cohabited with a new species of Asian origin,
Nosema ceranae. These two species, with close morphological and biological characteristics, cohabit
the same ecological niche: the enterocytes of the ventricle of adult bees. The emerging Nosema cer-
anae, whose infection is rather asymptomatic, is now becoming predominant. Globalization of bee
trade, environmental changes, can be critical factors to the introduction of new pests. The progressive
disappearance of nosemosis in France is an example of the complexity of host-parasite relationships
as well as our inability to predict the emergence of exotic organisms
Micro-Mechanical Analysis of Corrosion Products Formed During Long-Term Carbonation Induced Corrosion of Steel
During corrosion distinct types of corrosion products form, composed of different ratios of ferrous ions and oxide, hydroxides. Corrosion products have different physical and mechanical properties, mainly density, resistivity, volume and modulus of elasticity compared to iron. Knowing properties of corrosion products is indispensable for service life modelling of structures and can give valuable insight into the long-term corrosion propagation process. In this study micro-indentation method was used to evaluate mechanical properties of different layers formed during long-term carbonation induced corrosion of steel in concrete. Investigation was performed on three sets of reinforced concrete samples, that underwent corrosion during 50, 60 and 70 years. Raman microspectroscopy was performed locally to determine and locate the constitutive phases of the corrosion system and to correlate them to the results of micro-indentation. Using grid technique, spatial distribution of phases with different mechanical properties was obtained for samples of different age. Comparison of values of mechanical properties for the same phases obtained on different samples, allowed hypothesis on their long-term behaviour
MISTeR : MaĂźtriser lâInformation Scientifique et Technique en Recherche : une offre de formation originale pour les doctorants de lâInstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique (Inra)
Depuis quelques annĂ©es, les professionnels de lâinformation scientifique et technique (IST) font deux constats majeurs : dâune part, les chercheurs accĂšdent dĂ©sormais Ă lâIST directement via le Web et de façon totalement autonome, dâautre part, la recherche, la gestion et la communication de lâIST restent le « parent pauvre » de la formation universitaire française des futurs chercheurs, y compris au sein des Ă©coles doctorales. Ă lâInra, comme dans tous les autres organismes de recherche en F..
Dysplasie de la hanche et moniales cisterciennes : lâexemple de lâAbbaye de Saint Pierre de lâAlmanarre (XIIIe-XIVe, HyĂšres, Var, France)
Les ruines de lâancienne Abbaye de Saint Pierre de lâAlmanarre font partie du site archĂ©ologique dâOlbia, forteresse grecque situĂ©e sur la commune dâHyĂšres. Si ce secteur fait lâobjet dâintenses investigations archĂ©ologiques depuis les annĂ©es 1950, le cimetiĂšre attenant Ă lâabbaye a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ© principalement durant les annĂ©es 1990. Il a livrĂ© 495 tombes Ă la fois de laĂŻcs et de religieuses, regroupĂ©es dans un secteur dĂ©crit alors comme spĂ©cifiquement dĂ©diĂ© aux moniales cisterciennes de cette..
Impact of the Erika oil spill on sea birds: review of post-Erika studies
Le Drean-QuenecâHdu Sophie, L'Hostis Monique. Impact de la marĂ©e noire de lâErika sur les oiseaux marins : bilan des diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes post-Erika. In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 158 n°3, 2005. pp. 313-317
Probabilistic and predictive performance-based approach for assessing reinforced concrete structures lifetime: The applet project
International audienceConcrete deterioration results in different damage extents, from cracking to concrete spalling, from losses of reinforcement cross-sections to bond losses. A relevant prediction of this performance is the basis for a successful management of the concrete structures. Conversely, the large amount of uncertainties related to parameters and models require a specific analysis in order to provide relevant results. The APPLET project intends to develop a probabilistic and predictive performance-based approach by quantifying the various sources of variability (material and structure), studying the interaction between environmental aggressive agents and the concrete material, ensuring a transfer of the physical-chemical models at the material scale towards models at the structure level, including and understanding in a better manner the corrosion process, integrating interface models between reinforcement and concrete, proposing relevant numerical models, integrating know-how from monitoring or inspection. To provide answers, a consortium of 19 partners has been established and has promoted a research project funded by the French Research Science Agency (ANR). Started in May 2007, the project has ended in November 2010. This paper will resume the most significant advances targeted by this research project
Babesia sp. EU1 from Roe Deer and Transmission within Ixodes ricinus
We report in vitro culture of zoonotic Babesia sp. EU1 from blood samples of roe deer in France. This study provides evidence of transovarial and transstadial transmission of the parasite within Ixodes ricinus, which suggests that this tick could be a vector and reservoir of EU1
Nitrate reducing bacterial activity in concrete cells of nuclear waste disposal
Leaching experiments of solid matrices (bitumen and cement pastes) have been first implemented to define the physicochemical conditions that microorganisms are likely to meet at the bitumen-concrete interface (see the paper of Bertron et al.). Of course, as might be suspected, the cement matrix imposes highly alkaline pH conditions (10 < pH < 11). The screening of a range of anaerobic denitrifying bacterial strains led us to select Halomonas desiderata as a model bacterium capable of catalyzing the reaction of nitrate reduction in these extreme conditions of pH. The denitrifying activity of Halomonas desiderata was quantified in batch bioreactor in the presence of solid matrices and / or leachate from bitumen and cement matrices. Denitrification was relatively fast in the presence of cement matrix (< 100 hours) and 2 to 3 times slower in the presence of bituminous matrix. Overall, the presence of solid cement promoted the kinetics of denitrification. The observation of solid surfaces at the end of the experiment revealed the presence of a biofilm of Halomonas desiderata on the cement paste surface. These attached bacteria showed a denitrifying activity comparable to planktonic bacterial culture. On the other side, no colonization of bitumen could be highlighted as either by SEM or epifluorescence microscopy. Now, we are currently developing a continuous experimental bioreactor which should allow us a more rational understanding of the bitumen-cement-microbe interactions
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