21 research outputs found

    Kannibalismus beim Elbstint (Osmerus eperlanus)

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    Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens "FischbestĂ€nde und Fischkrankheiten in der Unterelbe" wurde in der Zeit von MĂ€rz bis August 1985 die vorliegende Untersuchung "Kannibalismus beim Elbstint (O. eperlanus)" durchgefĂŒhrt. Anhand von Nahrungsuntersuchungen an 2582 Stinten der 1+ Gruppe konnte der Kannibalisus bei 2,6% der Elbstinte nachgewiesen werden. Der Anteil der Stinte, die andere NĂ€hrtiere (Copepoden 26,6%, Mysidaceen 29,3%, Gammariden 27,4%, C.crangon 12% und Fisch/ohne Stint 7,2%) fraßen lag wesentlich höher. Von MĂ€rz bis August 1985 nahm die Rate des Kannibalismus von 0,9% auf 11,4% zu. Insgesamt war er fĂŒr diesen Zeitraum im Ästuarbereich der Elbe am höchsten. Bereits Stinte mit einer LĂ€nge von 11-16cm ernĂ€hrten sich zu 1,8% kannibalisch - Stinte ĂŒber 17cm LĂ€nge mit 10,4%. Die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der gefressenen Jungstinte lag bei 30 - 100 mm. Von diesen wurden im Zeitraum MĂ€rz - August 1985 4% gefressen. Maximal hĂ€tten es 38% sein können, wenn sich alle adulten Stinte kannibalisch ernĂ€hrten. Eine evtl. VerĂ€nderung des K-Faktors in AbhĂ€ngigkeit zur kannibalischen ErnĂ€hrungsweise der Elbstinte konnte nicht gefunden werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte eine lĂ€ngenabhĂ€ngige NĂ€hrtierprĂ€ferenz mit zunehmender StintgrĂ¶ĂŸe in der folgenden Stufung gefunden weerden: Copepoden, Mysidaceen, Gammariden, C. crangon, Fisch und Stint

    Die Tarsalzungenplastik zur Behandlung komplexer Unterlidfehlstellungen

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    NachstarprÀvention bei kindlicher Katarakt: Vordere Vitrektomie versus Optic Capture

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    Analysis and visualization of space-time Variant parameters in endurance sports training

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    We develop methods for data acquisition, analysis, and visualization of performance parameters in endurance sports with emphasis on competitive cycling. The goal of our work is to provide methods to improve the performance of athletes in training and in competition. Measurements from a palette of devices, including common bike computers, GPS-recorders, power meters, and spiroergometric devices are combined requiring data fusion and synchronization. In addition, we consider integration of maps with elevation information and areal photographs together with recorded video footage of training courses. We also apply biofeedback methods that require complex data processing. Appropriate ways to jointly present such diverse data need to be developed for their analysis and visualization. A particular challenge is the information visualization of complex multi-dimensional signals of traveling sensors. For the simultaneous visualization of large information quantities we use the Powerwall at the University of Konstanz, i.e., a large high resolution display (dimensions 5.20 m x 2.15 m, pixel resolution 4640 x 1920) which offers the display of high resolution terrain data and maps together with static and dynamic parameter sequences from measured training rides or a running biofeedback simulation. The following topics are addressed among others: (1)adaptation of training course profile for laboratory biofeedback simulation, (2) learning of tactic approaches for a given training course profile, (3) evaluation of efficiency of different feedback parameters. The paper surveys some of the initial approaches, in cooperation with the Heart Institute Lahr/Baden, Germany

    TalgdrĂŒsenkarzinom bei einem 64-jĂ€hrigen Mann

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    Eating disorder risks and awareness among female elite cyclists : an anonymous survey

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    BackgroundEating disorders (EDs) are an increasingly recognized concern in professional sports. Previous studies suggests that both female gender and endurance sports put athletes at risk. Female elite cyclists are hence of specific interest. The present study aimed at evaluating the distribution of the individual risk of ED in this group. Further the association between individual risk and both the awareness for the topic ED and the deviation from “normal” weight was depicted.MethodsFemale cyclists registered with the Union Cycliste Internationale were contacted via email or facebook and asked to complete a survey comprising age, weight, the Eating-Attitude-Test (EAT-26), and questions regarding ED awareness. The observed distribution of the EAT-26 score was compared to results from previous studies in normal subjects and athletes. The distribution of the ED awareness was described and ED awareness was correlated with the EAT-26 score. Both the deviation from ideal weight and the body mass index (BMI) were correlated with the EAT-26 score.ResultsOf the 409 registered athletes 386 could be contacted, 122 completed the questionnaire. Age ranged from 20-44yrs, BMI from 17.0 to 24.6 kg/m2. In the EAT-26, 39 cyclists (32.0%) scored above 20 points indicating a potential benefit from clinical evaluation, 34 cyclists (27.9%) scored 10–19 points suggesting disordered eating. Sixteen athletes (13.2%) had been treated for an ED. About 70% of athletes had been pressured to lose weight. The mean EAT-26 score was above the average observed in normal female populations. It was also above the average observed in many female athlete populations, but lower than in other leanness focussed sports. More than 80%of athletes perceived elite cyclists at risk for developing ED. Increased ED awareness and deviation from the ideal weight were associated with higher EAT-26 scores, but not the body mass index.ConclusionFemale cyclists are at risk of developing ED and they are aware of this risk. To improve their health and well-being, increased efforts to support elite cyclists and their teams in preventive activities and early detection are crucial.publishe

    Unilateral exophthalmus associated with severe fibrous dysplasia (Jaffé-Liechtenstein)

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