6 research outputs found

    Marketing and rural territories. Demand and supply of amenities

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe development theory of marketing places has been emphasized in recent years, particularly after 2000. An integrated vision of some territory characteristics is used to increase their attractiveness, especially in urban or more developed rural areas. This thesis addresses the issue of rural amenities in supporting rural development from a marketing methodology perspective. With the increasingly greater amount of “rural” consumption, basically by an urban population in Portugal and in Europe, and the recognition of changing attitudes towards the rural environment, it is important to argue the nature of marketing strategies that aim to invert rural abandonment. Case studies – Albufeira do Castelo de Bode located - were used to design the marketing-mix in accord with the main analysis and transverse aspects such as consumer’s habits, demand for endogenous resources, and landscape perceptions that contribute to a better use of territory. The numerous interdependencies identified make problematic the use of marketing tools, in rural territories but this thesis assumes strategies to revitalize rural territories on a rural amenity basis. This is achieved by marketing work on identifying demand, choose targets and communicating the desired rural territories positioning

    A systematic literature review of the quality of working life and employee outcomes

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    Purpose: The quality of working life (QWL) research field dates back to the 1970s and has grown considerably since that time. At an individual level, positive outcomes of QWL include reduced absenteeism, lower turnover, improved job satisfaction and improved individual productivity; however, few studies have systematically analyzed all the employee outcomes associated to QWL. Method: The systematic literature review methodology is used herein with the aim of identifying the employee outcomes associated with the QWL construct. More specifically, the article explores research studies that have examined QWL and its consequences for individuals in a given organizational setting. Since our focus was to gain insights into the empirical investigation about QWL, we exclude studies with a primary focus on model development or testing measurement instruments. Extensive research was conducted using the PROQUEST and EBSCO databases. On both databases, the following terms were included: quality of life at work, work-related quality of life, quality of working life, working-life quality. Only the work-related consequences of QWL were considered. The search was limited to peer-reviewed articles published in the English language between 1970 and 2017. Findings: The results show how a higher level of quality of life at work can improve several relevant employee outcomes at work. Value: This work corroborates previous studies confirming the linkage between QWL and employee outcomes and organizational commitment was found to be the most relevant employee outcome. Other core outcomes are job satisfaction, turnover intention, and burnout. These findings are consistent with those of previous studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conceptual framework for the research on quality of life

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    The article presents the reference framework for multidisciplinary research at the Life Quality Research Centre (LQRC). The research paradigm about the citizens’ quality of life in society imposes a multifaceted and complex analysis. At the LQRC we address this as thematically divided into six scientific areas: education and training; physical activity and healthy lifestyles; food production and technology on food behaviors; organizational dynamics; motor behavior; and individual and community health. These areas are clearly related to the concept of quality of life. They fit the goals and dynamics of the research center. In each section, the authors develop the themes of research projects and the challenges that characterize research in the area of quality of life. It is clear that there is an agreement and understanding that ensures that quality of life research is on the agenda of the world organizations related to scientific research and human development. This is a real challenge for scientific research centers, since multidisciplinary paradigms are the foundation of our collective organization, and the evolution of research on quality of life could fulfil current needs and lead to the improvement of citizen lives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shiitake mushroom (Lentinola edodes) spread creams

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    This work is part of Agrio et Emulsio project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023583), the main goal is formulating and design an innovative food emulsion based on processed Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes), through sustainable methodologies with potential application in certain markets such as gourmet, diet and vegan [1]. Shiitake mushroom is a fungus of the phylum Basidiomycota and Lentinus gender. It is the second most cultivated edible mushroom in the world, currently accounting for around 25% of world production of edible mushrooms. Its importance nowadays, due to lifestyles and habits from Asian countries. It is considered a high-quality food with high content of protein, vitamins and minerals and low content in calories and fat [2]. An emulsion is a multiphase system consisting of two immiscible phases, one aqueous phase and a lipid phase, in which one phase is dispersed in another in the form of spherical drops. System stability depends on the membrane that holds the drops and varies over time. Spreads creams are water-in-oil emulsions which lipid phase is a mixture of vegetable oils and / or oils and animal fats, containing natural colorants, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavourings, antioxidants, lecithin and liposoluble vitamins. The aqueous phase comprises skimmed milk proteins, and small amounts of other ingredients such as salt, preservatives, thickeners and water-soluble vitamins [3]. The methodology involved the experimental technological development with articulated microbiological assays, proximal and physico-chemical and sensory analysis. Two final prototypes were selected, one of them vegan with aqueous phase of vegetal origin, and another lacto-vegetarian with aqueous phase of animal origin, whey protein concentrate of goat's milk. These final prototypes were submitted to microbiological stability, proximal and physicochemical analyses, as well as food pairing & food design trials.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Associações entre Dieta Mediterrânica, fatores de estilo de vida, e bem-estar subjetivo

