33 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Viperidae Venoms Antibacterial Profile: a Short Communication for Proteomics

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    Bacterial infections involving multidrug-resistant strains are one of the ten leading causes of death and an important health problem in need for new antibacterial sources and agents. Herein, we tested and compared four snake venoms (Agkistrodon rhodostoma, Bothrops jararaca, B. atrox and Lachesis muta) against 10 Gram-positive and Gram-negative drug-resistant clinical bacteria strains to identify them as new sources of potential antibacterial molecules. Our data revealed that, as efficient as some antibiotics currently on the market (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 1–32 μg mL−1), A. rhodostoma and B. atrox venoms were active against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Enterococcus faecalis (MIC = 4.5 μg mL−1), while B. jararaca inhibited S. aureus growth (MIC = 13 μg ml−1). As genomic and proteomic technologies are improving and developing rapidly, our results suggested that A. rhodostoma, B. atrox and B. jararaca venoms and glands are feasible sources for searching antimicrobial prototypes for future design new antibiotics against drug-resistant clinical bacteria. They also point to an additional perspective to fully identify the pharmacological potential of these venoms by using different techniques

    Efeito do tanino do sorgo em dietas de ovinos com alto concentrado

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o valor nutricional de três cultivares de sorgo com diferentes concentrações de tanino condensado em dietas de ovinos. Seis carneiros machos, adultos, castrados, canulados no rúmen e duodeno foram divididos em três grupos experimentais, em um delineamento em quadrado latino 3x3. Os tratamentos foram representados por três dietas experimentais contendo diferentes cultivares de grão de sorgo: LTC (cultivar com baixa concentração de tanino), MTC (cultivar com concentração média de tanino) e HTC (cultivar com concentração alta de tanino). As concentrações de nitrogênio de origem microbiana no duodeno (MN) foram mensuradas pela técnica de marcador isótopo estável 15N. As dietas LTC, MTC e HTC apresentaram valores de 788, 722 e 747g.kg-1 (EP=20,6) para a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e 633, 535 e 530g.kg-1 (EP=35,8) para a digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta. A dieta LTC apresentou diferença significativa quando comparada às demais dietas para as avaliações de digestibilidade (P0,05). As diferentes concentrações de taninos condensados nos cultivares de sorgo resultaram em melhorias na digestibilidade e retenção de nitrogênio das dietas, entretanto o fluxo de proteína microbiana não foi inibido.The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional value of three sorghum cultivars with different concentrations of condensed tannins in sheep diets. Six adult sheep (LW=56kg) with rumen and duodenal fistulas were assigned to experimental groups using two 3x3 Latin Square designs. The diets were formulated using three sorghum cultivars: LTC (low-tannin cultivar), MTC (medium-tannin cultivar) and HTC (high-tannin cultivar). Microbial nitrogen (MN) concentration in the duodenum was measured using a 15N trace technique. LTC, MTC and HTC diets presented values of 788, 722 and 747 (SE=20.6) g kg-1 for dry matter digestibility and 633, 535 and 530 (SE=35.8) g/kg for crude protein digestibility. The LTC diet was significantly different from the other diets (P0.05) between the diets. The presence of condensed tannins in the sorghum interfered with the sheep's nitrogen retention; however, the microbial protein supply to the duodenum of the animals was not inhibited

    Performance of straightbred and crossbred Tabapuã cattle on brachiaria pasture in Bahia state

