103 research outputs found
Vilmos Piers’ lichen collection in the Savaria Museum, Szombathely
Establishing and maintaining a considerable plant herbarium Vilmos Piers (1838–
1920) a famous teacher of natural history in the historical military secondary
school in Kőszeg became one of the most productive plant collectors of Vas
County. His famous herbarium the so-called “Piers-herbarium” deposited in the
Savaria Museum (SAMU; Szombathely, Vas County, Hungary) contains a smaller
lichen collection as well. His lichen collection consists of 717 specimens, 427 of
them are kept in paper bags, a further 290 specimens are mounted on cardboards
prepared for educational purposes. Evaluable locality data are provided for 362
specimens of those in paper bags. 155 of them represent the lichen flora of the
region of Kőszeg town at that time, including also some specimens from nearby
areas belonging to Austria today. Most of the specimens collected outside the
Carpathian Basin are originated from exsiccates. As a result of our revision a total
of 210 lichen taxa from 103 genera, furthermore six taxa of microfungi and one
liverwort taxon were identified or confirmed. 170 specimens were collected by
Piers himself, others were gathered by 24 collectors altogether from 14 countries.
Identifications were carried out by the collectors, as well as by Viktor Cypers von
Landrecy and Dr Albert Latzel. Specimens indicated by collecting dates were
collected between 1875 and 1910, collections by Piers himself date back between
18 July 1889 and 6 November 1909. The lichen collection of Piers represents the
most important lichenological data source of the Kőszeg Mts and adjacent areas,
several lichen species are known from this region exclusively from Piers’
collections (e.g., Anaptychia ciliaris, Cladonia cervicornis, Cladonia cornuta,
Enchylium polycarpon, Lathagrium auriforme, Nephroma parile, Peltigera
leucophlebia, Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla). A great part of the collection was
revised by László Gallé more than 40 years ago, but a detailed enumeration has
never been published by him. The most complete catalogue of the lichen collection
based on revised specimens was published by us recently in Savaria Bulletin of
Museums of County Vas 38 in 2016, Szombathely.
Chemical analyses necessary for species identifications were financed by the grant
OTKA K 81232
Adatok a Mecsek hegység zuzmóflórájához = Contributions to the lichen flora of the Mecsek Mts (South Hungary)
A Pécsi Tudományegyetem (JPU) zuzmógyűjteményében lévő részben korábbi, részben saját gyűjtések alapján 115 zuzmótaxon 221, eddig nem publikált mecseki adatát közöljük, beleértve 37 JPU duplumot is. A feldolgozás eredményeként 22 új fajt mutattunk ki a hegység területéről: Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa, Baeomyces rufus, Candelariella reflexa, Catapyrenium rufescens, Cladonia macilenta, Dimerella pineti, Hypogymnia tubulosa, Ochrolechia arborea, Pleurosticta acetabulum, Pseudevernia furfuracea, Psilolechia lucida, Pycnothelia papillaria, Rinodina sophodes, Tomasellia arthonioides, Toninia candida, Trapelia involuta, Varicellaria hemisphaerica, Verrucaria marmorea, V. nigrescens, V. parmigera, Xanthoparmelia conspersa, X. verruculifera. A törvényesen védett Peltigera leucophlebia két adattal szerepel a listában.</jats:p
Studies in the lichens of the Tarna-vidék, NE-Hungary I. The lichen flora of Nagy-kő hill, near Bükkszenterzsébet
As a result of a short field trip at Nagy-kő hill, near the village Bükkszenterzsébet, taken i n 1984, a total of 50 lichen species are reported. Some notes on the subtrates on which they occured are also given. Toninia diffracta (MÁSSAL.) ZAHLBR. is new to Hungary
Szöveg és kép album amicorumokban: médiumok korrespondenciája magyarországi germanicumokban a 17-18. században = Text and Picture in the ""Album Amicorum"" : Corresponding Media in Hungarian 'Germanica' of the 17th and 18th Centuries
