26 research outputs found

    Regional differences of testicular artery blood flow in post pubertal and pre-pubertal dogs

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    Background Measurement of testicular artery blood flow is used in several species to evaluate reproductive function and testicular and scrotal pathology. In dogs there are inconsistent reports about normal flow in post-pubertal dogs and no information concerning pre-pubertal dogs. The aim of this study was to describe regional differences in testicular artery blood flow in clinically normal post-pubertal and pre-pubertal dogs with no history of reproductive tract disease. Results The post-pubertal dogs produced normal ejaculates throughout the study. In all dogs the three different regions of the artery were imaged and monophasic flow with an obvious systolic peak and flow throughout diastole was observed on every occasion. The highest peak systolic velocity (PSV) and end diastolic velocity (EDV) were measured within the distal supra-testicular artery and marginal artery whilst the lowest PSV and EDV were measured within the intra-testicular arteries. Flow measurements were not different between left and right testes and were consistent between dogs on different examination days. Calculated resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were lowest in the intra-testicular arteries. The pre-pubertal dogs had significantly smaller testes than the post-pubertal dogs (p < 0.05) and were unable to ejaculate during the study. The three different artery regions were imaged at every examination time point, and flow profiles had a similar appearance to those of the post-pubertal dogs. PSV, EDV, RI and PI showed a similar trend to the post-pubertal dogs in that values were lowest in the intra-testicular arteries. Notably, values of PSV, EDV, RI and PI were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in pre-pubertal dogs compared with post-pubertal dogs. Conclusions This study demonstrated important regional and pubertal differences in testicular artery blood flow of dogs, and form the basis for establishing baseline reference values that may be employed for the purposes of clinical diagnosis

    Intersexuality in a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous)

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    Intersexuality is a reproductive pathology that has been described in wild animals in recent years. However, its occurrence and consequences remain obscure and therefore all aspects of this reproductive disorder deserve attention. The aim of this study is to report a case of intersexuality with probable absence of gonadal tissue in the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) native to Brazil. The animal has male external genitalia, but its prepuce and penis were both hypoplastic. Because of a clinical suspicion of bilateral cryptorchidism, a laparotomy was performed and the absence of prostate and gonads were revealed. The procedure also revealed vas deferentia, extending laterally from the each side of the bladder basis to the right and left abdominal wall muscles. The animal died one month later, and post mortem examination confirmed the absence of prostatic and gonadal tissues. Muscular structures similar to uterine horns and cervix were founded macroscopically and confirmed by optic microscopy. In addition, post mortem findings corroborate with penis hypoplasia, since penile bone presence was observed. The vasa deferentia had a normal tissue structure, although hypoplastic. In conclusion, the case of a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) reported here represents a proved intersexual animal with probable absence of gonadal tissue.A intersexualidade Ă© uma das patologias reprodutivas, hereditĂĄria e/ou congĂȘnita, que tĂȘm sido mais reportada em animais selvagens nos Ășltimos anos. Entretanto, suas ocorrĂȘncias e conseqĂŒĂȘncias permanecem obscuras, sendo que todos os aspectos relacionados a este distĂșrbio reprodutivo merecem atenção. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de intersexualidade com provĂĄvel ausĂȘncia de tecido gonadal em uma raposa (Cerdocyon thous) do Brasil. O animal apresentava sexo fenotĂ­pico masculino, mas seu prepĂșcio e pĂȘnis eram pequenos. Devido a uma suspeita clĂ­nica de criptorquidismo bilateral, foi realizada uma laparotomia, sendo, no procedimento cirĂșrgico, revelada a ausĂȘncia de prĂłstata e gĂŽnadas. Os ductos deferentes foram localizados lateralmente Ă  bexiga, entendendo-se desde a sua base, inserindo-se na musculatura da parede abdominal direita e esquerda. Um mĂȘs apĂłs, o animal morreu e os achados necroscĂłpicos confirmaram a ausĂȘncia de tecidos prostĂĄtico e gonadal. Entretanto, uma estrutura muscular histologicamente semelhante a cornos e cĂ©rvix uterinos foram encontradas. AlĂ©m disso, pelo mesmo mĂ©todo, ratificou-se a ausĂȘncia de prĂłstata e o pĂȘnis exibiu aspecto normal contendo osso peniano. Os ductos deferentes apresentaram estrutura tecidual normal, porĂ©m hipoplĂĄsicos. Concluiu-se que o caso reportado no presente trabalho representa um exemplo de intersexualidade com provĂĄvel ausĂȘncia de tecido gonadal em um animal da espĂ©cie Cerdocyon thous

