202 research outputs found
Cartography of Landscape Dynamics in Central Spain
Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)pu
Renormalization group approach to anisotropic superconductivity
The superconducting instability of the Fermi liquid state is investigated by
considering anisotropic electron-boson couplings. Both electron-electron
interactions and anisotropic electron-boson couplings are treated with a
renormalization-group method that takes into account retardation effects.
Considering a non-interacting circular Fermi surface, we find analytical
solutions for the flow equations and derive a set of generalized Eliashberg
equations. Electron-boson couplings with different momentum dependences are
studied, and we find superconducting instabilities of the metallic state with
competition between order parameters of different symmetries. Numerical
solutions for some couplings are given to illustrate the frequency dependence
of the vertices at different coupling regimes.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Final version as published in Phys. Rev.
Self-energy corrections to anisotropic Fermi surfaces
The electron-electron interactions affect the low-energy excitations of an
electronic system and induce deformations of the Fermi surface. These effects
are especially important in anisotropic materials with strong correlations,
such as copper oxides superconductors or ruthenates. Here we analyze the
deformations produced by electronic correlations in the Fermi surface of
anisotropic two-dimensional systems, treating the regular and singular regions
of the Fermi surface on the same footing. Simple analytical expressions are
obtained for the corrections, based on local features of the Fermi surface. It
is shown that, even for weak local interactions, the behavior of the
self-energy is non trivial, showing a momentum dependence and a self-consistent
interplay with the Fermi surface topology. Results are compared to experimental
observations and to other theoretical results.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
Two Neolithic structures at the archaeological site of Casa Garrido Nord II (Moixent, Valencia)
Es presenten les restes de cronologia neolítica documentades a les obres de canalització de gas a la vall de Montesa. Concretament, dues sitges del
Neolític II de la seqüència regional, aparegudes al jaciment de Casa Garrido Nord, al terme municipal de Moixent. Encara que els materials són poc
significatius, es tracta de les primeres estructures de cronologia neolítica, de les quals tenim constància, en què s’ha realitzat una excavació arqueològica
sistemàtica a la comarca de la Costera.
Paraules clau: Casa Garrido Nord II. Sitja. Neolític II. La Costera. Assentaments en pla.Es presenten les restes de cronologia neolítica documentades a les obres de canalització de gas a la vall de Montesa. Concretament, dues sitges del
Neolític II de la seqüència regional, aparegudes al jaciment de Casa Garrido Nord, al terme municipal de Moixent. Encara que els materials són poc
significatius, es tracta de les primeres estructures de cronologia neolítica, de les quals tenim constància, en què s’ha realitzat una excavació arqueològica
sistemàtica a la comarca de la Costera.
Paraules clau: Casa Garrido Nord II. Sitja. Neolític II. La Costera. Assentaments en pla.Herewith we submit the remains of Neolithic chronology found at the gas piping works performed at the Valley of Montesa (Valencia). They are specifically two Neolithic II underground storage places of a regional sequence, which appeared at the Casa Garrido Nord archaeological site, within the Moixent municipal borough (in the province of Valencia). Although the materials are not very meaningful, they represent the first structures of Neolithic chronology known to us, and therefore we have carried out a systematic archaeological excavation in the area of La Costera (Valencia).
Key words: Casa Garrido Nord II. Silo. Neolithic II. La Costera. Settlements on flat lands
Deformation of anisotropic Fermi surfaces due to electron-electron interactions
We analyze the deformations of the Fermi surface induced by electron-electron
interactions in anisotropic two dimensional systems. We use perturbation theory
to treat, on the same footing, the regular and singular regions of the Fermi
surface. It is shown that, even for weak local coupling, the self-energy
presents a nontrivial behavior showing momentum dependence and interplay with
the Fermi surface shape. Our scheme gives simple analytical expressions based
on local features of the Fermi surface.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Admissible OWA operators for fuzzy numbers
Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operators are some of the most widely used aggregation
functions in classic literature, but their application to fuzzy numbers has been limited due to the
complexity of defining a total order in fuzzy contexts. However, the recent notion of admissible
order for fuzzy numbers provides an effective method to totally order them by refining a given
partial order. Therefore, this paper is devoted to defining OWA operators for fuzzy numbers
with respect to admissible orders and investigating their properties. Firstly, we define the OWA
operators associated with such admissible orders and then we show their main properties.
