368 research outputs found

    La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales: posibilidades y limitaciones. Aplicación al estudio de la ocupación de la población inmigrante

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEl artículo persigue tres objetivos. Por un lado, presentar las características principales de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL) como fuente de información para el análisis del mercado de trabajo y de las trayectorias laborales. A continuación se pretende dar cuenta de las dificultades del tratamiento de esta información, originada como registro administrativo, para su uso en la investigación. Finalmente, y de forma principal, se trata de exponer los aspectos metodológicos y técnicos seguidos en una investigación sobre empleo e inmigración realizada por el Centro de Estudios Sociológicos sobre la Vida Cotidiana y el Trabajo (QUIT) y destinada a analizar la repercusión de los procesos migratorios sobre el mercado de trabajo y los cambios que provocan en el modelo de empleo español. De forma específica se insistirá en los conceptos y procedimientos seguidos para el análisis de la inserción y las trayectorias laborales comparadas entre inmigrantes y autóctonos.The article has three objectives. On the one hand, the goal is to present the main features of the Continuous Sample of Working Lives (MCVL) as a source of information for analysis of labor market, and labor trajectories. Then we explain the difficulties of processing this information, because originally it was an administrative record that now is used also with research purposes. Finally, and mainly, the article exposes the methodological and technical aspects followed in a research about employment and immigration conducted by the Center for Sociological Studies on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT). This research is designed to analyze the impact of migrant processes on labor market and the changes they cause in the Spanish employment model. In particular, we insist on the concepts and procedures used for the analysis of insertion and labor trajectories compared between immigrants and native people

    La construcción de tipologías: metodología de análisis

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    La construcción de tipologias en sociologia, como procedimiento de conceptualización y análisis empirico, constituye un recurso habitual de la investigación donde cabe establecer la distinción y la interrelación entre contenido y forma del objeto de estudio, entre modelo teórico y modelo metodológico. En este articulo se expone una metodologia destinada a la construcción, el análisis y la validación de tipologias según la concepción de la denominada "tipologia estructural y articulada". Esta concepción consiste en una formulación sistematizada y de procedimiento flexible para su necesaria adaptación a cada objeto de investigación. La conceptualización y el tratamiento se hacen desde la "perspectiva de investigación distributiva", basada en la encuesta y en la estadística como instrumentos caracteristicos de recogida y análisis de los datos.The construction of typologies in sociology, like a method of conceptualization and empirical analysis, is an usual tool for research. Typologies differ, not only in content, but in form. This analytical distinction can be applied to complex theoretical constructs and is used in order to differenciate between theoretical and methodological models in typological constructions. The main objective of this article is to elaborate a methodology destinated to build, analyse and validate typologies, based on the conceptualization of what is called a "structural and articulated typology" The methodology may be seen as a flexible formulation that can be adapted to every research which has a typological construction as a goal and which adopts the cdistributive approachn, that is, a perspective based on survey and statistical methods for collecting and analysing data

    La construcción de una tipología de segmentación del mercado de trabajo

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    El objetivo de este articulo consiste en aplicar un diseño de análisis que sea adecuado a la concepción de la denominada tipologia estructural y articulada. Se trata de un diseño basado en la utilización de la encuesta y de tecnicas de análisis multivariable, dirigido a contrastar la hipótesis central de la perspectiva teórica de la segmentación del mercado de trabajo por medio de un modelo teórico basado en su conceptualización desde el ernpleo. El análisis expuesto toma como referente espacial y temporal el del mercado de trabajo delimitado por la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona para el año 1990 y en base a la información recogida en la "Enquesta de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona sobre condicions de vida i hàbits de la població".The objective of this article is to apply an analysis design useful to the "structural and articulated typologie", that is, a design based on survey and multivariate statistical methods for collecting and analyzing data which leads to contrast the main hypothesis proposed from the theoretical perspective of the labor market segmentation. The research has a geographic and temporal reference: the labor market delimited by the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona in 1990, and analyze survey data designed and collected in the called "Enquesta de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona sobre condicions de vida i hàbits de la població

    Towards a comparative analysis of social inequalities between Europe and Latin America

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This open access volume identifies the common and specific aspects of social mechanisms that generate inequalities, through comparative analyses of different dimensions in which inequalities are expressed. It includes studies on social inequalities in 5 European and 5 Latin American countries, along 11 thematic axes: inequalities in the labour market and labour trajectories; asymmetries in the relationship between training and employment; inequalities in work and family life; educational inequalities; geographical and social inequalities: ethnicity and language; social inequalities, migration and space; uncertainty, strategies, resources and capabilities; inequality of opportunity: intergenerational social mobility; social policies; gender inequalities; and research methodology. This volume is the result of a large collaborative project on social inequality funded by the European Commission: the International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. Taking into account diverse perspectives and approximations, the collaborators have created a general analytical framework as a model of analysis of social inequalities. The various contributions in this volume help readers gain a global outlook and help reflect on social inequalities in a comparative perspective. This volume addresses social science graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, social policy makers, as well as a broader academic audience interested in social inequality