A projekt keretében az OSzK Kézirattárában őrzött 17-18. századi emlékkönyvek német vonatkozású bejegyzéseit vizsgáltuk. Összesen 55 kéziratot vontuk be a vizsgálatba. A bejegyzések közül azokat dolgoztuk fel, amelyek vagy egy híres német költő autográf bejegyzései (pl. Martin Opitz, Philipp von Zesen, August Buchner, Johann Martin Miller) vagy a bejegyzés szövege egy híres német költő művéből vett idézet. Ezen idézetek 95 százalékát sikerült azonosítani, ezek a szövegek mind ismert művekből származnak, nem találtunk tehát eddig ismeretlen verseket. Szám szerint a 18. századi bejegyzések vannak túlsúlyban (közel 60), az idézetek szerzői között a 18. századi német irodalom szinte minden fontos költőjét megtaláljuk (pl. Gottsched, Hagedorn, Gellert, Haller, Wieland), érdekes azonban, hogy Goethe-idézetet egyáltalán nem találtunk, Schiller-citátumot pedig csak egyet. Ami az idézetek műfaját illeti, a bejegyzők körében a legnépszerűbbek a versek, fabulák és verses elbeszélések voltak, hosszabb epikus művekből ritkábban idéztek. Néhány 18. századi emlékkönyvben találunk barokk költőktől (pl. Fleming, Opitz, Logau) vett idézeteket is, ez is azt bizonyítja, hogy a felvilágosodás korában nem a teljes barokk költészet talált elutasításra. | Within the framework of the project we are investigating the autograph notations of German relevance of 17th-18th -century albums amicorum in the holdings of the Manuscript Collection of National Széchényi Library. Altogether 55 manuscripts volumes were included in our researches. Of the notations we have dealt with the autographs of prominent German poets (e.g. Martin Opitz, Philipp von Zesen, August Buchner, Johann Martin Miller) and with citations taken from famous German poets. Of these citations we could identify 95 per cent, all these texts deriving from well-known works , i.e. so far we have not found unknown poems. As to the amount of records, their majority is from the 18th century (nearly 60), and almost all significant poets of contemporary German literature are represented among the authors cited (e.g. Gottsched, Hagedorn, Gellert, Haller, Wieland). It should be noted as remarkable, that so far no Goethe-citation was found by us, and Schiller was cited only in one case. As to the genre of the works cited, verses, fables and verse novels were the most popular among the authors of records , while citations from longer epic works occur seldom. In some of the 18th century albums amicorum we can find citations from Baroque poets (like Fleming, Opitz, Logau), proving that the age of enlightment did not mean the complete refusal of the whole Baroque literature
Zuzmók biodiverzitás-vizsgálata a szentbékkállai „Fekete-hegy” mintaterületen | (Biodiversity of lichen-forming fungi on Fekete Hill) : (Szentbékkálla, Hungary)
Biodiversity of lichen-forming fungi was studied in July 2009 in the framework of the 5th
Hungarian Biodiversity Days. Lichens from bark of deciduous and coniferous trees, acidic rocks and soil were
sampled in the investigation area of 2 km2. Altogether 105 species were found. Comparing this number to the
total number of species of all investigated organisms (2,200), lichens represent 4.7% of the biodiversity of the
study site. In spite of the low number of protected lichen species in Hungary (8, most of them terricolous), 3
legally protected lichen species occur here (Cladonia arbuscula, C. mitis, C. rangiferina). Lecanora bolcana is
new to Hungary, and rare species, like Evernia divaricata, Leptogium tenuissimum, and Rimularia insularis were
also found
Using statistical methods for analysing regional differences of labour market
The objective of present descriptive, exploring analysis, was to demonstrate and illustrate regional (NUTS II) and county (NUTS III) level differences based on three dominant labour market indicators. Accordingly, we pursued a statistical analysis on the 2004 and 2008 labour market indicators (basic data) of the 7 statistical regions, and the 19 counties of Hungary. These indicators are: unemployment rate, employment rate, rate of economically active population. The comparison is made based on two years descriptive statistical data using various types of methods with taking into consideration the changes of the three main indicators of the labour market. By means of special scatter plots, we characterised and illustrated the relative changes of the regions by correlating them with each other, namely the more and more strong separation of the main groups, so as the increase of their homogeneity within groups
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