46 research outputs found

    Klinische Wertigkeit der Multidetektor-Computertomographie bei klinisch obskuren Infektfoki

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    Unklare Infektkonstellationen sind ein im klinischen Alltag hĂ€ufig auftretendes Problem. Dies gilt vor allem fĂŒr grĂ¶ĂŸere KrankenhĂ€user mit großen chirurgischen Abteilungen, Intensivstationen und einem erhöhten Aufkommen an immunsupprimierten Patienten. Die klinischen PrĂ€sentationsformen und zugrunde liegenden Erkrankungen variieren dabei stark. Eine schnelle und effektive Diagnostik ist bei unklaren Infektkonstellationen sehr wichtig, da die zugrunde liegenden Erkrankungen mit einer hohen MortalitĂ€t einhergehen können. Hierbei spielen die bildgebenden Verfahren, neben der klinischen Untersuchung und Labordiagnostik, eine tragende Rolle. Bei den zur Suche eines unklaren Infektfokus verwendeten bildgebenden Verfahren ist die MDCT heutzutage eine wichtige und hĂ€ufig verwendete UntersuchungsmodalitĂ€t. Die Datenlage bezĂŒglich der klinischen Wertigkeit der MDCT zur Diagnostik unklarer Infektfoki ist bisher nicht ausreichend. Ziel dieser Studie war es zu evaluieren, wie hĂ€ufig eine MDCT, welche zur Suche eines unklaren Infektfokus durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, zu einer Diagnose fĂŒhrte und wie hĂ€ufig diese Diagnose einen direkten Einfluss auf die Therapie der Patienten hatte. ZusĂ€tzlich sollte durch eine Subgruppenanalyse herausgefunden werden, ob bestimmte Subgruppen von Patienten besonders hĂ€ufig vom Ergebnis der MDCT zur Fokussuche im Sinne einer Therapieanpassung profitieren. Hierzu wurden alle MDCT-Untersuchungen, welche im Kalenderjahr 2010 zur Suche eines unklaren Infektfokus in einem UniversitĂ€tskrankenhaus der höchsten Versorgungsstufe durchgefĂŒhrt wurden, per Volltext-Datenbank-Abfrage identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse der MDCT und ihr Einfluss auf die Therapie der Patienten sowie Informationen zum Patientenkollektiv wurden den Röntgenbefunden sowie den Arztbriefen der Patienten entnommen. Auf diese Art wurden die Daten von n= 525 Patienten erfasst und ausgewertet. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass bei insgesamt 26,3 % der untersuchten Patienten eine Verdachtsdiagnose bestĂ€tigt werden konnte und bei 33,3 % der Patienten eine neue Diagnose gefunden wurde. Die Ergebnisse der MDCT hatten bei 32 % der Patienten einen unmittelbaren Einfluss auf die weitere Therapie. Diese Daten decken sich weitestgehend mit anderen Studien zur Wertigkeit der MDCT zur Diagnostik von unklaren Infektfoki, welche allerdings zumeist stĂ€rker vorselektierte Patientenkollektive beobachteten. In der Subgruppenanalyse zeigte sich, dass eine MDCT signifikant hĂ€ufiger direkten Einfluss auf die Therapie der Patienten hatte (p=0,016), wenn der Patient in einer chirurgischen Abteilung behandelt wurde (38 %)und nicht in einer Abteilung der Inneren Medizin (28 %). Besonders groß war der Unterschied zwischen chirurgischen Intensivstationen (39 %) und internistischen Intensivstationen (25 %) (p=0,035). Bei kĂŒrzlich voroperierten Patienten fĂŒhrte die MDCT hĂ€ufiger zu einer Therapieanpassung (36 %) als bei nicht voroperierten Patienten (31 %), allerdings ließ sich hier keine statistische Signifikanz nachweisen. Außerdem fĂŒhrte eine MDCT Abdomen/Becken signifikant hĂ€ufiger (p=0,013) zu einer Anpassung der Therapie der Patienten (42 %) als eine MDCT des Thorax (31 %) oder eine kombinierte MDCT des Thorax und Abdomen/Becken (29 %). FĂŒr immunsupprimierte Patienten ließ sich ebenfalls nachweisen, dass die MDCT hĂ€ufiger zu einer Therapieumstellung fĂŒhrte (39 %) als bei nicht immunsuprimierten Patienten (31 %), auch wenn sich hier nur eine Tendenz zur statistischen Signifikanz zeigte (p=0,089). Die Ergebnisse der Studie legen nahe, dass die MDCT eine gut geeignete und klinisch wertvolle bildgebende ModalitĂ€t bei der multimodalen Diagnostik von unklaren Infektfoki ist. Dies scheint insbesondere fĂŒr Patienten zu gelten, bei denen der Infektfokus im Abdomen und Becken vermutet wird, sowie fĂŒr Patienten, die immunsupprimiert sind oder sich in den letzten 14 Tagen vor Indikationsstellung zur MDCT einer Operation unterzogen haben

