59 research outputs found

    Early neoplastic and metastatic mammary tumours of transgenic mice detected by 5-aminolevulinic acid-stimulated protoporphyrin IX accumulation

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    A photodynamic technique for human breast cancer detection founded upon the ability of tumour cells to rapidly accumulate the fluorescent product protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) has been applied to transgenic mouse models of mammary tumorigenesis. A major goal of this investigation was to determine whether mouse mammary tumours are reliable models of human disease in terms of PpIX accumulation, for future mechanistic and therapeutic studies. The haeme substrate 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) (200 mg kg−1) was administered to mouse strains that develop mammary tumours of various histological subtypes upon expression of the transgenic oncogenes HRAS, Polyoma Virus middle T antigen, or Simian Virus 40 large T antigen in the mammary gland. Early neoplastic lesions, primary tumours and metastases showed consistent and rapid PpIX accumulation compared to the normal surrounding tissues, as evidenced by red fluorescence (635 nm) when the tumours were directly illuminated with blue light (380–440 nm). Detection of mouse mammary tumours at the stage of ductal carcinoma in situ by red fluorescence emissions suggests that enhanced PpIX synthesis is a good marker for early tumorigenic processes in the mammary gland. We propose the mouse models provide an ideal experimental system for further investigation of the early diagnostic and therapeutic potential of 5-ALA-stimulated PpIX accumulation in human breast cancer patients

    Classification tree analysis of second neoplasms in survivors of childhood cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Reports on childhood cancer survivors estimated cumulative probability of developing secondary neoplasms vary from 3,3% to 25% at 25 years from diagnosis, and the risk of developing another cancer to several times greater than in the general population. METHODS: In our retrospective study, we have used the classification tree multivariate method on a group of 849 first cancer survivors, to identify childhood cancer patients with the greatest risk for development of secondary neoplasms. RESULTS: In observed group of patients, 34 develop secondary neoplasm after treatment of primary cancer. Analysis of parameters present at the treatment of first cancer, exposed two groups of patients at the special risk for secondary neoplasm. First are female patients treated for Hodgkin's disease at the age between 10 and 15 years, whose treatment included radiotherapy. Second group at special risk were male patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who were treated at the age between 4,6 and 6,6 years of age. CONCLUSION: The risk groups identified in our study are similar to the results of studies that used more conventional approaches. Usefulness of our approach in study of occurrence of second neoplasms should be confirmed in larger sample study, but user friendly presentation of results makes it attractive for further studies

    Expression and prognostic relevance of activated extracellular-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) in breast cancer

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    Extracellular-regulated kinases (ERK1, ERK2) play important roles in the malignant behaviour of breast cancer cells in vitro. In our present study, 148 clinical breast cancer samples (120 cases with follow-up data) were studied for the expression of ERK1, ERK2 and their phosphorylated forms p-ERK1 and p-ERK2 by immunoblotting, and p-ERK1/2 expression in corresponding paraffin sections was analysed by immunohistochemistry. The results were correlated with established clinical and histological prognostic parameters, follow-up data and expression of seven cell-cycle regulatory proteins as well as MMP1, MMP9, PAI-1 and AP-1 transcription factors, which had been analysed before. High p-ERK1 expression as determined by immunoblots correlated significantly with a low frequency of recurrences and infrequent fatal outcome (P=0.007 and 0.008) and was an independent indicator of long relapse-free and overall survival in multivariate analysis. By immunohistochemistry, strong p-ERK staining in tumour cells was associated with early stages (P=0.020), negative nodal status (P=0.003) and long recurrence-free survival (P=0.017). In contrast, expression of the unphosphorylated kinases ERK1 and ERK2 was not associated with clinical and histological prognostic parameters, except a positive correlation with oestrogen receptor status. Comparison with the expression of formerly analysed cell-cycle- and invasion-associated proteins corroborates our conclusion that activation of ERK1 and ERK2 is not associated with enhanced proliferation and invasion of mammary carcinomas

    Investigations on the production of methyl acetate by heterogeneous reactive distillation

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    The production of methyl acetate in a reactive distillation process-prior art for 15 years is often used as an example to study the basic phenomena of reactive distillation. The present paper deals with a theoretical and experimental analysis of methyl acetate synthesis in a reactive distillation column. A design model based on the interpretation of reactive distillation line diagrams is used to identify the main process parameters and to provide a foundation for experimental investigation. The significant influence of the reflux ratio on the conversion in the column is shown by mini plant experiments using supported ion exchanger in the form of Raschig rings as a heterogeneous catalyst. These experiments demonstrate the catalytic quality of this packing material. To simulate the racrive distillation column with a simple stage-to-stage method, the separation efficiency of the catalytic rings is investigated. Comparison of experimental and simulation results reveals that a simple model based on the assumption of simultaneous chemical and phase equilibrium describes the experimental data quite well over a wide range of reflux ratios. Furthermore, simulation results show that the conversion depends less on the number of reactive stages than on the use of two feed stages

    Risk-adjusted therapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia can decrease treatment burden and improve survival: treatment results of 2169 unselected pediatric and adolescent patients enrolled in the trial ALL-BFM 95

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    The trial ALL-BFM 95 for treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia was designed to reduce acute and long-term toxicity in selected patient groups with favorable prognosis and to improve outcome in poor-risk groups by treatment intensification. These aims were pursued through a stratification strategy using white blood cell count, age, immunophenotype, treatment response, and unfavorable genetic aberrations providing an excellent discrimination of risk groups. Estimated 6-year event-free survival (6y-pEFS) for all 2169 patients was 79.6% (+/- 0.9%). The large standard-risk (SR) group (35% of patients) achieved an excellent 6y-EFS of 89.5% (+/- 1.1%) despite significant reduction of anthracyclines. In the medium-risk (MR) group (53% of patients), 6y-pEFS was 79.7% (+/- 1.2%); no improvement was accomplished by the randomized use of additional intermediate-dose cytarabine after consolidation. Omission of preventive cranial irradiation in non-T-ALL MR patients was possible without significant reduction of EFS, although the incidence of central nervous system relapses increased. In the high-risk (HR) group (12% of patients), intensification of consolidation/reinduction treatment led to considerable improvement over the previous ALL-BFM trials yielding a 6y-pEFS of 49.2% (+/- 3.2%). Compared without previous trial ALL-BFM 90, consistently favorable results in non-HR patients were achieved with significant treatment reduction in the majority of these patients