    An attempt to measure social stratification and changes in terms of social distances

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationIn the context of a research whose purpose was to analyse the changes in the social and economic model of Argentina in the period 1997-2006, we observed that the social structure, measured by a variable that typifies stratification, remains basically unchanged during the years analysed in spite of the profound crisis that occurred at the end of 2001 and along 2002. Within this general framework, the hypothesis that we believe is consistent with the observed behaviour is that the distance among social strata can be measured, in an objective way, taking into account the relative positions of the households with respect to primary goods, both intra temporarily (dispersion within the stratus) as well as inter temporarily (changes of the distance among strata). From the Data of the Permanent Survey of Households of Argentina and using Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis, we have measured these distances in each moment of time. The results show that the distances among the strata express the changes in time, and that they increase during crisis. These distances, measured in terms of inertia in a multidimensional space and starting from the typologies obtained in each year, allow us to have a measure of the dynamics of the social change

    Comparative perspectives on social indicators

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004One of the challenges of social research when we construct objects of knowledge is comparative analysis among countries. International comparative research of diverse territorial realities, whether at the macro-social or micro-social level, is fundamental if we are to assess, deepen and improve our knowledge of social phenomena and draw conclusions with theoretical, methodological and empirical implications. The spatial specificity of social dynamics immersed in a temporal, socio-historical and cultural context obliges us to reflect on this comparability. The need to establish generalisations to construct theoretical models of social behaviour that transcend the singularity of a particular territorial reality means we must offer well-founded theoretical-methodological research proposals. Our proposal in this Special Issue is to address comparative research in the study of social reality, focusing on the construction and use of social indicators in such research among countries (including comparisons between regions or cities). We started out on this path in the context of the European INCASIFootnote1 project that we had the opportunity to run between 2016 and 2019 together with 20 European and Latin American universities. It gave us the chance to exchange ideas and receive interesting contributions through the Research Committee 55 "Social Indicators" at various international meetings: the ISA Congress in July 2018 (Toronto, Canada) and the Mid-term Conference of the RC55 in the context of the 13th Spanish Congress of Sociology, in July 2019 (Valencia, Spain). This special issue describes the journey so far, and one that we are determined to continue through the analysis and study of contributions from a wide variety of researchers that have generated theoretical-methodological reflections with a clear comparative focus (i.e. measurement and study of the same phenomena in different countries) and with well-established empirical bases.Presentació del número especial monogràfic "Comparative Perspectives on Social Indicators

    Social Inequalities in Europe and Latin America. An Analysis Model Based on Life, Occupational and Educational Trajectories Research

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This paper presents the main characteristics, objectives and a preliminar analytical model of the INCASI project of research addressed to study the global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty

    ¿Somos más móviles? Incluyendo a la mitad invisible

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    GT 6 Desigualdad y Estratificación SocialBackground of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEl objetivo de la comunicación es difundir los avances obtenidos en el proceso de investigación sobre la movilidad ocupacional intergeneracional. Para tal fin se utiliza la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida del INE (2005) que permite obtener información ocupacional sobre padres e hijos. Este análisis es un primer paso en el estudio de la contribución específica de la educación superior al proceso de movilidad social en el que estamos trabajando.La comparación de la ocupación entre origen (padres) y destino (hijos) Tradicionalmente se ha realizado utilizando la población masculina. En este estudio nos proponemos responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿en qué medida los resultados de los análisis sobre movilidad relativa cambian cuando se toma en cuenta toda la sociedad, es decir, se incluye a la población femenina? Para dar respuesta a esta pregunta se utiliza como metodología el análisis de las matrices de transición y los modelos log-lineales. En particular se han seguido los pasos dados en España por los análisis predecesores en la materia como los de Echeverría, 1999; Carabaña, 1999; Marqués Perales y Herrera-Usagre (2010) y Salido (2001) Los resultados tienen una doble implicación. En primer lugar, se discute la validez de los métodos que no incluyen a la población total y que, sin embargo, generalizan los resultados al conjunto poblacional y, en este sentido, se revisa el propio procedimiento en lugar de ceñir el análisis a aquella parte de la población que cumple con las condiciones establecidas por el modelo (Salido, 2001). En segundo lugar, se presentan las diferencias que muestra el modelo convencional con los hallazgos de fluidez social cuando incluimos a la población femenina en dos modelos que hemos dado en llamar ampliado e integral de dominanci