    Facilitating aging in place: A qualitative study of practical problems preventing people with dementia from living at home

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    Although the majority of people with dementia wish to age in place, they are particularly susceptible to nursing home admission. Nurses can play an important role in detecting practical problems people with dementia and their informal caregivers are facing and in advising them on various ways to manage these problems at home. Six focus group interviews (n = 43) with formal and informal caregivers and experts in the field of assistive technology were conducted to gain insight into the most important practical problems preventing people with dementia from living at home. Problems within three domains were consistently described as most important: informal caregiver/social network-related problems (e.g. high load of care responsibility), safety-related problems (e.g. fall risk, wandering), and decreased self-reliance (e.g. problems regarding self-care, lack of day structure). To facilitate aging in place and/or to delay institutionalization, nurses in community-based dementia care should focus on assessing problems within those three domains and offer potential solutions

    Early Detection of Local Tumor Progression after Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Gd-EOB-DTPA-Based MR Imaging at 3T

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    Simple Summary Liver tumors like hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) can be treated minimally invasive, e.g., by Irreversible Electroporation (IRE), which destroys the cancer. As it is possible that the tumor re-grows due to single tumor cells inadvertently not covered by the treatment, follow-up imaging of the liver is important for early detection of local tumor progression. As ablation leaves scarred tissue, recurrent tumor after IRE can appear vastly different than before treatment and thus can be hard to detect on MRI via classical imaging features. We here examined cases of local tumor progression after IRE of HCC and found distinct MR-imaging features helpful for the identification of re-grown viable tumor, namely T2 BLADE and diffusion weighted images (DWI) at the ablation zone border and T1 portal-venous and delayed phase post-contrast images in the center of the ablation zone. This knowledge will help in early detection and re-treatment of HCC for a prolonged survival. Abstract This single-center retrospective study was conducted to improve the early detection of local tumor progression (LTP) after irreversible electroporation (IRE) of a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-based 3T MR imaging and to identify helpful signal characteristics by comparing 23 patients with and 60 patients without LTP. To identify the differences in the sensitivity of MRI sequences, the specificity, positive prediction value, negative prediction value (NPV) and diagnostic odds ratio were calculated. A chi-squared test, two-tailed student’s t-test and binary logistic regression model were used to detect distinct patient characteristics and variables for the prediction of LTP. LTP was mostly detected in the peripheral ablation zone (82.6%) within the first six months (87.0%). The central LTP ablation area presented more hypointensities in T1 p.v. (sensitivity: 95.0%; NPV: 90.0%) and in T1 d.p. (sensitivity: 100.0%; NPV: 100.0) while its peripheral part showed more hyperintensities in T2 BLADE (sensitivity: 95.5%; NPV: 80.0%) and in diffusion sequences (sensitivity: 90.0%). Liver cirrhosis seems to be an unfavorable prognosticator for LTP (p = 0.039). In conclusion, LTP mostly occurs in the peripheral ablation zone within six months after IRE. Despite often exhibiting atypical Gd-EOB-DTPA MR signal characteristics, T2 BLADE and diffusion sequences were helpful for their detection in the peripheral zone while T1 p.v. and T1 d.p. had the highest sensitivity in the central zone

