634 research outputs found

    Optimal trajectory tracking

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    This thesis investigates optimal trajectory tracking of nonlinear dynamical systems with affine controls. The control task is to enforce the system state to follow a prescribed desired trajectory as closely as possible. The concept of so-called exactly realizable trajectories is proposed. For exactly realizable desired trajectories exists a control signal which enforces the state to exactly follow the desired trajectory. For a given affine control system, these trajectories are characterized by the so-called constraint equation. This approach does not only yield an explicit expression for the control signal in terms of the desired trajectory, but also identifies a particularly simple class of nonlinear control systems. Based on that insight, the regularization parameter is used as the small parameter for a perturbation expansion. This results in a reinterpretation of affine optimal control problems with small regularization term as singularly perturbed differential equations. The small parameter originates from the formulation of the control problem and does not involve simplifying assumptions about the system dynamics. Combining this approach with the linearizing assumption, approximate and partly linear equations for the optimal trajectory tracking of arbitrary desired trajectories are derived. For vanishing regularization parameter, the state trajectory becomes discontinuous and the control signal diverges. On the other hand, the analytical treatment becomes exact and the solutions are exclusively governed by linear differential equations. Thus, the possibility of linear structures underlying nonlinear optimal control is revealed. This fact enables the derivation of exact analytical solutions to an entire class of nonlinear trajectory tracking problems with affine controls. This class comprises mechanical control systems in one spatial dimension and the FitzHugh-Nagumo model.Comment: 240 pages, 36 figures, PhD thesi

    Oscillatory motion of a droplet in an active poroelastic two-phase model

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    We investigate flow-driven amoeboid motility as exhibited by microplasmodia of Physarum polycephalum. A poroelastic two-phase model with rigid boundaries is extended to the case of free boundaries and substrate friction. The cytoskeleton is modeled as an active viscoelastic solid permeated by a fluid phase describing the cytosol. A feedback loop between a chemical regulator, active mechanical deformations, and induced flows gives rise to oscillatory and irregular motion accompanied by spatio-temporal contraction patterns. We cover extended parameter regimes of active tension and substrate friction by numerical simulations in one spatial dimension and reproduce experimentally observed oscillation periods and amplitudes. In line with experiments, the model predicts alternating forward and backward ectoplasmatic flow at the boundaries with reversed flow in the center. However, for all cases of periodic and irregular motion, we observe practically no net motion. A simple theoretical argument shows that directed motion is not possible with a spatially independent substrate friction

    Establishing user requirements for a mobile learning environment

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    This paper presents the rationale, challenges, successes and results of activities to establish the requirements for a mobile learning environment. The effort is part of a European-funded research and development project investigating context-sensitive approaches to informal, problem-based and workplace learning by using key advances in mobile technologies. The techniques used include user observation, participatory design workshops and questionnaires. Analytic techniques include UML and the Volere shell and template