Afterward, an example is presented to illustrate the applicability of these AOWA operators in
linguistic decision-making. In this regard, we also develop an admissible order for trapezoidal
fuzzy numbers that can be efficiently applied in practice.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil) within Projects
301618/2019-4, 312053/2018-5, 311429/2020-3, and 200282/2022-0Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES-Brazil) within the project Capes-Print 88887.363001/2019-00FAPERGS/Brazil (Proc. 19/2551-0001660-3)PID2022-136627NB-I00 of the Spanish GovernmentMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación
by Project PID2020-119478 GB-I00Junta de Andalucía Program FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020, Project A-FQM-170-UGR20Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Spanish National
Project PGC2018-099402-B-I00FEDER-UJA project 1380637Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Universities through a Formación de Profesorado Universitario grant (FPU2019/01203
Palliative Care Symptoms, Outcomes, and Interventions for Chronic Advanced Patients in Spanish Nursing Homes with and without Dementia
The aim of this study was to compare the symptomatology, palliative care outcomes,
therapeutic procedures, diagnostic tests, and pharmacological treatments for people with dementia
(PWD) and without dementia (PW/OD) admitted to Spanish nursing homes. Design: This was a
cross-sectional study which is part of a long-term prospective follow-up of elderly people performed
in nursing homes to measure end-of-life care processes. Participants: 107 nursing home patients
with advanced or terminal chronic diseases were selected according to the criteria of the Palliative
Care Spanish Society. Setting: Two trained nurses from each nursing home were responsible
for participant selection and data collection. They must have treated the residents and had a
minimum seniority of 6 months in the nursing home. Measurements: Sociodemographic data;
Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale; Palliative Care Outcome Scale; and prevalence of diagnostic
tests, pharmacological treatments, and therapeutic procedures were evaluated. Results: Pain,
fatigue, and nausea were found to be significantly higher in the nondementia group and insomnia,
poor appetite, and drowsiness were significantly higher in the dementia group. Patient anxiety,
support, feeling that life was worth living, self-worth, and practical matters management were
higher in the nondementia group. Regarding drugs, use of corticoids was higher in the nondementia
group, while use of anxiolytics was higher in the dementia group. Diagnostic procedures such as
urine analysis and X-ray were higher in the dementia group. Conclusions: Differences in symptom
perception, diagnostic tests, and pharmacological procedures were found between patients with and
without dementia. Specific diagnostic tools need to be developed for patients with dementia.This work was supported by the Andalusia Ministry of Health (PI-0619-2011) and the Andalusian
CICYE project AP-0105-2016
Prospective Evaluation of Intensity of Symptoms, Therapeutic Procedures and Treatment in Palliative Care Patients in Nursing Homes
The aim of the study is to evaluate the intensity of symptoms, and any treatment and
therapeutic procedures received by advanced chronic patients in nursing homes. A multi-centre
prospective study was conducted in six nursing homes for five months. A nurse trainer selected
palliative care patients from whom the sample was randomly selected for inclusion. The Edmonton
Symptoms Assessment Scale, therapeutic procedures, and treatment were evaluated. Parametric and
non-parametric tests were used to evaluate month-to-month differences and differences between
those who died and those who did not. A total of 107 residents were evaluated. At the end of the
follow-up, 39 had (34.6%) died. All symptoms (p < 0.050) increased in intensity in the last week of life.
Symptoms were more intense in those who had died at follow-up (p < 0.05). The use of aerosol sprays
(p = 0.008), oxygen therapy (p < 0.001), opioids (p < 0.001), antibiotics (p = 0.004), and bronchodilators
(p = 0.003) increased in the last week of life. Peripheral venous catheters (p = 0.022), corticoids
(p = 0.007), antiemetics (p < 0.001), and antidepressants (p < 0.05) were used more in the patients
who died. In conclusion, the use of therapeutic procedures (such as urinary catheters, peripheral
venous catheter placement, and enteral feeding) and drugs (such as antibiotics, anxiolytics, and new
antidepressant prescriptions) should be carefully considered in this clinical setting.This paper has been partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía, by project FQM-235 and the
Andalusian CICYE project AP-0105-201
Territorial dynamics and boundary effects in a protected area of the Central Iberian Peninsula
We analysed the main changes in land use over a 21 year period within the perimeter of a Protected Natural Area (PNA) and outside this perimeter. The area is characterised by its Mediterranean mid-mountain landscape and its piedmont, which extends almost as far as the city of Madrid. We employed cartography of land use and plant formation from 1980 and 2001. We identified land uses and their changes in this time period in order to determine the principal territorial dynamics (scrub encroachment, urban development, forest encroachment, new pastures and new crops). Subsequently, we performed a comparative analysis between the changes inside and those outside the protected area. The results show that there is a boundary effect between the protected area and the surrounding zone, which is more notable in the areas where urban development has intensified. This kind of research serves to establish whether or not a PNA contributes to protecting and conserving natural resources as compared to what occurs in the unprotected surrounding area, which tends to be subjected to more aggressive dynamics
Best preventive practices for university students in Health Sciences carrying out external academic practices
Las prácticas académicas externas permiten aplicar conocimientos teóricos, favoreciendo la adquisición de competencias que les preparen para el ejercicio de actividades profesionales, faciliten su empleabilidad y fomenten su capacidad de emprendimiento. Nuestro objetivo ha sido incorporar a la docencia práctica de estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud conocimientos básicos de prevención de riesgos (PRL), para integrar la prevención de riesgos en las diferentes profesiones, tareas y funciones que pueden ejercer después de graduarse. Se ha desarrollo e implementado una aplicación informática como herramienta interactiva para que el alumnado adquiera competencias básicas en materia de PRL, además de un manual, que permite a los estudiantes realizar sus prácticas de forma segura.External academic practices allow the application of theoretical knowledge, favoring the acquisition of competencies that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitate their employability and promote their entrepreneurship. Our objective has been to incorporate basic knowledge of occupational risk (OR) into the practical teaching of students of Health Sciences, to integrate risk prevention in the different professions, tasks and functions that they can exert after graduation. A computer application has been developed and implemented as an interactive tool for students to acquire basic competences in the area of OR, also a manual, which allows students to carry out their practices in a safe way
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