    Different Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography Techniques as Novel Imaging-Based Approaches for Quantitative Evaluation of Hepatic Steatosis—Preliminary Findings

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    Background: Modern ultrasound (US) shear-wave dispersion (SWD) and attenuation imaging (ATI) can be used to quantify changes in the viscosity and signal attenuation of the liver parenchyma, which are altered in hepatic steatosis. We aimed to evaluate modern shear-wave elastography (SWE), SWD and ATI for the assessment of hepatic steatosis. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the US data of 15 patients who underwent liver USs and MRIs for the evaluation of parenchymal disease/liver lesions. The USs were performed using a multifrequency convex probe (1–8 MHz). The quantitative US measurements for the SWE (m/s/kPa), the SWD (kPa-m/s/kHz) and the ATI (dB/cm/MHz) were acquired after the mean value of five regions of interest (ROIs) was calculated. The liver MRI (3T) quantification of hepatic steatosis was performed by acquiring proton density fat fraction (PDFF) mapping sequences and placing five ROIs in artifact-free areas of the PDFF scan, measuring the fat-signal fraction. We correlated the SWE, SWD and ATI measurements to the PDFF results. Results: Three patients showed mild steatosis, one showed moderate steatosis and eleven showed no steatosis in the PDFF sequences. The calculated SWE cut-off (2.5 m/s, 20.4 kPa) value identified 3/4 of patients correctly (AUC = 0.73, p > 0.05). The SWD cut-off of 18.5 m/s/kHz, which had a significant correlation (r = 0.55, p = 0.034) with the PDFF results (AUC = 0.73), identified four patients correctly (p < 0.001). The ideal ATI (AUC = 0.53 (p < 0.05)) cut-off was 0.59 dB/cm/MHz, which showed a significantly good correlation with the PDFF results (p = 0.024). Conclusion: Hepatic steatosis can be accurately detected using all the US-elastography techniques applied in this study, although the SWD and the SWE showed to be more sensitive than the PDFF

    Similar complication rates for irreversible electroporation and thermal ablation in patients with hepatocellular tumors

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    Background. To compare the frequency of adverse events of thermal microwave (MWA) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with non-thermal irreversible electroporation (IRE) in percutaneous ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Patients and methods. We retrospectively analyzed 117 MWA/RFA and 47 IRE procedures (one tumor treated per procedure; 144 men and 20 women; median age, 66 years) regarding adverse events, duration of hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) stays and occurrence of a post-ablation syndrome. Complications were classified according to the Clavien & Dindo classification system. Results. 70.1% of the RFA/MWA and 63.8% of the IRE procedures were performed without complications. Grade I and II complications (any deviation from the normal postinterventional course, e.g., analgesics) occurred in 26.5% (31/117) of MWA/RFA and 34.0% (16/47) of IRE procedures. Grade III and IV (major) complications occurred in 2.6% (3/117) of MWA/RFA and 2.1% (1/47) of IRE procedures. There was no significant difference in the frequency of complications (p = 0.864), duration of hospital and ICU stay and the occurrence of a post-ablation syndrome between the two groups. Conclusions. Our results suggest that thermal (MWA and RFA) and non-thermal IRE ablation of malignant liver tumors have comparable complication rates despite the higher number of punctures and the lack of track cauterization in IRE

    Older People’s Needs and Opportunities for Assistive Technologies

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    Older adults experience a disconnect between their needs and adoption of technologies that have potential to assist and to support more independent living. This paper reviewed research that links people’s needs with opportunities for assistive technologies. It searched 13 databases identifying 923 papers with 34 papers finally included for detailed analysis. The research papers identified needs in the fields of health, leisure, living, safety, communication, family relationship and social involvement. Amongst these, support for activities of daily living category was of most interest. In specific sub-categories, the next most reported need was assistive technology to support walking and mobility followed by smart cooking/kitchen technology and assistive technology for social contacts with family member/other people. The research aimed to inform a program of research into improving the adoption of technologies where they can ameliorate identified needs of older people