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    Comparou-se o desempenho de bovinos de diferentes grupos genéticos quanto a algumas características produtivas da desmama até o abate. Os dados são referentes a 827 bovinos machos oriundos do cruzamento de vacas Tabapuã com touros Tabapuã (TAB), Red Angus (REDTAB), Santa Gertrudis (STATAB), e das fêmeas TabapuãxRed Angus com touros Santa Gertrudis (STAREDTAB) (nascidos entre 1999 e 2001 e criados em pastagens de braquiária, no Estado da Bahia). Foram analisados o peso à desmama ajustado aos 205 dias (PD205), o peso ao abate (PA), o ganho médio diário da desmama ao abate (GMD) e a idade ao abate (IA). O grupo contemporâneo (GC), o grupo genético (GG) e a interação entre GC e GG influenciaram as características avaliadas (P0,05); entretanto, apresentaram médias inferiores às do grupo REDTAB e TAB. Em condição de ambiente mais favorável, o REDTAB pode ser mais precoce, obtendo maior GMD e PA com menor IA, sendo superior ao Tabapuã e aos cruzados da segunda geração (F2). Os cruzados F2 não demonstraram vantagem em relação ao cruzado F1 e à raça pura.The aim of this study was to compare the different genetic groups performances from weaning to slaughter. The d ata are referred to 827 male calves of Tabapuã c ows crossed with Red Angus (REDTAB) and Santa Gertrudis sires and from Tabapuã x Red Angus cows crossed with Santa Gertrudis sires , born from 1999 to 2001 and raised in Brachiaria pastures, in Bahia state , Brazil. The w eaning weight was adjusted to 205 day s (WW205), slaughter weight (SW ), average daily gain from weaning to slaughter (ADG) and age slaughter (AG), were analyzed. The contemporary group (CG), genetic group (GG) and the interaction between CG and GG influenced the parameters (P0.05), however, ha d lower averages than REDTAB and TAB. In more favorable environment al conditions, REDTAB s hould get higher ADG and SW and lower AG , being superior than Tabapuã and to the second generation's crossbr ed (F2). The crossbr ed F2 show ed no advantage over F1crossbr ed and straightbred

    The study of vancomycin use and its adverse reactions associated to patients of a brazilian university hospital

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vancomycin is an antibiotic of growing importance in the treatment of hospital infections, with particular emphasis on its value in the fight against methicillin-resistant <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>. However its usage profile must be evaluated to assure maximum benefit and minimum risk.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>A cross-sectional retrospective study was carried out among inpatients that received vancomycin in a Brazilian quaternary hospital. The occurrence of adverse reactions reported was evaluated in medical records relating to patients taking vancomycin during a one year period. Males comprised 52% (95% CI: 41.7-60.2%) of the sample population, with a mean age of 50.6 (95% CI: 47.2-54.0) years and mean treatment period of 9.7 (95% CI: 8.0-11.5) Days. It was verified that nephrotoxicity occurred in 18.4% (95% CI: 11.3-27.5) of patients, Red man syndrome occurred in 2% (95% CI 0.2-7.2), while the occurrence of thrombocytopenia was 7.1% (95% CI: 2.9-14.2).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It may be noted that even after 50 years of use, adverse reactions associated with vancomycin continue with high frequency, presenting a public health problem, especially considering its current use in cases of multidrug resistant infections. In this context, we emphasize the importance of intensive pharmacovigilance in hospital as a surveillance tool after drug approval by the sanitary authority.</p

    Chemical stability study of vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid in parenteral nutrition for neonatal use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this work was to study the vitamins B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>6 </sub>and C stability in a pediatric formulation containing high amounts of calcium in the presence of organic phosphate, amino acids, glucose, sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, pediatric vitamins and trace elements under different conditions using developed and validated analytical methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was carried out during 72 h with formulations packaged in recommended storage temperature (4°C) and 25°C, with and without photoprotection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that the methodologies used for assessing the chemical stability of vitamins B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>6 </sub>and C in the formulation were selective, linear, precise and accurate. The vitamins could be considered stable in the formulation during the three days of study if stored at 4°C. When stored at 25°C vitamin C presented instability after 48 h.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The pediatric formulation containing high amount of calcium in the presence of organic phosphate, amino acids, glucose, sodium chloride, magnesium sulphate, pediatric vitamins and trace elements packaged in bag-type trilaminate presented a shelf life of the 72 h, when maintained under refrigeration, between 2°C and 8°C. This shelf life was measured considering the vitamins studied. Further studies are needed including all the vitamins present in this formulation.</p

    Influence of the calcium concentration in the presence of organic phosphorus on the physicochemical compatibility and stability of all-in-one admixtures for neonatal use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preterm infants need high amounts of calcium and phosphorus for bone mineralization, which is difficult to obtain with parenteral feeding due to the low solubility of these salts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical compatibility of high concentrations of calcium associated with organic phosphate and its influence on the stability of AIO admixtures for neonatal use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three TPN admixture formulas were prepared in multilayered bags. The calcium content of the admixtures was adjusted to 0, 46.5 or 93 mg/100 ml in the presence of a fixed organic phosphate concentration as well as lipids, amino acids, inorganic salts, glucose, vitamins and oligoelements at pH 5.5. Each admixture was stored at 4°C, 25°C or 37°C and evaluated over a period of 7 days. The physicochemical stability parameters evaluated were visual aspect, pH, sterility, osmolality, peroxide formation, precipitation, and the size of lipid globules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Color alterations occurred from the first day on, and reversible lipid film formation from the third day of study for the admixtures stored at 25°C and 37°C. According to the parameters evaluated, the admixtures were stable at 4°C; and none of them presented precipitated particles due to calcium/phosphate incompatibility or lipid globules larger than 5 μm, which is the main parameter currently used to evaluate lipid emulsion stability. The admixtures maintained low peroxide levels and osmolarity was appropriate for parenteral administration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The total calcium and calcium/phosphorus ratios studied appeared not to influence the physicochemical compatibility and stability of AIO admixtures.</p

    Preparação e avaliação reacional de nanocompósitos de PVP K-30 - montmorilonita (natural e organicamente modificada) por difração de raios X Preparation and reactional evaluation of formation of PVP K-30 - montmorillonite (natural and organophilic) by X ray diffraction

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    Em estudo anterior foi utilizado o conceito de nanocompósito para aplicações farmacêuticas, mais especificamente na liberação controlada de fármacos. Um nanocompósito polímero (PVP K-30) - silicato lamelar (argila organofílica, OMMT) foi preparado por solução, em diclorometano, e a sua avaliação como excipiente farmacêutico foi realizada com sucesso. Neste trabalho, um estudo do tempo reacional foi realizado (12, 48 e 72 horas), tendo sido observado, através de difração de raios X (DRX), um valor de espaçamento interlamelar máximo em 12 horas. Este resultado motivou um estudo mais detalhado a respeito deste processo de intercalação. Para tal, e em razão da solubilidade da PVP, foi avaliado, também, um sistema mais simples, com a argila sódica (MMT), não tratada, em água. Em ambos os sistemas, PVP-OMMT e PVP-MMT, foi realizada uma varredura de tempos reacionais (de 15 minutos a 72 horas), nas proporções de 2:1, 1:1 e 1:2, para caracterização por DRX. As análises sugerem a formação dos nanocompósitos em até 1 hora de reação, resultado atribuído à estrutura amídica da PVP, capaz de estabilizar as lamelas negativamente carregadas da argila.<br>In a previous study the concept of nanocomposite for pharmaceutical applications, more specifically in drugs' release, was used. A polymer-layered silicate nanocomposite (PLN) of PVP K-30 - organophilic MMT (OMMT) at a 2:1 ratio was produced in dichloromethane solution and successfully evaluated as a pharmaceutical adjuvant. In this study the influence of reaction time was investigated. XRD data indicates that maximum interlamellar distances were achieved after 12 hours. These results lead us to carry out a more detailed study in order to follow the intercalation process. The influence of several increasing reaction times (15 minutes to 72 hours) on the interplanar distances of PVP-OMMT (in dichloromethane solution) and PVP-MMT (in aqueous solution) at 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2 ratios was investigated with XRD. The data obtained showed that new PLN were obtained at short time reaction times (up to 1 hour), which was attributed to amide structure of the polymer (PVP), capable of establishing links with the anionic clay lamellae