    Intersexuality in a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous)

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    Intersexuality is a reproductive pathology that has been described in wild animals in recent years. However, its occurrence and consequences remain obscure and therefore all aspects of this reproductive disorder deserve attention. The aim of this study is to report a case of intersexuality with probable absence of gonadal tissue in the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) native to Brazil. The animal has male external genitalia, but its prepuce and penis were both hypoplastic. Because of a clinical suspicion of bilateral cryptorchidism, a laparotomy was performed and the absence of prostate and gonads were revealed. The procedure also revealed vas deferentia, extending laterally from the each side of the bladder basis to the right and left abdominal wall muscles. The animal died one month later, and post mortem examination confirmed the absence of prostatic and gonadal tissues. Muscular structures similar to uterine horns and cervix were founded macroscopically and confirmed by optic microscopy. In addition, post mortem findings corroborate with penis hypoplasia, since penile bone presence was observed. The vasa deferentia had a normal tissue structure, although hypoplastic. In conclusion, the case of a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) reported here represents a proved intersexual animal with probable absence of gonadal tissue

    Refrigeração do epidĂ­dimo canino a 4ÂșC e recuperação dos espermatozoides epididimĂĄrios utilizando ACP-106c

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade dos espermatozoides recuperados da cauda do epidĂ­dimo apĂłs a refrigeração do complexo testĂ­culo-epidĂ­dimo (CTE) de cĂŁes usando o diluidor ACP-106c. Foram utilizados 60 cĂŁes machos adultos, com peso de 10-20 kg. ApĂłs a eutanĂĄsia, removeu-se o CTE que foi imerso em solução fisiolĂłgica 0,9% e transportado em caixa tĂ©rmica ao laboratĂłrio a 30ÂșC. Para a refrigeração e recuperação dos espermatozoides epididimĂĄrios, os 60 pares do CTE foram divididos em 4 grupos, de acordo com o tempo de refrigeração do CTE e posterior recuperação espermĂĄtica: G0h, G6h, G12h e G18h, em que cada par do CTE permaneceu por zero, seis, doze ou dezoito horas a 4ÂșC, respectivamente. A recuperação dos espermatozoides da cauda do epidĂ­dimo foi realizada pela tĂ©cnica de flutuação utilizando-se o diluidor ACP-106c ou Tris. Para cada epidĂ­dimo foi adicionado 1,0 mL de um dos dois diluidores, prĂ©-aquecidos a 37ÂșC por 5 minutos. Em seguida foram centrifugados a 800g/5 minutos para remoção dos resĂ­duos celulares. Avaliou-se a morfologia, funcionalidade e motilidade espermĂĄtica total e progressiva, alĂ©m de parĂąmetros obtidos pelo CASA. Os dados foram submetidos Ă  ANOVA seguido do teste de Turkey (P < 0,05). Em todos os parĂąmetros avaliados, nĂŁo houve diferença entre os diluidores testados (P&gt;0,05). Os valores de motilidade total nos grupos G0h, G6h, G12h, e G18h para o ACP-106c foram 84,4±7,7; 81,6±11,6; 88,3±6,5 e 69,5±16,9, respectivamente, e para o Tris 85,2±8,7; 77,4±14,3; 79,0±17,8 e 65,4±17,9, respectivamente. Um decrĂ©scimo na qualidade espermĂĄtica foi observado apĂłs 18 horas de refrigeração em ambos os diluidores. Dessa forma pode-se concluir que o ACP-106c pode ser utilizado para recuperar os espermatozoides epididimĂĄrios refrigerados e podem ser viĂĄveis por atĂ© 12h de refrigeração

    Triplex Doppler evaluation of the testes in dogs of different sizes

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    This study aimed to assess whether there are differences in Doppler velocimetry parameters between different sizes. Twenty dogs were equally divided into small and large groups used in this study. The dogs were evaluated using Triplex ultrasound. Testicular artery was located by Colour Doppler in the spermatic cord, marginal to the testes and intratesticular segments and then, spectral Doppler were used to calculate: peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV), resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI). The mean testicular volume in the left side was significantly higher than the right side, in both groups. Doppler examination showed higher velocities (EDV) at spermatic cord in large dogs; marginal to the testes was observed higher velocities in small dogs; intratesticular region no differences were observed (P < 0.05) and within the groups differences between segments of the artery were also observed for each parameter. The results showed that there are differences in Doppler velocimetry parameters between different sizes