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    A alteração no padrão geral da dieta é um dos fatores principais para a prevenção de doenças crónicas não transmissíveis, aliado a outros fatores de um estilo de vida saudável como a atividade física regular e o número de horas de sono adequadas [1]. O aumento do bem-estar da população europeia é uma das prioridades da Comunidade Europeia, devendo incluir a monitorização de uma dimensão subjetiva baseada na autoavaliação de um conjunto de parâmetros psicológicos [2]. O projeto MeDiWeB inclui um consórcio de cinco países mediterrânicos (Portugal, Espanha, Itália, Grécia e Chipre), e dois não mediterrânicos (Bulgária e República da Macedónia). Os seus objetivos foram: i) validar nos sete países um instrumento comum para monitorização da adesão da população adulta à DM [3]; ii) desenhar um questionário online que permitisse explorar a associação entre a adesão à DM, o bem-estar subjetivo e outros fatores de estilo de vida. O questionário foi distribuído entre abril de 2019 e março de 2020 (3145 participantes elegíveis). Os resultados apontaram uma diferença significativa na adesão à DM entre países mediterrânicos (68%, adesão moderada), e países não mediterrânicos (51%, baixa adesão) [4]. A análise de componentes principais com as variáveis de bem-estar subjetivo permitiu validar um construto de 9 itens em cinco dos sete países do consórcio, tendo sido observada uma correlação significativa entre o bem-estar subjetivo e o grau de adesão à DM. Das restantes variáveis, o género, horas de sono, socialização e atividade física, mostraram ter correlação significativa com o bem-estar subjetivo. Referências 1. Alvarez-Alvarez, I., et al., Mediterranean diet, physical activity and their combined effect on all-cause mortality: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort. Preventive Medicine, 2018. 106: p. 45-52. 2. WHO, European health report 2018: More than numbers - evidence for all, W.R.O.f. Europe, Editor. 2018, World Health Organization: Denmark. 3. García-Conesa, M.-T., et al., Exploring the Validity of the 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS): A Cross-National Study in Seven European Countries around the Mediterranean Region. Nutrients, 2020. 12(10): p. 2960. 4. Quarta, S., et al., Persistent Moderate-to-Weak Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Low Scoring for Plant-Based Foods across Several Southern European Countries: Are We Overlooking the Mediterranean Diet Recommendations? Nutrients, 2021. 13(5): p. 1432.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Agrio et Emulsio – New products development

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    The project Agrio et Emulsio (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023583, Sept 2017 to Feb 2019) presents a proposal in Food Design & Technology, in the areas of vinegar products (Agrio) and food emulsions (Emulsio). Combines its technical features and food pairing ability, with gastronomic traditions, Nouvelle Cuisine, concerns about food in health and unique location of ESAS in Ribatejo, where main vinegar and food emulsions’ Portuguese industries stands. Started in ESAS in 2009, with fifteen final prototypes developed to date with students’ participation, propose the development of new products who profile into the gourmet, diet or vegan/veggy markets, through sustainable methodologies that value regional raw materials and generates nobility, value and technical-scientific knowledge. Technology and methods are divided into fermentative and non-fermentative prototyping: i) in premium quality and special vinegars, alcoholic substrates are subjected mainly to classical acetic fermentation in superficial culture; ii) in composed vinegar products and food emulsions - fruit fresh pack pickles, chutneys, jams in vinegar glazes, liqueur and spirit vinegars, flavored and fruity mustards and spreads, vinegars/vinaigrettes, marinades, meal replacements - non fermentative techniques are applied. Process assays articulates technical, analytical (physical-chemical, rheological, microbiological) and sensory tests. Stability tests are also performed. The project cycle ends with the production of prototypes in laboratory or small-scale pilot line, simultaneous with: demonstration of their quality, safety and shelf life; definition of strategies of marketing and also, food pairing & food design, predicting a future scale-up to industrial production and product entry on the market. Prototypes are designed to provide innovation and convenience - long shelf-life and multiple food applications in industry/restoration - aiming the preservation of expensive/seasonal/surplus raw materials and valorization of byproducts, ensuring, simultaneously, good practices and food safety. Given project’s maturity, technological scope is flexible and outputs (prototypes) are adjustable to the stakeholders’ needs, considering business clusters’ partnerships and consortium skills. The demand for exquisite products as purchase decision factor, make believe in its potential growth. At present, they are undergoing experimental development, fruity mustards (with nectarine, with berries), sweet potato pickles, fruit/vegetableinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio